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Everything posted by threebluestars

  1. I totally agree, and I think the biggest thing is that she looks the same out of drag - there isn't much dimensional change to her face in drag makeup so that you see someone different. The lips in particular bug me.
  2. Good! I enjoy Randy - especially after we saw him take down that shooter in the hallway all badass. That made him the most interesting character so far.
  3. Most Wanted is my favourite and it's because of the cases - I don't really care about any of the characters that much. Maybe because we've had so much turnover. But the cases are always interesting and I like the twists and turns. I get super burned out on all the SPIES! and TERRORISM! of the other FBIs.
  4. Do they do ANY real rescues on this show anymore???? What a waste of time.
  5. I never thought they matched well either.
  6. I think the big thing is people aren't into Gibbs as much as they are Mark Harmon.
  7. I still don't think he's her baby's father.
  8. So I can see this playing out as Willow/Drew do something to ensure she gets the kids and he gets no visitation, so he leaves town, which frees up Sasha to pretend the baby isn't his for longer.
  9. If this was back in the day the writers would reveal that Emma was sexually assaulted as a freshman and this is her reaction to what happened. And it would be dealt with seriously and done well. Alas, this is now and we have the writers we have, so I assume it's just a straight up change in the character for no reason.
  10. They HAVE to start building out the younger set, because the current leads aren't getting any younger, and if you have nothing to step into their place, you have a cancelled soap. I mean, the current leads were the leads when I watched in the mid 90s. That's scary.
  11. Carly is so tiresome.
  12. The whole show does that for me because it's all set in "the past" so I have to keep asking myself if it's the "the past" or "the past past". 🤪
  13. GO RUTH! ETA: I absolutely love that it's not Mike Franks we have to thank for having Agent Gibbs. It's Ruth.
  14. Lala looked PISSED.
  15. I might enjoy the Kristina story if she goes off the deep end after Ava and ends up in Ferncliff.
  16. I love that they're showing her having a tough time working on these cases and knowing she has to put her own morals aside. I'd love it if her wrap up on the Wellbrexa case shows them as the bad guys and allows the past cases to be re-examined somehow and get justice for all the cases she'll have to work to get the evidence she needs.
  17. I love Randy. Priest confesses to almost slipping. Randy: Oh thank God I thought you were going to tell me you killed him! This is the best news ever! I cackled.
  18. I was so confused with Zeke opening the door I thought it was a dream until he mentioned it to Gabi at the end.
  19. Yeah, I have not been invested in this story at all and she's the big reason why.
  20. Yeah, I was so excited to see she was back and then ... yeah. I wonder if they're going the "she's got sociopathy like her dad" route.
  21. I love how messy and trauma ridden they all are, because it's way more realistic to life. They are accomplishing things, but also hampered by what happened to them. Their traumas help them while investigating and hamper them in life outside of that. I'm hoping they'll do individual episodes flashing back on Zeke, Dhan and Margaret and what happened to them and how it affected them in the past. We know Lacey and Gabi's history, but aside from knowing Dhan was tortured (possibly a POW?), Zeke was held captive as a child and has agoraphobia and Margaret's son is missing, we don't know a lot about who they were before and what the circumstances were, so I hope we get into that.
  22. Surprisingly, it kind of does! Not coma to awake obviously, but many people with failing livers have hepatic encephalopathy - basically brain injury from the toxins in the blood that can't be filtered by the damaged liver. My dad had his transplant and was a completely different person in 36 hours. It was insane.
  23. I really miss Julian McMahon.
  24. I hundred percent think Lala will be dead at the season finale. I really loved that she called Gibbs out on his sexism. It was of the "nice" variety, but still sexism. Just because he wasn't telling raunchy jokes didn't mean he wasn't demeaning her by thinking she couldn't handle herself in the field and thinking he had to run interference with Franks. It also played well with her leading the undercover opp and him being so awkward.
  25. Deputy Chief Reid played by Shawn Hatosy.
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