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Everything posted by threebluestars

  1. They showed Shari the worst clip because she wasn't interacting enough. Get her pissed at her boyfriend and ready for some revenge dating and you got yourself some TV lol. "You were my second choice" LOLOLOL
  2. I suspect the patient's diagnosis has already been made before they film, and a lot of it is reenactment for the camera. The show's formula is to give the answer for the most complicated case at the end on the return visit for drama's sake, but I'm sure she either suspects or knows way before that - otherwise how do you screen patients so you can put together interesting episodes. The "big case" is usually something a bit different, and I doubt they'd want to repeat the same major issues too much like they do with the common cyst/lipoma in each episode. It's just like on Botched where you can count on two real cases and one that never goes through to surgery.
  3. I am thinking a very bad case of ichthyosis from how painful it looked.
  4. I feel like the show needs to go the way of Criminal Minds and end. Which is sad because it used to be my favourite show. I don't like anyone in the cast anymore, the characters aren't interesting to me anymore and the plots just seem so rehashed. We'll never get another Call of Silence or SWAK.
  5. I loved OA's face as Maggie uncuffed the waitress and was chatting with her and he's like "Wait, what?" with this unbelieving smile on his face lol.
  6. I think Aly's moved on. I know she is/was dating an NHLer. I can't imagine going on TV to talk about your ex is high on her to-do list. She seems to have class, so I can't see that being on her radar.
  7. So I was so extremely bored I only made it to the girls leaving the limo, and when I saw more filler I went to bed. What did I miss? Anything worthy of being awake next week?
  8. I appreciate her empathy a lot too. Normally this type of show I wouldn't be able to stomach, but I'm appreciating her explanations of things (and the awareness it brings to more unusual skin conditions, especially the disfiguring ones), the fact she isn't judging her patients (and I'm assuming in the US the money/health care issue is a big reason why a lot of people don't get these things taken care of sooner), and I really like how comfortable she makes people. There's never a "OMG!" shock when she sees someone's condition. I also like that she has no qualms about treating them even if it is really cosmetic. I can't tell you how many doctors I've run into that have said since something isn't cancerous I should just live with it. I love that she understands that sometimes it's about more than that. I also like that she lets them see, touch and ask questions if they want.
  9. Noelle went to Marjorie Stoneman Douglas high school where the Parkland shooting happened and was in the school when it occurred. She has PTSD from that day.
  10. I am not a fan of final 3 because it's really a final 2. Has a final three ever had votes for all three people? It feels like only 2 ever get any votes. I prefer final 2s.
  11. I keep trying to figure out why Santa's sleigh is being pulled by Rudolph ... and only 6 reindeer and not 8. It'd be great if Comet and Donner got benched lol.
  12. I thought the actor playing Nolan's son did a great job because I swear he was channeling Nathan's style and delivery and they really came off like father and son.
  13. I noticed there was a big increase in lighter moments over the first few episodes, which I really appreciate. I'd LOVE a bit more of that. OA and Maggie in the surveillance van while he was preparing to go into the restaurant was funny. I like those moments because so much of the show is bad stuff happening.
  14. I got the impression the son said he was safer with him because he thought the cops wouldn't shoot his dad if he was there.
  15. I thought I heard Gabby say something earlier in the episode about booting Elizabeth being good for them since it puts Goliath at ease and makes them think the Davids are downtrodden, so I thought her tears at Tribal were trying to play that up - I mean, badly because she wasn't a very good actress - but I thought it was a show to advance their idea of their side being on the outs to hide their 6 person alliance.
  16. When he was walking through the bullpen and everyone else was looking at him and he ended up at Emily's office, my first thought was I'd rather hear from the characters like Reid, Rossi, JJ, Emily, than Luke. I think the team is just too big. I think if they could've held off bringing Alvez on we could've done well with just Daniel Henney's addition. As it is, there's too many people to focus on, and as a result I don't care about many of them. Even Tara is a non-starter for me now.
  17. I was also surprised/not surprised she was a cop - I'm actually more interested in how the downward slide happened than her current life. This show reminds me of Third Watch in a lot of ways. My favourite thing about that show was Yokas/Bosco and their relationship. It was never about sexual tension, and played more brother/sister, but there was honestly so much between them that they shared more than most couples. And I really appreciated seeing a male/female friendship on TV that never crossed the line. I'd like to see that with Nolan and his not-partner.
  18. Christmas has its roots in pre-Christian pagan celebrations. So bring it on. What I want to know is how they reset all the stuff they messed up so that they're back on the original timeline, but sans Rittenhouse? I mean ... they've changed a lot of stuff. Gotta undo it somehow ... (I'm predicting a Stargate SG-1-esque "Moebius" episode).
  19. It's especially stupid and boring because it's not at all how sororities operate - but expecting to see accuracy on TV about Greek life is hoping for something beyond hope anyway lol. But it takes me right out of the story every time because of all the inaccuracies.
  20. Honestly, LAPD history is so, so much worse than the bullying we're seeing on this show. Rampart, allegations of racism, cops raping women while on duty, Rodney King, years and years of police brutality ... LAPD has a long history of corruption and sickening behaviour, so this is small peanuts. I actually like the fact they're showing some really shitty behaviour from the characters, because I'm sure it pales in comparison to reality. The trainers were calling them "boot" - slang for a rookie officer. LAPD has a LOT of weird slang. ETA: A great book I read that had a lot of info about LAPD history that was quite interesting https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6088116-l-a-noir
  21. I'm hopeful for the asshole trainer because the character reminded me a bit of Bosco from Third Watch, who I ended up just loving despite his issues. I hope we're going to see something similar with him. Minus the junkie wife. I could do without that.
  22. I thought that was a really well-paced pilot. You got to meet everyone, get some defining characteristics so they all stood out, and all of the relationships and issues are established pretty early on, but without it feeling forced. I also like the bits of humour (I watch FBI right before this and desperately need the humour after that show). I think if this is the pilot, then the actual show will just get better. Pilots are usually not the high water mark, so I'm really looking forward to this.
  23. What was up with Joelle's hair? That was one bad wig or someone in hair and makeup needs some firing. I think they need to have the mission to find Callen's father be sanctioned - maybe he has information or they need his father for something, so they can go in with permission, because there's been waaayyy too many off-the-books missions the last few seasons and it's getting really old. I did find that I missed that authority person there, whether it be Admiral Kilbride, Hetty ... not really Mosely, but someone. I didn't really like the team on their own for some reason.
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