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Everything posted by threebluestars

  1. Apparently the BC one had the lowest amount of teams actually finish the race ever. I really liked Borneo and Argentina (I live in BC, so it's a bit too familiar to me lol)
  2. I remember they were required to pack out everything they packed in - food wrappers, equipment, etc. There was a big "leave no trace" element to it. Aside from that I always assumed it meant the ecology was the challenging part of the race lol,
  3. I wish they had focused on more of the non English speaking teams, especially Team East Wind. I don't mind reading subtitles, TV producers. I am also hoping that at some point the previous seasons will end up on Amazon as well. I haven't seen Borneo since it aired and it was a great race.
  4. The seasons are: 1995 Utah 1995 Maine/New England 1996 BC 1997 Australia 1998 Morocco 1999 Argentina 2000 Borneo 2001 New Zealand 2002 Fiji 2019 Fiji Some of them are on YouTube.
  5. I loved the series back in the day. Robyn Benincasa was my favourite racer - I remember being totally outraged when Team Eco Internet dropped her. I also remember one race the Japanese team captain (I think) carried a team member a good chunk of the race after she hurt her ankle. I remembered quite a few of the racers from the previous Eco Challenges, The one thing I wasn't iffy on was them being able to hire help/horses. On one hand, it's providing some entrepreneurs in the village some money, but it takes a bit away from the race. I suspect it was part of them being able to film there and use the villages. I also felt that there was too many similar legs - ie, lots of mountain biking, lots of stand up paddle. I would've liked to see more variation, but they were probably restricted due to the terrain. Next race will be Patagonia in 2021 (not sure when, for obvious reasons). I know the 1999 Argentina season I really enjoyed because there was a big variation in terrain and there was a lot of different disciplines during the race.
  6. Possible CSI reboot/limited series. https://www.newsweek.com/csi-reboot-20th-anniversary-cbs-cast-william-petersen-jorja-fox-grissom-sara-sidle-1524235
  7. I'd forgotten how much I love Jay/Lisa scenes. Their friendship is a real high point for me.
  8. I'm rewatching the series on Netflix - anyone else?
  9. That gave me a good laugh. I love those little nods to the audience. And I completely agree about Hartley. I was like "Sam? Emoting?!" lol. I think she brought so much more energy to the scenes and made them more fun to watch.
  10. Imagine if the chefs on Top Chef sucked at cooking and excelled at fighting, smoking and disappointing Gordon Ramsay.
  11. I really hope they give them more design time. I hate the quick, cheap looking crap everyone ends up having to make.
  12. That's what I meant lol. SO HARD to keep all this insanity straight.
  13. Didn't watch GH during the time of today's episode. So .... Sam's baby Lila was Kristina's ... sister and aunt? *sigh*
  14. My dreams for BB: - A cast of all people voted out first or second. I always feel bad for them. - A cast of all minorities. - A cast all over the age of 30.
  15. I want a season of Donny, Nicole and Kevin.
  16. Has the third person ever got any votes before? It never seems like it splits three ways at all. I prefer a final two.
  17. I am really hoping for a season of players that were voted out first (or second if they couldn't get enough voted out first people). It'd be familiarish, yet we have no idea how they'd play. I am also hoping for an Old School Survivor, where they give them the very basics and there's no idols, no extinction, no tokens, nothing. Just Survivor. But they don't tell the players that! So they run around thinking there's idols and there's not lol.
  18. Wow, I feel dumb that I didn't pick up on that - my brain was so stuck on the prison storyline that I assumed it had something to do with that.
  19. The warnings here (Canadian channel) said "in light of recent events" viewer discretion etc etc. What recent events? I was expecting some sort of pandemic in the episode.
  20. Totally agree that Mac/Desi is the weak part. I find them incredibly dull together. I miss fun MacGyver too. There's too much crap out there right now, I'd love to see more fun - I really, REALLY miss the humour Jack brought. I used to laugh and have fun watching this show, and now it's some psy-op that's zapping my energy. Dark MacGyver can GTFO
  21. UGH, this Chase/Willow/Sasha/Michael thing is BAD. I would've rather seen them all agree to the marriage and then have second thoughts after because they realize they have to live together and pretend (because you know Nelle will be waiting for them to slip up). And then feelings get weird - they could've played that instead of this ... weirdness. Someone find Wendy Riche, I wanna stage a coup.
  22. So I watched GH during the 90s, then ended up taking a long break and coming back to it about a year ago. All these flashbacks had me on YouTube looking up shows during the time I missed. And I came across this ... THIS IS AMAZING. I AM DYING. First, I forgot how much I loved Anders Hove as Faison. Anders Hove as Faison as Beetlejuice, I love even more. I also really miss Tyler Christopher. And his chest. I hope he gets his shit together. All these old clips I'm watching are highlighting the fact the last year has been pretty boring in terms of storylines. Where's the fun?
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