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Everything posted by threebluestars

  1. I like that this puts his later coma in perspective too.
  2. "What is that!?" "Quiet Riot, sir!" LOL. I really enjoyed this too. It was a ridiculous episode, but it worked and it was fun.
  3. This show is very dull.
  4. I'm pretty sure Denny shoved Mara out of the way.
  5. I'm surprised to find I'm enjoying the focus on one person per episode at the moment. I'm also really happy with the pacing of everything.
  6. I think we're headed for a brain tumour storyline or something similar.
  7. I'd love to see Velma get out there with Colter.
  8. That definitely seemed like something, I was surprised the show ended the way it did.
  9. And he's freshly out of the Marines, so I expect some rigidity at first, especially with bosses/co-workers.
  10. Oh that would've been so much better than Damon showing up on Fire!
  11. I still can't figure out how they managed to renovate and rotate the house lol. I still think it would have been better if Sasha was Holly's "daughter' in the sense of they played mother and daughter for cons and they aren't actually related - or perhaps related by adoption. Someone on the writing team really loves incest stories, even if some of them are by marriage.
  12. They were con women together! That could be fun.
  14. Is the Criminal Minds cinematography and lighting crew on this show too? I think they know the Sandman is someone else. Or at least Gibbs thinks so. The woman in the locker room and at the end was Strickland. Not sure where she fits in.
  15. I'm really looking forward to case solving with limited technology. I think that will be a fun difference.
  16. I love how bonkers this show is. I laughed out loud multiple times. Never change, show.
  17. I actual hope Laura already knows Lucky isn't a match. I was looking up Lulu's blood type - apparently it's A- which is fairly rare (about 6-8% of the population). So yeah, she'd have a harder time finding a donor, but not impossible. I'm curious - have they mentioned her being on the transplant list for a deceased donor as well? They're all talking living donors like it's the only option. So this means Lucky has to be A-, as well as Nikolas. Which means when Lulu donated blood to Aidan, she donated Nikolas's blood *technically* because of the transplant. Have they tested Aidan?? Does GH have a medical consultant? Because they should.
  18. I really enjoyed this. Reminded me of S1. I like the new cop, hope she's sticking around.
  19. So I've been away for 3 weeks, decided to just jump in and not watch what I recorded. AND NOTHING HAS CHANGED. I mean ... I missed NOTHING. HOW?!?
  20. I desperately want someone to point out to Willow that her hero worship of Drew is a direct result of her growing up in a sex cult with an older, charismatic man at the helm. It would be an interesting story for her to actually realize that her past affects her decisions now. But there's no hope for this with these writers. Lucky's return is not interesting to me and I was really looking forward to having him back. He has yet to have a SINGLE SCENE with a regular character. COME ON. I hope Laura packed The Bag to go rescue Lucky.
  21. When Jagger stormed in on Sonny and Ava, I was hoping he'd slip, fall, hit his head, die, and Sonny and Ava would be forced to Weekend at Bernie's him out of the gallery and work together to cover it up. I think I'm desperate for a little GH slapstick.
  22. I think giving Jason Danny would be super interesting. He'd have to parent. Could be a way to get him away from the mob stuff.
  23. I really liked Gio today for some reason. Maybe he just plays well with Rena Sofer, but I found he seemed more his age - he's come off super young to me in the past, and today was way better.
  24. Yeah, I don't know why so many of the "return of an old favourite character" story lines involve them being held captive. Can't someone just return to town like a normal freaking person?! It's so overdone and lazy. I actually think it would've been better to see Lucky turn up at Laura's or Liz's saying he heard about Lulu. That being said ... I think I'd die laughing if we hear gunfire, and Holly and Ethan show up and are like "Your sister's in trouble, we have to go!" and that's that.
  25. So Lulu, having received marrow from Nikolas, should be making Nikolas's blood type in her system. A liver transplant requires matching blood type. So if he is not a match it's going to have to be because of something not blood type related. Like he has high blood pressure or suddenly contracted hep C in prison or something. I like the dude Lucky is helping. He can come to Port Charles.
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