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Everything posted by threebluestars

  1. Did Chris Harrison actually say to Ryan "Have a seat" or was I dreaming it went that awesomely? I can't stand Britt. She comes off so fake. Her unwillingness to honestly say if she's feeling less than "excited!" comes off as so disingenuous. Kaitlyn, as awkward as she is, does come off more real. I wish she'd drop the joke thing because I think it's played out, but at least she honestly talks with some of these guys, Britt just touches her fair, opens her eyes wide and talks over each person while being "excited!" She is super aware of how she wants to portray herself that it comes off totally calculated and insincere. That Chris Harrison drawing was really good!
  2. I prefer real books and I still buy them for the authors I love, but I love being able to take almost my entire library with me on my Kobo Glo. I am considering upgrading to a Kobo Aura H2O because I love to read in the bathtub and it's waterproof. I'm currently trying to replicate my entire library in epub format. It's pretty easy to find epubs for fiction, it's all my non-fiction that's really hard (and sometimes not worth it).
  3. Get a free copy of my YA/NA novel Brookline University: Freshman Year on Kindle today (May 17). http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005XQJPZC
  4. I thought that too! I've thought for awhile they were setting up Arkady to be Callen's father.
  5. This aired last night in Canada. Meh. But isn't that true of every episode?
  6. I assumed she put the USB trap thing on her fiance's computer because he had more access to the company than she did, and when he was "discovered" as the mole, she realized it was the best way to keep herself safe (because she probably assumed he wouldn't kill his own son, but probably wouldn't have any qualms about having her killed). I also think Montgomery knows it's her and is setting her up.
  7. I was fully expecting the cancellation. You can't tell us stalkers are bad and stalking is bad and have the lead male character stalk his ex-wife. All credibility was gone when they had Jack do that and then tried to treat him like a hero. I still think if they had gone down the "Jack goes bad because of stalking" route and killed him off at the end of the season, opening up for a new partner, it would have worked a lot better. I really like Maggie Q and I loved her in this role, I just wish the supporting characters were better written. Now if only CSI: Cyber would get the axe.
  8. The only way to salvage this show is to kill Juliette. It would be poetic after Aunt Marie's warnings to Nick. And he has to do it ... it would be the only way I'd be able to handle continuing to watch.
  9. Adalind's evil is a lot more fun for me because she's funny. Hilarious lines tonight with her mom's corpse, I laughed out loud a lot. I think this is why I now prefer her over Juliette. Adalind, as bad as she is, is also totally fallible and hilarious while being fallible. Juliette is just being turned into a completely irredeemable bad guy. And I liked the character before this! With every bad guy, you have to be able to identify with them in some way ... and I just don't with Bad Juliette. Even though you can argue it's the hexenbeist, it makes no sense, since the other hexenbiests we've seen haven't been evil like she's being. So then ... it's her own personality coming out? From where? So many character inconsistencies that you can't explain away with magic. I just really think the writers mangled this badly. The only thing to do is have Juliette be killed (by Nick!). I feel like it's the only way to rescue this.
  10. I would really love to see Nick have to kill Juliette - both because she's a Wesen doing evil and she's a human doing something illegal/bad. It'd be awesome seeing how he copes with having to do that.
  11. The whole episode I felt like I'd seen this same episode on this show before. I would rather have had the daughter be a mastermind using the schizophrenic for her own purpose.
  12. I hope she is reading everything everyone thinks about her and realizes what a fucking shrew harpy bitch she is and decides a personality transplant is in order. I wouldn't spend five minutes with her if someone paid me. HORRIBLE person. Free Blair! Free everyone she knows in the world!
  13. Blue Bloods has also used it, as has CSI and Hawaii 5-0. It seems to be the hot drug of choice at CBS lol.
  14. Judging from how bad so many episodes are, it doesn't sound like they pay attention to the wants of the fandom much at all. Otherwise we'd have the show get back to seasons 1-5 goodness ...
  15. I don't think he picked Hotch - the psychiatrist woman told Hotch when he arrived that she got Rossi's message - I think Peter Lewis was there when that msg was left and knew Hotch was on the way and just decided to mess with him because he was there and he could. There could've been an element of revenge in that the FBI never shut down the woman until way she had ruined his family.
  16. I'm hoping the blood of another Grimm ... like Trubel ... can de-Hexen Juliette.
  17. I always loved Delilah's character, and was disappointed when it seemed like they weren't thinking of keeping her around. I love her as part of the team - before they'd chosen Bishop, I was actually hoping she'd be the new addition.
  18. Reiko Aylesworth was the politician's wife - she was on One Life to Live years ago, but I can't recall if she and Nathan overlapped. More recently she's been on Hawaii 5-0 and 24.
  19. I kept trying to remember how Allison got a black eye.
  20. Ally Sheedy plays a great crazy. She creeped me out big time. I love that the motive actually had nothing to do with the sex trade or affairs.
  21. Sad Jon and Harley got the boot - I hate race legs where it's all about the flights. Their deficit from the previous leg hampered them on this one, and I hate that. The Speed Bump also seemed really difficult compared to "go have a sauna" and crap like that in previous seasons. They were really nice to watch, and I love seeing people on the race enjoying the race and their partners. I am now on Team Blair - the minute she told him to make the decision on which direction to go because she didn't want to, and he did, then not 3 seconds later she was telling him where to go, I wanted to smack her. She doesn't want to be in charge and make decisions in case they're bad ones, but she also doesn't want him to make any decisions. Can't have it both ways. OH - and cats! Best cafe ever! I WANT.
  22. I loved Bishop in the dumpster. "Thanks for getting us a probie, boss." LOL
  23. I love that everyone knew Angie wanted to come back, but they also knew she wasn't going to out and say it. I apparently missed the season 2 finale, so I was totally lost about why she was in recruiting and what happened between her and Vega (... don't particularly care about Cross lol). Who was she in bed with in the beginning?
  24. I feel like she is just going to wear Blair down and make him like her lol. She seems totally relentless.
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