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Everything posted by threebluestars

  1. I am hoping Mac and Harm being apart was so that the outraged JAG fans bombard CBS with requests to bring JAG back and voila, the end is not written yet lol. "Burnt on the outside, bloody on the inside ... like my enemies." - Khaleesi of the Office of Special Projects
  2. I want to know the story of Harm flying F/A-18s and still being a captain and how old is he again? lol.
  3. When do they start sending these assholes home?!
  4. I thought Hester's dress would've been better without the pasties - just send the sheer top down the runway. I was so worried they were about to tell Jamal they hated his outfit, I was holding my breath. It was nice to see him get out of the rut he was in. ETA: Just went to look at the pop up sale images and WTF is the model on the right in the last photo doing posing like that?! In general the photography is ass on that page. None of the clothes look good, all of the models look demented.
  5. I could have sworn Willow had already told Michael her baby didn't die and she gave him up. Am I misremembering?
  6. OMG, that's it. That hand writing in blood stuck in my 5-year-old mind so strongly!
  7. This is probably a strange question ... but my very first memory of GH is of a woman dying on the floor and writing a name in blood and I swear it happens in this kitchen/dining room set - am I dreaming?? It would've been early 80s maybe? I was really little, but it stuck out to me so vividly as a kid.
  8. I keep wondering what this Ziva storyline would be like if it was McGee who'd discovered it. He'd be in a huge quandry - does Tony know? Should I tell him? Does Gibbs know? With Ellie it just seems ... I don't know. There's no connection with them, so the emotional impact isn't there.
  9. This is EXACTLY how I feel. I miss the old vibe, and I have no idea what went wrong. I though Chegwidden a good addition, so I was disappointed he vanished. I'm hoping they can do right by Rabb and we get a better vibe back on this show.
  10. I AM SO EXCITED. The article says he's the XO, so I'm assuming Mac left the Marines?
  11. Nadine bitching "I wanna go home" - well GO! No one was holding you captive, sourpuss.
  12. I think a good "twist" would be a throw back season. You get no idols. No advantages. No islands. Nothing. Just rice and a machete. That's all. Like the early seasons.
  13. I am sooo bored watching right now. Ryan "leaves" and it's dullsville.
  14. I agreed with keeping Frankie, since it's a design competition, not a sewing/fabrication one and Kavanaugh had no design in hers. The accessories were really trying to make the outfit look like it had more of a design to it, and I'm glad the judges saw through it. I'm also selfishly glad I won't have to hear Kavanaugh bitch the rest of the season.
  15. I'm pretty sure Ivy has achondroplasia. Her breakfast looked the best to me, but I'll eat anything with French toast and bacon lol. I still like that they send everyone home in twos. Are there more kids this year or does it just seem like it?
  16. Episode 3 and not a single person has actually gone home ... how long is this season gonna be?? lol. I'm actually assuming a whole flight of people will be gone at once. Wendy is annoying as hell, but I did respect how she fought through her ankle injury. I kind of wondered at first if the focus on the chickens was to deflect people away from the ankle.
  17. Patricia Cornwell X100 Her first 9 books in the Kay Scarpetta series were good, but after Point of Origin she started going off the rails and just massacred her characters. I gave away all my copies of her books because I couldn't handle the retconning and the misery anymore. And they were so good in the beginning.
  18. I agree that Nicole and Karl may have both just realized they hadn't put more than surface effort in, so I can see them staying together with this new knowledge just to see if they can make a go at a deeper relationship. Evan's only realization that he's a scum bag is because of John's take on Kady's actions, not because he actually believes he's one. It's what he thinks everyone else thinks of him. He never would've come to that conclusion on his own. The producers are evil geniuses for doing this video because it's going to make Morgan paranoid, Kaci more paranoid, Evan guilty ... the perfect bomb right as some people are getting complacent.
  19. Nolan and Bishop have a great relationship. I really enjoy them. And in a non-romantic way lol. I'm kinda shipping Chen/Bradford. *ducks for cover*
  20. I keep waiting for Laura's years of marriage to Luke to pay off somehow in her ability to get away from Ryan, but no. Maybe she is lost without the bag she travelled to Port Charles with in 1993. ETA: I couldn't resist:
  21. On one hand, I think Kaci full on knows Evan cheated even before the video, but she knows if she SEES it she's going to have to blow up her whole life, and you can't do that stuck on Temptation Island. So she's going to wait it out until she's home. That would probably be my first reaction - I'd want to dump him, fly home and move out before he even knew I was gone lol. But you can't do that here, so I can see why she'd want to prevent herself from seeing it too soon. But on the other hand ... she dumb. I would loooove if the video editors put in audio of him talking about what they did next time so if she's not watching she'll still hear about it.
  22. That could actually be a very interesting story line. Most cops his age are probably not in patrol and can likely get away with a bit of extra weight, but he's a rookie, in an active position ...
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