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Everything posted by threebluestars

  1. That lipsync. I so wish this had been a double chante.
  2. I thought Kam Hugh was the weakest in episode 1, but seemed to get a lot of talking heads, so I figured they'd keep her for the drama.
  3. I was starting to think One was a clone of Papa, so I didn't see the reveal he was One coming. I never pick up on these twists lol.
  4. I honestly thought we were going to call back to Spencer ensuring Laura won the mayor's race but I think the writers forgot about that.
  5. This is who I thought Cameron Mathieson would be - Stephen Lars. I think that would've been a better idea than Drew. I wanted Heather Webber to be behind everything and that is what draws Liz's parents to town. Not Finn being a douche.
  6. I loved Monet hosting the Pit Stop, I think that's where her strengths really lie. I am wondering if Raja is sort of being "punished" for being a quieter personality. She isn't loud or melodramatic, but is bringing top notch drag, and I'm getting ticked off seeing her glossed over every week.
  7. threebluestars

    Season 04

    ME TOO. Part way through I was like ... wait a minute ... Maggie's in a coma.
  8. Win 10, Firefox with uBlock Origin here, I had to "disable cosmetic filtering" in UBlock settings in order to see the forums again and keep uBlock on. Otherwise it would only show if I disabled ad blocking.
  9. I'd actually love to see them go down the "Michael is an abuser" path, but I know they won't. But it could be really, really good to see a character seen as milquetoast turn out to be controlling and have issues. I also want things to speed up. I feel like storylines moved faster years ago and the show was better for it.
  10. I actually wanted a resolution with the Dim/Juicy undercover, but I guess all the writers wanted was a vehicle for a Chen/Bradford kiss. I assume Nolan is going to get to be a TO now since he caught a most wanted fugitive and gang and Nyla's going to detectives.
  11. I think Buck is pissed because Jonah found out Hen and Chim were looking into him because Taylor had requested info on him.
  12. I'm betting Carly will keep the Nina/Willow connection quiet, Harmony will die before revealing the truth, and all Willow will think is that she's adopted. Then Willow will get sick with leukemia or something and require a transplant. Carly will then have to reveal that she knew the whole time Nina was Willow's mother in a reversal of the Nina/Sonny story.
  13. I didn't mind Susan Diol as Alexis. It does really suck that all the recasts seem to be needed right as major storylines start to peak.
  14. I can't watch the show with the volume too high thanks to all the high pitched screaming. It literally wears me down. I don't know how the judges handle it. And I agree, the show seems much less authentic compared to the first season. All of his US shows get so overproduced it's maddening.
  15. Erica Gimpel! And I often feel like the only person on earth that remembers Profiler. It was SO good.
  16. I assume Stella collapsed when she realized the divorced papers got thrown away and she's gotta break that news to Curtis lol.
  17. Most reality shows choose your clothes/look for you. One of many reasons why I'd never go on one lol.
  18. I agree that Sonny is more interesting to me now. He has some new layers with the "Mike" addition - sort of like bringing out the "what if I hadn't gone into the mob" person. Which I like, because I hate all the mob stuff. NuTrina I will reserve my thoughts on, just like I am with NuJordan because I think it takes a few weeks for an actor to really settle in with the character. I just hope Trina keeps her backbone because that was my favourite part of her character. I am also waiting for someone, ANYONE, to point out that ONE HOT TODDY DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY. I mean, they're in college ... they should have a clue, I hope Esme is faking pregnant because I can't see Ryan okaying that as the plan unless Esme using it as a plot to get close to Nikolas to break him and Ava up is the plan lol.
  19. I wish they'd have Curtis becoming so sure he's Trina's father only to find out it's Taggert lol.
  20. I've been thinking this about Willow's hair lately. It's kind of at a boring length, and I really liked her with the short bob because it was different from everyone else's.
  21. I totally agree. I don't even know the characters' names. Except Tank lol. He can lead a team of Very Good Boys who arrest human criminals.
  22. My top four are Bosco, Angeria, Willow and Lady Camden and I would just like to skip to that now please lol.
  23. I am hoping this since Phyllis knows Harmony/Lorraine.
  24. I am pretty sure LL caught covid at some point, so I am curious if he was missing because of being off for that.
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