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Everything posted by threebluestars

  1. Clyde the Shark was awesome lol. I've missed his tortoisey goodness. I like that they brought in the hackers again for a great callback. Died laughing at the thought of him singing Let It Go in that outfit lol. And I double love how Joan is all "whatever" and doesn't even bother to view the performance lol.
  2. I thought rolling pennies looked relaxing lol.
  3. It took me forever to realize the female cop was Jean Benoit on NCIS. I couldn't place her and it took ages for me to hunt down who she was.
  4. I think the idol power will be that you can present it after the vote is read. I think that would lend itself to some great tribals IF the person who had it kept quiet about having it. The blindside expressions would be awesome lol.
  5. This is only the second episode I can remember where the unsub got away at the end (the other being the child killer/molester on the Appalachian trail). Am I forgetting any others? Also, all the horror movie feel in it was great considering Tobin Bell's run in the Saw franchise lol.
  6. I don't really like Nell-as-Hetty either. I think it's because the actress is so young looking, and the character has come off as having limited field experience (whereas Hetty is ... well, Hetty lol). It seems like a job that would require a lot more life experience and understanding/bonding of the team. Nell's reaction at wanting the Kensi pic off the screen was totally something I'd expect from her ... but not from the operations manager. Hetty had to keep it under wraps until the mission was done, even if it meant looking at upsetting stuff, and I just don't see Nell being there yet.
  7. The scene when their helicopter first landed in Afghanistan looked exactly like the opening to MASH that I wondered if they filmed in the same place. Some great stuff with Deeks - I love it when he saves the day lol. I'm disappointed in the Jack situation - I was hoping it'd come out that he was with the Taliban and not that he was a good guy. Daniela Ruah was great at the end.
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