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Everything posted by threebluestars

  1. LOL, sums up my feelings on her EXACTLY.
  2. I love that when the Nigerian workers are talking amongst themselves, they are speaking Yoruba and subtitled! It always bothers me when they have characters you KNOW would be speaking their own language to each other speak in English instead just for the audience's benefit.
  3. Since they killed off Hidoko, I feel like they've gone off the rails horribly. She was a great character, and they just shit all over that.
  4. I agree, I've always loved the seasons where you can tell everyone really appreciates each other. All Stars all-male finale was just great with their friendship and camaraderie. I love seeing that so much more than dramaz.
  5. This felt a lot closer to the old episodes of NCIS which I appreciated. The stupid punishment was the only thing that bugged me.
  6. I have a feeling the sister will turn out to be the crazy in the family and end up dad's protege and everyone was worried about the wrong sibling.
  7. I wish they'd go back to the original "deep cover" stuff they were supposed to be doing. Seeing them go undercover in different personas was fun.
  8. I was so annoyed with the writers drawing everything out so badly in the church scenes. No one answered questions, no one waited for answers. It was so, so repetitive and boring. Just tell them exactly what you overheard, Lulu. Just ask Valentin outright if he paid Sasha to pretend to be your daughter, Nina. Just say Valentin hired you, Sasha. I mean come ON. Ugh.
  9. I loved Chris so much. Just yesterday I was looking for updates on the Go Fund Me page, but there hadn't been any. He was so young =(
  10. When Peter was dreaming, I at first thought the writers were finally being different and having a character be honest and Peter was going to be able to turn the tables on Shiloh. I was SO excited they were finally doing something unique. Then it was a dream. Disappointed doesn't cover it. UGH. So predictable.
  11. I figured it was more supposed to be like American Samoa. South Pacific, US territory (although I'm sure they said protectorate on the show), drives on the left but cars can have wheels on either side.
  12. I really liked the Ocean's 11 ending lol. Overall it's a fun summer show and I don't have to think hard while watching, which makes it good escape TV for me.
  13. I tried to watch the feeds last night and today, but it was so gross I couldn't. I really wish they'd get the edit they deserve for being such raging douchecanoes. I wish Nicole didn't have to spend time with these assholes.
  14. So I hated Paul so much during both his times on Big Brother. I would PAY MONEY for another season of Paul just so I wouldn't have to see these shower scum humans on this show. Gr8teful can suck it.
  15. OMG I didn't realize Jed was actually serious about a music career. No one has told him he can't sing?! I don't get why his family would encourage him to go out there and embarrass himself. This is so weird. I just thought the singing shtick was for the show. And he's serious. I am ... there are no words.
  16. Agreed! I really love the actress playing Trina, and I think she and Cam have chemistry. I want her involved more.
  17. So ... last week, wasn't Sonny all "Good to see you Jax" and Jax was "Good to see you too" and they were acting all bud like, and now it's "How do we survive the fact we hate each other?" WTF?? This is the second time the writers have completely reversed something they said only a week or two earlier.
  18. I read an article somewhere stating that Cam has lymphedema.
  19. THANK YOU! I KNEW I'd seen something like this on the show before, but I had no idea which season it was and couldn't even remember if the embedded spy was a guy or girl lol.
  20. I am here for secret camera shit on this show! lol. For ages I've wished they would have a mole on the inside - like a guy Hannah's good friends with pretending to be one of the suitors that could report back to her on how they really act (or, even better, two of them so you can compare opinions).
  21. It would be funny if she was a hallucination even though we know she's alive.
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