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Everything posted by threebluestars

  1. threebluestars

    Season 04

    I'm very bored with terrorists.
  2. I just finished the Jerry episode and honestly can't watch the rest of the show. He ruined it all.
  3. Nooooo, Pangina, noooo. (Okay, probably Pangina's biggest competition, but still ... noooooo)
  4. So I just remembered that Catherine's daughter was a level 1 CSI at the end of the TV movie - I wonder if they'll write Lindsay in?
  5. I always felt Sam just liked karate for fun/bonding and actually competing/fighting isn't her thing. I think that's why she comes off so bad in all the fight stuff. She's operating out of fear and trauma and not because she actually wants to be there. I'd prefer it if she "retired" and didn't want to compete. Not because she's upset she lost, but because she just isn't into it in that way. I'd also like to see Tory tell Sam the match was rigged. A girl can dream lol. I really hope Sean Kanan comes back as Barnes. I'm imagining S6 will be everyone banding together when Miguel's cartel dad shows up to kill them all and karate saves the day lol.
  6. I think he raped the mom because right before that the guard had made it seem like they were going to be together forever and he said it was only in jail and only because he had to. So I got the sense he was trying to be manly to himself because he'd had a relationship with the guard.
  7. Totally agree with the poster who said it feels like something big is going on behind the scenes for this many actors to jump ship. Today's episode I finally warmed up to Gaines's character. Alexa Davalos has been playing her so flat and monotone and boring that I've been bored, but at least now we see why she is the way she is. I just hope this leads to a bit of change in the character. I really liked the US Marshal (?) character that was riding with her. Bring her on!
  8. I am really sick and tired of the trope that every nurse wants to be a doctor. I'm seeing it here, on GH (where Vernee Watson also guest stars) and it played out on ER more than once. It just keeps this gross "nursing isn't good enough" vibe going, which I hate, especially during a damn global pandemic that has relied on nurses so heavily.
  9. The only cast member I don't want to lose from this new iteration is Paula Newsome, I think she was perfect as the team leader. Folsom grew on me as the series went on and I ended up liking him the most of all the underlings. I didn't mind Allie, but I didn't see much chemistry between the her and Folsom despite the push the show was making for it. They should get Caitlin Doughty (Ask a Mortician on YouTube) as the coroner!
  10. Mobster Frank Smith's daughter who was once engaged to Luke.
  11. Michael's haircut is the only good thing about him lol. Today's episode was insanely boring. I am so glad I record it and can fast forward.
  12. 2nd episode in a row where Ru has pissed me off, this time outing Maddy. So infuriating. Why does Ru have to be so problematic? I really enjoyed Lady Camden and Angeria. I can't wait until the groups merge next week.
  13. I loved the Donald Where's Your Troosers challenge. I was familiar with the Irish Rovers version. And yep, day later, still in my head.
  14. Submerged for 2 hours and lived with no neurological damage - https://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/child-survived-almost-2-hours-cpr-after-falling-icy-stream-how/ An interesting article here about the pathophysiological reasons and the fact kids survive more often than adults in the same circumstances - https://www.ems1.com/cpr/articles/research-shows-more-children-than-adults-survive-cold-water-drownings-RMr03arr2wF6eE47/
  15. I think instead of just name dropping MC Lyte she should play Robyn's next nemesis 😀
  16. Amber has already worn out her welcome with me. I wish it was a double elimination.
  17. I was getting annoyed with Ru using baby talk to say Willow Pill's name. I imagine Willow gets shit like that a lot just based on her size and youthfulness. The power imbalance of Ru doing it bugs me.
  18. I don't even know what the Real Housewives show is about, so I was clueless the whole episode. I hate these "real client" episodes because a real client would already know the designer's aesthetic and have chosen them because of it. Random assignment is not how real clients work. It's just done for drama, and not anything to do with design.
  19. I liked how tricky some of the challenges were ... put up art (but also, it's a puzzle!), decorate a cake (but also know who's in the EU). And then give them a clue super easily and make them think it's a trick lol.
  20. So McGee has two kids and 10K and Palmer has one kid and 10K ... ? Is Gibbs bad at math or am I bad at math?
  21. "We can't afford a Stacy Carosi flashback" LOLOLOL This show is ridiculous and I love it.
  22. I don't think this is what you're thinking of, but a few years ago the actor Kiele Sanchez was pregnant and had a stillbirth. Her pregnancy was written into the MMA show Kingdom that she was starring in. The actress and writer decided to write in what happened to her in real life into the show. It was honestly so difficult to watch knowing she had to strap on a pregnancy belly and act that she was having a late term miscarriage, but I suspect easier than having to play a mom when you lost your own child. In that case I think it was the best decision they could have made for the actor, and honestly for the show as well because it worked with the storylines going on. She wrote this guest column for the Hollywood reporter at the time. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/kiele-sanchez-how-miscarriage-influenced-910313/ After seeing that take on pregnancy/infant loss, GH's just felt sort of hollow.
  23. Isn't Willow supposed to be in nursing school or something? Or did that drop that so she could be useless?
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