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Everything posted by Bill1978

  1. This is why the casual hand waving of the original newbies annoys me so much. OK I understand the show wants to blame somebody other than the creative team but really they just wrote themselves into a stupid corner. You could have started the season as it was, with the Original 5 off screen but still at McKinley, or at least have Rachel inform them she is restarting New Directions and have the 5 reject her because of the fear of Sue. SO then the storyline continues as planned and they get the 5 New Newbies joining. Then the invitational begins and Sue announces the 12 member plot. Rachel goes to Kitty for help, and Kitty convinces the other 4 Originals to come back to new Directions. Suddenly you have a team of 10. Which would require the show to find just 2 randoms instead of 7 randoms, much more believable for me.
  2. While we haven't got Galavant in Australia yet, and we better or I'm sending a stern letter to the network, I have been YouTube-ing the songs. And I must say I am really impressed with the wit of Slater's lyrics. Something I feel was missing with his previous 2 outings with Menken (ignoring his contributions to Mermaid). I haven't laughed at lyrics so much sicne hearing Book Of Mormon the first time. While I think Schwartz is a better fit for Menken at the moment, I must say these are some of the wittiest lyrics to a Menken composition since the Ashman days. In regards to Menken's melodies, I initially was underwhelmed by them and slightly disappointed. Which was confusing for me as I am a massive Menken fan. But upon repeat listens, I think the problem is caused by not having access to a full blown orchestra (well to my ears it sounds like a little orchestra). I think the music needs a bit more oomph from the orchestra to really highlight Menken's work. Many of the songs do have memorable hook to them, like classic Menken so they can't be all that bad. Here's hoping that the work of Galavant gets recognised and Menken can finally become an EGOT member.
  3. After reading about what has happened to the original Newbies in the show (Sue made their life hell so they transferred to another school), I must say I am disheartened. True they may not have connected with the audience, but a part of me would prefer they were there at the end rather than the new newbies. I think it would have made for potentially better storylines trying to convince the original newbies to relaunch New Directions AND recruit some newbies, rather than solely relying on new Newbies. I personally feel that I would have a better chance of hoping for New Directions to be re-established if they used the original Newbies rather than hoping I connect with the new newbies. But considering I find it sloppy writing to remove those actors I shouldn't be surprised. But if the show is willing to have Matt Rutherford back, surely there is room to have the old Newbies return even in the last episode.
  4. I admit that I had high hopes for season 6 because I continue to feel the strongest batch of episdes were the first ever 13. In hindsight it was because they actually were able to plot everything out AND just use songs that matched the story. It felt like the stories were written first and songs added later. After it was picked up to be a true series I felt that suddenly it was songs were chosen first and then the stories written around the songs. Now this wouldn't normally bother me, but when you are purely choosing what song is hot 1 week ago, the big picture story suffers. It got to the point where it was clear there was no direction with this show. They were writing this show 5 minutes before the camera rolled. Whatever matched the mood of the set and writers at that moment, screw what happened before in the story I thought perhaps with Season 6 being in a similar situation it could end on a high, but all the spoilers indicate that the writers are really jst given up caring. The only thing that I can hold onto is that I know that whatever song is hot in early 2015 won't slip into the show just ot appear cool. Hopefully Season 6 at least has the stories didcating what is to happen as opposed to a trendy song.
  5. I'm always a supporter of groups on any version of X Factor. Mainly cause that's the category that really sets this show apart from the other reality singing shows. But I have to admit that this year I don't even think a group will survive into the final half of the show. I think Only The Young have the best shot. I think Louis is the wrong mentor for the groups. For someone who has experience with manufactured pop groups, he often seems clueless with how to present them. I really want Stereo Kicks to work since it is a unique thing to have a boy band that isn't made up of 4 or 5 members.I think the problem Louis has is he is trying to apply the One Direction model of boyband to the group instead of relying on the 90s model. By this it seems he thinks that the best performances is to have a bunch of solos followed by a big group sing for the chorus. With 8 people it is probably best to have the solo singer supported with the harmonies behind, like Take That did in the 90s or even Westlife, during the verses and then a big group sing with harmonies. I would really like to see these guys attempt something like Back For Good where Louise would be forcd to get that whole boyband singing going. It might actually help untie the group before they are lost. I admit that while James Graham can sing, he freaks me out for some reason and I wish Louis would stop highlighting him. I agree with others who have said Only The Young are probably best for kdis parties, but damn I am getting a fun Same Difference vibe from them and would like them to survive a little longer. I have formed no opinions of the solo acts yet. Will wait until the groups are booted and I am forced to care about one of the solos winning
  6. I am truly disappointed that Will is over at Vocal Adrenalin. It doesn't work with me to have him competing against his not only his own 'children' but his own high school he attended.
  7. I think the only way Rachel's return to Lima (and the others to be honest) can be accepted by my brain is if she performs Madonna's This Used To Be My Playground as she returns to the choir room. Just her and the room and towards the end the other regulars join her in 'support'
  8. I've always assumed the gold crown part of the prophecy reflected the colour of the kids hair, now an actual crown.
  9. I've just started reading the very first book after finally caving in to the 'phenomenon' of GoT, also known as curiosity but I have spoiled myself silly with the plotlines etc. But the one thing that has me wondering is: Exactly how Jon's heritage will come out and for people to believe it. The other guy (sorry forgotten his name) that possibly knows the secret that Ned kept, how would he be forced to blurt it out and how would he prove it? Is there somebody else that could confirm the heritage, or would Jon have to do something for people to say Yep he is the heir!
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