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Everything posted by threebluestars

  1. I think the key was that they said "THEY consider a floater/physical threat" - so they could decide Caleb is a floater and target him. I don't think it messes up anyone's game ... they just have to get on the same page with who they think falls into the category chosen. They could justify anyone.
  2. I felt bad for Andi when she was crying and lamenting her last conversation with Eric. It does suck that the last moment they had together was an argument. I felt she was genuinely upset at the fact it ended the way it did and there would be no opportunity to ever hash it out after the show was done. Josh looked completely unperturbed. I liked seeing the crew comforting people - many of those crew members probably spent eons more time with the "cast" than the cast ever did each other - which means they also probably spent a ton of time with Eric. A bad situation all around, and not something they could really ignore in the scope of the show since it happened while they were still shooting.
  3. My mom on Caleb: "He looks like a serial killer." And this is her unaware of how batshit crazy he's been over Amber on the feeds.
  4. I haven't read the book yet (Pines by Blake Crouch) but I love Matt Dillon. I also live where the show is shot, so I'm excited to see it for lots of reasons.
  5. I loved being able to get to know houseguests in a smaller batch like this. I already know their names! It is so much nicer than trying to figure out who is who for 2 weeks. So far Joey, Devin and Amber don't annoy me.
  6. What I hate about lie detectors is that there's no room for explanation. So if you're asked if you wash your hands after going to the bathroom, and you remember that one time you didn't, and you say "Yes" you're lying, but if you say "No" it isn't quite accurate either. I can see why the guys were skeeved about it. That being said, Josh was SO defensive. He knew it'd reveal he wasn't there for the Right Reasons.
  7. Marquel - my pick for next Bachelor. I think he'd be a lot of fun and he seems really outgoing. I think he'd be an awesome Bachelor and I want to see him find someone! Josh and Nick both have the same vibe to me - so did Andrew. Very smarmy and gross. I have trouble even looking at their stupid faces. I was surprised the guy with the dead siblings got a rose - he seemed so invisible this episode. I was surprised she chose Cody. They don't seem like they match up at all. I guess I'm on board the Chris train, although I don't really see anyone here that I see Andi with.
  8. Retreads again?? Does Grodner not understand that we want to see new, interesting people? That are not racist douchebags or Hollywood fame whores? Ugh.
  9. Has anyone ever tried a blind taste test? Are they really that hard, or are these people just terrible?
  10. I have never seen one person have so many issues with counting in such a short time lol. I wonder how much of it has to do with getting little sleep, since I remember reading somewhere that they often only get 3-4 hours a night.
  11. Last night's ep was the one with Emily Fornell, and I have to say I loved the character and the actress. "Wait ... now I'm confused ... you suck at this!"
  12. Andi's one piece in Juan Pablo's season was GORGEOUS and I would kill for it. I remember being really happy to see someone in a cute one piece for a change.
  13. Patrick reminds me facially a bit of the douche that arrived in the helicopter on Emily's season - Kalon.
  14. That group date was all kinds of awkward, but the guy grinding on Chris until he slapped his ass had me rolling so hard it was worth all the cringe. I'm glad she cut Craig despite his propensity for drunken drama - I'm shocked the producers didn't make her keep him, but you could tell the minute she saw him acting a fool that he was gone. He seemed wired even after the rose ceremony - very spastic facial expressions. It's hard watching Eric talk about his future knowing he died so soon afterward. Marquel ... that was a lot of pattern, dude.
  15. I really love all of the characters on this show - their interactions are great. Flynn and Vega have such a great partnership. Love seeing a who's who of local actors too lol.
  16. Re: Emil pronunciation I never thought I'd get a "The more you know!" moment out of the Bachelorette, but there we are lol.
  17. I almost forgot ... how has no one snapped up "It's pronounced like anal with an M" lol. I thought Emil was pronounced like "eh-meel" not "ay-muhl" ....??
  18. The long haired doctor looked like a 12-year-old. His handsome factor would be upped 100% if he had his hair cut. Josh had me rolling with his exit interview ... "I'll have to call my parents - 'well ... that SUCKED'." lol. Did she keep lamp guy?
  19. Marquel had me at cookies lol. I'm afraid this season might be a bit of a lame duck - even the previews didn't look all that "most shocking [insert here] ever". I want more crazy!
  20. I feel like the gate-crashing Chris was added in later because the actual cocktail party was pretty quiet and tame. They needed some kind of drama.
  21. I found her teeth completely distracting.
  22. I agree that Adalind has become an unfun villain. I really like Claire Coffee, and when Adalind had her powers taken away, I had a lot of hope for the character. But I think all the baby/royal stuff kind of ruined her. I would have liked to see her flailing about life without powers and then reluctantly having to help Nick - when her character was vulnerable, I liked her more. I am liking Juliet a lot more this season too - I think in part because Bitsie Tulloch has had more to do so there's not such a flat character to deal with. I am still baffled beyond belief why a vet doesn't own a pet, and why they've never brought her in more regarding the animal nature of wesen. Occasionally they do, but it's just a little here and there - I think she could be used in a better way. I was so mad when Tommy Howell shot Renard I was gleeful when his head tumbled down the stairs. And I love him lol. But you don't shoot my captain! I think I'm most interested in seeing what Wu makes of everything. Pissed off Wu could be really intriguing - just think of the sarcastic comments!
  23. I really miss JJ as the media liaison because I feel like her interactions with the family showed a better side of her with compassion and skills different from the profilers. As a profiler, she is exactly what SSAHotcher said - pushy, cold, arrogant.
  24. That made me laugh. "I ain't gettin' on no submarine!" Although, I have to say I think he now has a legitimate reason for not wanting to get on them lol.
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