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Everything posted by Trey

  1. A solid episode to start the season. Charlie's longer hair looks good on him. I thought at first that Rex was jealous of the whales getting credit for finding the kidnappers but it turned out he just loved watching them. Me too. Glad we got to see so much whale porn.
  2. An okay game for me. I didn't get any ts's but FJ was an instaget. Nobel never crossed my mind since I knew he was not an American immigrant.
  3. CTV is also re-airing the show on Wednesday at 9 pm Eastern Time. I might rewatch at least some of the episodes.
  4. I did too! When Ken gave the answer of dead heat I smacked my head, but not too hard - don't want to damage any brain cells. Only two ts's again, applique and chevron. FJ was an instaget and I was pretty sure it was right. But I did think too of Gray of Gray's Anatomy but thought that he was much later, which he was.
  5. Not a particularly impressive game for me or the contestants. My only ts's were Hamlet and wrestling. The contestants just didn't seem to understand the FJ clue, giving the people they thought were honoured instead of the presidents who honoured them. I didn't get FJ but at least I knew what they were going for. I came up with LBJ and Teddy Roosevelt, even though I knew the math was wrong. I was thinking of assassinations rather than natural deaths like FDR's. And I totally forgot about the April part.
  6. Season 17 Ep. 1 Do The Right Thing Part 1 Oct. 2 2023 So many storylines! So many murders! Kidnapping little Susannah was the lowest! I hope everyone involved in that is severely punished. Sorcha Cusack, who played Mrs. Fanshaw, also played Mrs. McCarthy on Father Brown. I am so happy to see Watts back on the force. It's a good thing he is back because Crabtree really needed his help. Miss Cherry is a good ally too since they redeemed her from her evil ways in earlier seasons. Those are interesting murders they are investigating. I am looking forward to finding out who did them. The Brackenreids on the boat were a hoot. Margaret was seriously miffed about being sidelined after having a taste of investigating and went off on her own. Of course, she got a knock on the head for her efforts but I'm sure she'll be okay and possibly got some important information about the murder. There is so much more to say about this jam packed episode but this is enough for now.
  7. I was so happy to see the promos on tv. I really liked Season 1 and am glad it's back again.
  8. Well, here I am, back at my usual spot, the Table for 1. Hemingway was my only FJ this week - I should have got Oppenheimer but I did not. We have some leftover moo goo gai pan that I will bring.
  9. I believe all these players were in only one game so there is no reason for us to remember them. Did not get FJ although I thought it would have something to do with the Manhattan Project. I haven't seen Oppenheimer (or Barbie) so I didn't really think of him in particular.
  10. Not such a great game for me. I got only three ts's, economist, auctioneer, and dog-tired. I knew St. Stephen had something to do with Christmas but couldn't remember just what. Did not get FJ. I was trying to think more about just where the Antilles were so didn't really get to specific islands. I thought the Antilles were right in the Caribbean, so I learned something when I looked it up. Luckily I got Monday's FJ so I don't have to worry about being skunked this week.
  11. Somebody, his mother or someone else, must know what happened that day.
  12. I'm not sure I liked this episode or not. I laughed at Jasper's vision of the giant, slobbering dog, and I like that Dan and Donckers got together - as long as it doesn't lead to heartbreak down the road - but the CotW was so very sad and I don't like all the angst in Jasper's life. Too much angst just gets boring to me. But the characters and the acting are marvelous to watch.
  13. 3/5 for me this week which I consider good. I got Monday, Thursday and Friday. I am another who said "Statue of Liberty guy". I'm sure I've heard his name before but it is buried very deep inside my brain cell filing system. Said Purgatory instead of Styx although even this long lapsed Catholic doesn't think of Purgatory as a "mythical place".
  14. I was sorry to see Wayne go. But, a rewatch this morning told me his chorizo sauce or oil wasn't going to cut it anyhow. The judges had already expressed skepticism about it and, once he saw it wasn't working out, he should have switched to another sauce, even something very simple, just to have a sauce on the plate. Anyhow, I am rooting for Grant.
  15. I didn't have any trouble with FJ either. It's a good thing they wanted only one capital - Oslo was an instaget but I would never have gotten Apia. Maybe I'll remember it should the capital of Samoa come up again. I did get the ts's of mustard seed, Red River, and whitewash. I knew Red River because it is on the news every spring when it floods in Manitoba.
  16. Monday: Hi, everyone! It's great to be back and to see you all here again. It was such a quiet six weeks. It was a pretty good game for me and I enjoyed watching it. I didn't write down my ts's but I know I got drumsticks and soliloquy plus a couple more that I can't remember. Instaget FJ. It felt good to start off the week and the season right. Tuesday: Not such a great game tonight. My only ts was Vietnam and I felt so stupid for missing Oscar Wilde. No FJ for me tonight. I also said purgatory. I suppose "flood" and "brook" should have indicated something watery to me but they didn't.
  17. New season starts here in Canada on October 2, 2023, according to fandom.com Murdoch Mysteries. Season 17
  18. Why are they calling it Season 37 Second Chance? Were the contestants chosen from that season?
  19. Weren't all the failures based on the same "who would you save" question? I've never heard of this show before but I found it on PBS when scrolling for some evening entertainment. I liked it well enough and will continue to watch.
  20. You can also go to JBoard which shows the question but puts the answer in spoiler tags so you can't accidentally see it. And you only have to scroll down a couple of posts. JBoard
  21. I'll be here. This is one of my most favourite threads. Also, this may finally be the year I get 5/5. I can only hope!
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