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Everything posted by threebluestars

  1. Nolan and Bishop have a great relationship. I really enjoy them. And in a non-romantic way lol. I'm kinda shipping Chen/Bradford. *ducks for cover*
  2. I keep waiting for Laura's years of marriage to Luke to pay off somehow in her ability to get away from Ryan, but no. Maybe she is lost without the bag she travelled to Port Charles with in 1993. ETA: I couldn't resist:
  3. On one hand, I think Kaci full on knows Evan cheated even before the video, but she knows if she SEES it she's going to have to blow up her whole life, and you can't do that stuck on Temptation Island. So she's going to wait it out until she's home. That would probably be my first reaction - I'd want to dump him, fly home and move out before he even knew I was gone lol. But you can't do that here, so I can see why she'd want to prevent herself from seeing it too soon. But on the other hand ... she dumb. I would loooove if the video editors put in audio of him talking about what they did next time so if she's not watching she'll still hear about it.
  4. That could actually be a very interesting story line. Most cops his age are probably not in patrol and can likely get away with a bit of extra weight, but he's a rookie, in an active position ...
  5. I really liked this episode. "You think it's a good idea to let McGee run this interview." "Yeah. It's the best idea I ever had." LOL. There were some really funny lines. It felt like an old episode of NCIS. Finally. And let's keep Delilah, please. I love her. I still think McGee, Delilah, Gibbs and Fornell are my secret NCIS Dream Team.
  6. Ahh, that explains why he was so knowledgeable about what happened during his heart issue. He was using specific terminology that got me wondering.
  7. Same here. I couldn't stand the pilot, but I really like the actress playing Macy, and I'm warming up to everyone else - they seem to embrace the camp, which is nice.
  8. That is some great prop/set dec work on that journal! Honestly, Ziva faking her death reads true to me. I see her justifying it very, very easily, just like keeping Tony's kid from him. Her first episode act is to protect Gibbs by murdering her own half brother, so yeah, can totally see her hiding a child and then faking her own death (and justifying that now Tony gets Tali and she has to stay away as being punishment/compensation for her actions).
  9. I have a feeling exam room 6 probably has some permanent lighting set up so they don't have to do it in a new room every time.
  10. I remember season one was in Belize because I couldn't get over how beautiful it was ... and this time I had no idea until tonight that they were in Hawaii (apparently on Maui).
  11. So Jeannette was upset about having to go to New York on her own again with Jazz for surgery, needed to tell Greg how awful it was on her in New York the first time, but was totally fine taking a recovering Jazz in a wheelchair to Philly by herself? Okay. I like Jazz's grandpa a lot, so at least there's that.
  12. I got the Zeke/Major's son vibe too, and I have no idea why. While I like that the family is involved in all of this now so the drama is gone from that department, I find my interest is flagging too. Maybe because there seems to be no real indication of what the hell is going on. I want a few answers to sustain me.
  13. Runaway: Diary of a Street Kid by Evelyn Lau She ran away at age 14, ending up on the streets of Vancouver, involved in drugs and prostitution but kept a diary of her experiences.
  14. This was a really good final two. I'm actually surprised he didn't go with Mia, only because with her being so young I can see her wanting to mould her into whatever he wants, while Ariel may be more set in her ways, so that surprised me a bit. But Ariel reminds me a bit of Christina, so I'll be curious if she sticks around with GR.
  15. I have come back to GH the last few weeks after not watching for literally years. I am having such a hard time keeping some of these guys straight lol. There's so many damn cast members! I think what drew me in is Ryan because I started watching back in the 90s when he was after Felicia. Any explanation for why Ryan suddenly isn't obsessed with Felicia anymore? And so Kevin put him in Ferncliffe under a fake name, and now everyone thinks Kevin is Mr. Fake Name ... but how on earth have none of them thought "Gee, this guy looks just like Dr. Collins who had a twin that was a serial killer, so weird!" lol. Did the nurse live under a rock and miss it? They look like twins and have different names and you're not calling bullshit? Were they paid off? Are they in a secret wing? How does no one see this??? I hope I missed an explanation about this. Not enjoying the new Lulu actress - I watched briefly when Julie Berman was Lulu and I preferred her.
  16. "Larry looked like the devil's Creamsicle." Have not laughed that hard in a long time.
  17. I feel bad Kaci thinks she blew it by giving him an ultimatum, because no matter what, he was never going to commit to her, specifically. She would be so much better off finding someone else.
  18. The story Grover told at the end did seem oddly stitched on and it made me wonder if it was Chi McBride's story rather than Grover's.
  19. I would totally watch a show with Mrs DoubtRamsay and her Golden Girl friends driving around critiquing restaurants.
  20. I don't remember her character either, but it looks like she was on in the first season and my memory is crap lol.
  21. This was such a great episode from a learning perspective. I mentioned in the questions thread that I had never considered something like peeing being so different and new. It has to be so weird to know everything is there, but in a new place, and your brain has to kind of rewire itself so your brain/body works together with the new parts. I googled some gender confirmation before and after pics after this episode because I was curious what Jazz would actually see (even so soon post surgery) and SCIENCE IS AMAZING.
  22. I really appreciated the surgery episode for opening my eyes to the things I'd never considered - how difficult it would be to pee when your anatomy has been altered, for one. Never crossed my mind, but what a strange thing it must be to know things are still there, but moved around (and having to deal with this while in pain from surgery because urine + open wound = OW). How long would it take your brain to adjust and make a new roadmap, so to speak?
  23. They showed Shari the worst clip because she wasn't interacting enough. Get her pissed at her boyfriend and ready for some revenge dating and you got yourself some TV lol. "You were my second choice" LOLOLOL
  24. I suspect the patient's diagnosis has already been made before they film, and a lot of it is reenactment for the camera. The show's formula is to give the answer for the most complicated case at the end on the return visit for drama's sake, but I'm sure she either suspects or knows way before that - otherwise how do you screen patients so you can put together interesting episodes. The "big case" is usually something a bit different, and I doubt they'd want to repeat the same major issues too much like they do with the common cyst/lipoma in each episode. It's just like on Botched where you can count on two real cases and one that never goes through to surgery.
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