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Everything posted by threebluestars

  1. I took it again and got 7/12 - so I'm getting worse as the show goes on, which makes me worry that it's killing my brain cells.
  2. I would love it if they'd update the show to give Becca access to the internet so she could Google these guys after the first night lol. Sort of related - I have this memory that on a season of the Bachelor, there was a girl who was friends with him who went into the house as a plant. Did this actually happen or am I crazy? I LOOOOVE this idea. I would love it if an opposite sex friend was in the house as a plant every season. The drama would be amazing, not to mention the paranoia each season about who it is lol.
  3. I'm waiting for a Paradise showdown between model Jordan and Daniel from Canada. Clash of the Egos!
  4. I thought tattletale Chris looked like Eddie Menuek from Friends (Adam Goldberg). So much so that I would have eliminated him just for that lol.
  5. Back in the day I couldn't stand Becky, but I really love her in the reboot. The character as a teenager was always a snooty brat to me. But I love adult Becky whose life hasn't gone very well. Her relationship with Darlene is a lot more fun now too.
  6. I'm surprised at Andrea Bordeaux being 5'3" - she definitely has a statuesque appearance.
  7. I was all Team Deeks during his discussion with Kensi too. She's never indicated she didn't want to have kids etc with him and now suddenly it's all Job4Lyfe. I mean, I get why she would feel that way after being injured so severely, but you figure it would have come up at least once before this. I felt bad for Deeks the most - he lost his job, probably his fiancee, the support of his friends who in the past would have stood by him more, and then he showed up anyway. Another reason I was hoping that helicopter would explode was that it would have been a close escape for Kensi - like Deeks trying to protect her almost killed her irony. Not sure where he would've gone with that, but it would have been interesting. The bad thing about Hidoko possibly being dead - I don't think Mosley cares. I don't think she'd care if the entire team was dead. She got what she wanted, she'd see it as a fair trade. I'd say the trade should equal prison time, but what do I know lol.
  8. I wanted Mosley's helicopter to blow up as it took off.
  9. The actress that played her was great - I would be on board for her getting her own Harriet Tubman show. I really love how much I'm learning about history in this show. I find that aspect really fun.
  10. I really loved the characters, and I'm so mad it's not coming back. I've lost so many shows this year, it's awful. It makes me not want to watch anything new until I know it's getting a season 2.
  11. Remember when this was about investigating Navy crimes?!?
  12. I really enjoyed the background music in this episode. Lots of great musical cues and it just was very different from a lot of shows. I'm really going to miss this one, I think they made a mistake in cancelling it.
  13. So far almost every show I watch has been cancelled.
  14. I watched some S1 and S2 episodes a few weeks back, and the difference in Abby's character really stands out. I really enjoyed her more early on. They did make the character sillier as the seasons went on. I've noticed that in a lot of shows when a character gets really popular, it's like they try and shoehorn in just the things they think the fans like, but it reduces the character to almost parody level.
  15. Meh. The actors unprofessionalism ruined it. It was a sad effort. The characters deserved better, and the writers are probably relieved. I feel bad for them.
  16. The personal issues have affected this show so much this season that I just want Abby to get lost and the show can move on and stop screwing over the fanbase thanks to two actors who can't even film in the same damn room. What a fucking joke this show is. Gary Glasberg is probably spinning in his damn grave so fast he'll reanimate and then maybe he can fix this flaming dumpster fire. I used to love this show. I'm pissed they've ruined it for me.
  17. That was James Hong. I was looking at his IMDb credits, and he certainly hasn't slowed down over the years!
  18. I keep wondering how they're going to correct all the crap they've messed up. There has to be some kind of lynch pin "key" event that can reset everything to where it's supposed to be. I suspect once Rittenhouse is taken care of, that's what the issue will be. Which means they all have to accept they need things to be back to our present - so Flynn's family needs to be dead, Jessica needs to be dead, and Lucy is the only one that gets something half decent - her sister alive. And at this point I'm not sure about who'd want things back to the correct place. Also ... where the hell is Rufus's family? They dropped them like a hot potato.
  19. I agree that I really liked the entire garage scene and how it related to the minefield. I could just feel how uncomfortable all the characters were.
  20. Yeah, you're in freaking Quantico, and you call ONE agent?! Emily should be fired just for that.
  21. I'm missing Percy too. Someone in that writer's room is obsessed with corruption. I barely recognized Sergeant Halliday as the same character from the jungle episode. Apparently I notice clothes way more than facial features because she looked so different to me.
  22. I thought you were all joking about Estelle Parsons being 90!!!! I am stunned. She looks amazing. She and Dick Van Dyke found some kind of fountain of youth and are hiding it from the rest of us.
  23. Jeana looked SO SHORT next to Krys and Kyla on the runway, it was painful.
  24. This episode was really hard for me to watch. I got told a few years ago that I couldn't have kids so seeing Becky breakdown over it made me break down. That being said ... I really hope they stick with that storyline for her and don't make her magically pregnant. Because there are those of us out there that it won't happen to, and I hope the show keeps it that way. Not everyone gets the ending they want.
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