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Everything posted by Trey

  1. Not the ending to the season I would have liked but not too bad a game for me. I got the missed DDs or ts's of Rocket (Richard), the (old) Pretender, tobacco, India & Bangladesh, and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Did not get FJ. I have vaguely heard the term 'gonzo' journalism but I could have sat here till the cows came home without coming up with it. I'm going to miss you all during the hiatus. Hope the new season starts in a reasonable time without them having to use recycled clues. That isn't even fair to the new contestants.
  2. Perhaps you could mention that some of us are sick of anagrams too.
  3. I didn't get to see last night's game so I hadn't seen Lucas' hair - it doesn't look too bad to me. I did not get any ts's but I did get FJ.
  4. Big storm knocked out power last night so there was no Jeopardy! for me. I checked JBoard this morning for FJ and I did get it, my first of the week. I started going through the archives for the rest of the game but it is pretty boring playing that way, so I quit about halfway through.
  5. Regarding recycled clues, they already recycle so much of their material, just using different forms of the same question. I wish they would stop doing that. There's enough knowledge and history in the world that they don't need to keep repeating the same old stuff. One reason that the scores, in general, are so much higher nowadays is that new contestants have studied the archives and have a good idea of what might be asked. But I will probably still watch the shows with recycled clues. eta: Now I won't watch the shows with recycled clues.
  6. Totally a crap game for me. I kept coming up with wrong answers or no answer at all. My only ts was Scotland. I couldn't even come up with a guess for FJ. I too rejected Angola because I know it's Portuguese not Spanish and nothing else came to mind. I really do need to study African countries. I liked all the contestants but find current champ a little slow talking.
  7. 3/5 Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Carpaccio and bellinis sounds like heaven! Along with what everyone else is bringing, this sounds like a high class feast. I'll bring after dinner mints.
  8. @iMonrey, I also misunderstood your original question. I didn't realize they didn't give her the head start until after the commercial break.
  9. That was a low scoring game - no wonder, if there were 19 ts's and 2 missed DDs. I got some of them: loan/lone, Greece, cache/cash, Matterhorn, phlox, Vitus Bering, Kim Philby, and Hitchcock. For FJ I knew what they meant right away but then I had to remember which letters are used (had a hard time coming up with D) so there was no time left to add it all up. New champ is easy on the eyes.
  10. It seems to be the contingency plan when all three contestants have been cut and there's still 15 minutes to fill.
  11. I wanted Toula to win but the new champ is okay too. Only two ts's for me, Gladstone (bag) and ACE (inhibitors). I got FJ but I wasn't too sure about it. I pronounced it Don Jew on. Because I learned it on Jeopardy! some years ago. David reminded me of Keegan-Michael Key.
  12. Hadn't one of the judges suggested 130 after Gordon said 140? And the resting time was supposed to finish the cooking. Doesn't anyone know how to cook potatoes anymore? Last episode of Chopped that I saw, all three chefs undercooked their potatoes, a basket ingredient, and last night red team undercooked theirs. Although I understand how the wind upset the cooking process. As soon as I saw the thickness of those pork chops I knew they were in trouble. Why didn't they cut them in half and serve two properly cooked pork chops?
  13. This was a good game to watch but not a good game for me. My only ts was salt. I figured it was Picasso who did the painting but my mind went to some of his paintings of females, not to Guernica. I suppose the date of 1937 and "German guidebook" should have tipped me off but it didn't.
  14. I hadn't thought of Colby but, now that you mention it, I do see it. I knew he reminded me of someone. Only two ts's: spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs, and Fyodor. Not quite an instaget FJ. I first thought "some satellite" with little hope of coming up with the name of one when ISS popped into my head. I think just ISS would have been acceptable.
  15. It took me a few minutes to figure it out too. So, does Jerri have a wife, other than Eleanor, too? I'm glad Daniel has Craig for keeps now. I'm sure he could have had Kyle charged with blackmail or something but just went with paying him to get it all over with. And Lucy is there for Maggie. I hope that turns out okay.
  16. An okay game for me. I got the ts's or missed DDs of coins, Scotia, motorcycle, and carillon. Instaget FJ. The category sounded pretty daunting so I was very happy that I knew this one.
  17. He reminded me of a young Jon Lovitz.
  18. The more strudel the merrier! 1/5 for me. I got Monday's FJ and hoped to pick up at least a couple more during the week but it was not to be.
  19. I missed the whole game due to company except for FJ. I hope I remember from now on that 1930s Central California writer = Steinbeck. I said Dashiell Hammett which I thought was a good guess - wrong, but a good guess. I figured the book must have been unpublished or I would have heard of it.
  20. I wondered what she had done wrong too - it sounded okay to me. But according to the archive, she added an s on American.
  21. I enjoyed the game. I got the ts's or missed DDs of slipper, Shroud of Turin, daffodil, creche, and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly American. I am familiar with the phrase "Remember the Maine" but I forgot it and said Constitution instead - which came approx. 100 years earlier. I like Ittai, don't see anything wrong with him at all. I did like Dennis's story about forging library cards to get more books. I could relate - when I first joined the library as a child I could get only one book out at a time - it was very frustrating to a little voracious reader.
  22. I'll say! His cup home cakes were awful and the lying to the judges about his intentions was even worse.
  23. It isn't Jeopardy! production who does the Archive. It is done by Mark Barrett, from JBoard, on a strictly volunteer basis. At least as far as I know.
  24. The fellow who usually does it is away and someone is filling in for him.
  25. I am quoting my post from yesterday with the bolded text because that's exactly what Ken said at the beginning of the show. I'm glad I had a little influence on him😁 And I can say it again tonight. I had a boatload of ts's or missed DDs tonight: wasp, Uncle Sam, Taxi, Kalamazoo, highboy, Caligula, canoe, and Psalms. I did not get FJ. I was wracking my brain for Charlie Chaplin movies but all I could think of were The Kid and The Gold Rush. So I went with the Gold Rush just to have something but I was pretty sure it was wrong. I think I like the new champ better than Justin.
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