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Everything posted by Trey

  1. Was that even a game? It must be kind of embarrassing to be the only one getting any answers. That was a lot of ts's and I only got three: booze/cruise/news, Daniel Defoe, and sheaves (which, as a child, I always sang as bringing in the sheep). Allen Ludden and Richard Dawson were both on the tip of my tongue but wouldn't come out. FJ was pretty much an instaguess although I also considered piercings. I will still be rooting for Hannah when Ben comes back. Or maybe the newbie. I too want Skyler's dinosaur sweater.
  2. Cool! I hope that helps with their chances of renewal.
  3. So, is Chuck what? Gay? Autistic? Something else? I enjoyed this episode very much. Margaret's nemesis really does put Margaret on her game.
  4. An okay game for me. At least it was faster than yesterday's game. I got the ts's of Polynesian and stout. I confused Tom Tryon for William Styron or I would have had that one too. Instaget FJ.
  5. I meant that, if they needed a second opinion (which they didn't), it should have been Ducky, not someone from outside NCIS. They shouldn't have given in to the senator and her assistant.
  6. I was glad to see Mattea pull up her socks and get the win; she was doing so poorly at first. I got both FJs and the ts of Austin as well as FJ in the regular game - I felt very smart last night.
  7. I vote we keep the contest limited to regular Jeopardy! games only.
  8. I think the fast paced Masters games have spoiled me because this game seemed so slow. Glad Hannah won again. I got the ts's or missed DDs of franking, butterfly, Customs, and The Secret Garden. I knew it was a long legged bird in Alice in Wonderland but said crane instead of flamingo. Not quite an instaget for FJ but pretty close.
  9. Yes, he did but he was rather slow about it and did not stop the senator from berating Jimmy. Yeah, Ducky should have been called in, not this hot shot. Of course it was the actual killer who called him in and tried to get the senator all riled up about Jimmy.
  10. I noticed "Carnegie" was an answer in both games last night. I didn't get either FJ but I answered more clues than I did on Monday and even got the ts of cleave. I dithered between watching this or FBI but I'm glad I chose this. I liked seeing Monday's losers become Tuesday's winners, both in a dramatic fashion. I am pulling for Mattea (who is looking very stylish) but I like Matt a lot too.
  11. @DrSpaceman73, Raquel posts on JBoard as Peachbox and explains her wager there. https://jboard.tv/viewtopic.php?t=7062 Just scroll down to her post.
  12. Ditto. hurray for hannah! I hope she continues to do well. I couldn't quite hear the middle woman's story about how she was on Jeopardy! before but got to come back now. Anybody catch it?
  13. I thought the mother had killed her daughter. But, she didn't.
  14. Oh, yes, it certainly is. We used to grow corn to sell at a roadside stand and every once in awhile we would get a smut. However, it is a delicacy, particularly in Mexico, where it is called huitlacoche (weet la cochay). It is really a fungus and is like truffles or mushrooms. There are now people who grow corn especially for the smut. I am not one of them.
  15. 2/5 no asterisk I got Tuesday (Pertussis) and Friday (Chicago Cubs). I will bring popsicles, the two together kind even though they're a pain to separate.
  16. Thankfully, I did not jinx Hannah after all. I got only two ts's: Veronica Mars and Betty White. There were more on the tip of my tongue that wouldn't come out. Instaget FJ. Sometimes my mind goes to just the right spot.
  17. Corn smut is not poisonous so Todd should not have gotten sick from it. Of course he shouldn't go around eating unknown things at stranger's homes either. Apparently Todd is still dating Amy.
  18. I'm glad Marie Claude ended up in second place. For a while there I didn't think she was ever going to ring in. My ts's or missed DD's were Mays, dome, Elizabeth I, Peasants' Revolt, and seismic. I said Champlain for FJ and didn't move on from there. I did not know the Bering Strait was so shallow. I was about 100 years off the correct answer but at least I don't think it's too embarrassing. I believe Hannah has the stuff to go a long way. Hope I didn't just jinx her.
  19. He was NOT the grouchy doctor on Scrubs. Now I feel really stupid. My only ts was Elizabeth Bennet. I'm relieved to see others also didn't get FJ. I felt so stupid once it was revealed.
  20. That's what I said too. I don't know why I thought whooping cough was a better answer than pertussis since I know they are the same thing. I also got the ts's or missed DDs of Tasmanian Devil, Robert De Niro, and Andromeda. I was also pleased that the judges came to their senses and gave me Eros.
  21. Although I did not get FJ it was an okay game for me. I got the ts's or missed DDs of pogo stick, Islam, George VI, The Wonder Years, and Tuesday. I couldn't think of anyone for FJ. I finally thought of Ichabod Crane, knew it was wrong but that was all I had.
  22. The runner-up made porridge out of his cereal - how is that an entree? How could the judges have had to really consider that as a winner against Alex's beautiful entree?
  23. I believe you are safe. They were looking for the "title character" and his first name is not part of the title; on the Archives they give the FJ answer as (Lemuel) Gulliver which probably indicates they didn't need to say his first name. eta: This is JMO since I am not authorized to give rulings.
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