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Everything posted by threebluestars

  1. The handbag lady was Andy Paige. She's a QVC guest host. I actually knew her from the show Starting Over, which was 6 women living in a house in Chicago with life coaches and a psychiatrist trying to help them overcome whatever is stopping them from moving forwards in their life. Andy was a former model who wanted to become a style consultant (focusing on affordable beauty and style). She had just lost her twin, who'd murdered her (the twin's) boyfriend and then killed herself. She had major trust issues and difficulty connecting to people. You could see back then she had major host vibes - I am not shocked at all she's at QVC now.
  2. I am hoping this is like Bondi Rescue but fictional. I'd say with more drama, but ... lol. Bondi has its share.
  3. I don't know ... John Wells did ER and the West Wing. So despite the title, maybe it'll be a more serious show?
  4. Wasn't Kristina concerned that TJ would take the baby full custody if he and Molly broke up, and she was getting the papers together because she was genetically the mother and could at least file for sole so the baby stayed with the Davis clan? I vaguely remember a conversation with her and Alexis about this. Not that I think she didn't want custody herself, but I think when she brought it up it was so that Molly could then adopt the baby from her? Or am I totally misremembering? (And like ... Kristina, you really think TJ wouldn't let Molly have access to the baby if they split up??)
  5. I don't get this story line. Kristina and Molly are fighting over something that no longer exists. It's like fighting over air. There is no payoff for the audience aside from Ric showing up and he SHOULD have shown up to support Molly waaaay before this. They don't need this storyline for him to come to town! And honestly ... I don't care whose fault it is Kristina went out the window. I don't care if she was re-enacting a Nelly Furtado song or she was possessed by Spirit Airlines. .
  6. Well, GH let a woman who's never had a baby be a surrogate, so I think they'd be okay with Cyrus donating 🤣
  7. The liver only needs the same blood type. I smell Cyrus offering.
  8. I honestly held Kem against Thandiwe Newton for years. I guess assuming the characterization was an acting choice. It wasn't until Westworld that I realized it was the writing and not the actress because she is AMAZING in that.
  9. Yeah, I like Sasha and Cody, and they are the only couple outside of Joss and Dex we may get some heat from.
  10. I couldn't stand Kem because I shipped Carter with Debbie the Red Cross worker.
  11. I will die on the hill that I liked JJ better as the media liaison. I liked having that bridge between the team and the family - it really helped the dynamics, and I think it's a major reason why I prefer the early seasons.
  12. There is something about Alyssa's entire persona that is very comforting to me. I have to think she's the front runner, as there's kind of a "It's Sasha Colby!" vibe, where everyone is so excited she's there.
  13. Yeah, it's not so much about a beauty standard, it's more I think they're going for severe=serious=gritty and dark. The OG show wasn't wholly like that - there were a lot of light moments (literally and figuratively lol). And a very good point they are really missing the "young person on the team" vibe. I mean, there should be a few new, young agents by now, right?
  14. I'm tired of the cast looking so severe. All this flat hair, middle parts and tired faces. I want to go back to cases like the old days. I also really miss Reid. His influence kind of ... softened things, in a way? Everyone felt more relatable and like they had a tiny bit of joy when Reid was around.
  15. I was low key hoping America's Veto meant America Lopez from BB25 would nominate someone 😆
  16. I'd love to see Kristina give birth, hand the baby over and then cut Molly and TJ out of her life.
  17. This fucking episode.
  18. I was thinking this for the first time today. There are so many different versions and at least two seem to be running at all times ... and I'm getting bored.
  19. Outside of the Voit crap, THIS was a Criminal Minds episode. FINALLY.
  20. WHY IS THIS SHOW SO FUCKING BORING!? Can someone die already?! I really hope next season is a new young profiler and we're back to travelling around solving serial killing cases with zero political "intrigue". The. End.
  21. I'm am honestly psyched that they went there. Some soapy dramaz! And Willow can officially dismount the high horse for a change lol.
  22. I have a brand new TV and it's dark as hell. I feel like I need to adjust the brightness and contrast, but it screws up other shows when I do. So they are making a choice. An annoying, stupid choice.
  23. Some "fans" were making racist comments towards Tabyana Ali (Trina) on social media. I'm glad they (finally) spoke out. I feel so bad she has to deal with this shit.
  24. I can't even imagine the pain of that bruise. And of course he's still working!
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