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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. She does, and I loved watching her and James snark on the chefs from their table. I was amused that James had already expected Nick to struggle with the meat, and I actually was glad to see Andi expect Meghan to do well. It's clear she respects her a lot.
  2. Milly did a great job with the challenge. A runaway fifty-five-percent vote? Crazy! And good that he shared the reward with T. I knew he'd choose either her or Nick. Michelle can be annoying, but I'm glad Ramsay rejected her nomination, because that was a bunch of ganging up bullshit. Michelle knew it, and it was clear that Ramsay knew it, too. But . . . is it the first time he's ever outright rejected a nomination? Meghan, T, and Michelle all did fine jobs at the pass. Milly was okay at the pass, but terrible at his station, and Nick floundered at both, so it was clear what was going to happen come elimination time. I liked all of the F5, but Nick was the only one I merely liked, while I actually love Meghan, Michelle, Milly, and T. So by that measure, I'm glad he was the one eliminated. And rightfully so. That effort at the pass and in the kitchen was simply dire on his part. Milly faltered, too, and deserved his first nomination. I thought he'd get the chop, too, along with the nomination until I saw Nick fuck up left and right all night. I love this entire F4! A UO, I know. But that's how I feel! I can't wait to see how next week shakes out! I'd thought that any two of Meghan, Milly, and T would be the F2. But with Ramsay's praise and defense of Michelle lately, it will not surprise me in the slightest if she takes one of the spots.
  3. Even more unpopular is that I do still like J.J., and I do still like J.J. and Paige and want them to work it out after some time.
  4. I wanted to punch him when he apologized to Sonny -- TO SONNY! -- for what Jordan did to him. As far as I'm concerned, T.J. is just as bad as the rest of the mob worshippers.
  5. I don't think that scenario would've played out, considering both Sandra and Courtney said post-show that if Russell had gone at the Tribal Council that claimed Tyson, then Rob and Tyson wouldn't have stayed for much longer. They would've turned on them immediately afterwards with Parvati, Danielle, and Jerri's votes.
  6. Scott and Lucy's daughters have been off-screen, yes, but Anna Donely came on briefly back in 2013 during Luke's polonium poisoning storyline. He and Tracy visited Sean and met his and Tiffany's daughter, Anna, who was now a teenager.
  7. They don't start playing for at least another week. They haven't even left the States yet! Not till tomorrow, in fact.
  8. Replace Christina's name with Adam's and all feminine pronouns with masculine ones and you'd pretty much get why I've never voted for an Adam contestant. I don't see what's so irksome about Christina, while Adam and his huge ego and smugness and tendency to mug for camera time always irk me, and I've only watched since season six!
  9. In fairness, T.J. has had Shawn in his life for a long time when Jordan wasn't. I can see why he'd want to take up for him over his mother. I just wonder if he knows the full story yet (haven't watched yet)?
  10. I'm actually surprised no one in the family has dissed her yet. I mean, what with being a Republican, acting so incredibly white, having white taste in décor in her apartment, and being part of TV's alleged hottest love triangle as a woman caught between two white men (they couldn't have at least had one black man wanting her?), Olivia is the ultimate Uncle Tom!
  11. They were. Melissa McNulty dropping out right before the game began left the would-be white tribe down a member, so they had to improvise.
  12. If you want an Asian male in a major role, then perhaps you should check out The Walking Dead. The character Glenn is one of the biggest heroes on the show, and he's an Asian character.
  13. Now that Worlds Apart is apparently over, where does everyone stand on Mike's winner's edit? Was it as obvious as most past male winners? Or subtle? From the hints I've gotten (I deleted my DVR recording of this season after Kelly's boot, because I feared the No Collars Plus Shirin would just be Pagonged, and I was right), I take it that it was the former. Or if not, some redemption edit since he started out just as douche-y as Dan and Rodney.
  14. Wait. They were sent straight out? They're heading out tonight?!
  15. Glad Kelley got on, since I really do think that being tied to Dale screwed her last season. As for the other women . . . well, this is pretty decent. I haven't seen Borneo or Australian Outback, so I have no opinion on Kelly or Kimmi, but I'm okay with the rest. Peih-Gee got screwed by a weaker tribe in challenges, so I hope she can get on a better tribe this time around. Monica . . . I hope she does better in a season where she might get more screentime now that camera hog Russell won't be there. I hope Abi's more pleasant. I hope Kass has learned not to put emotion over strategy. Shirin can be around more fans now and not be super awkward. Ciera won't have her mom to worry about, though I think she'll go early since she was one of the challenge liabilities on her tribe last time, but survived due to the alpha-male posturing on her pre-swap tribe and being the only woman on her post-swap tribe among many burly men. And Tasha? Absolute favorite in Cagayan. Screwed to the max by Kass. Glad she's coming back. For the men . . . eesh. I'm not thrilled with most of these men. Again, haven't seen Australian Outback, so no thoughts on Jeff, and as I haven't watched Pearl Islands yet (which is weird, as I've had it on my computer for years now!), I have also no thoughts on Andrew. Terry, Vytas, and Woo each get an "ugh" from me. I imagine one or more might go on an immunity run. Stephen, I hope, has learned not to latch onto people too tightly. Spencer I'm not surprised about. Joe I'm not surprised about, either. They both get raves from me, along with Jeremy. If the Keith listed is last season's Keith, then I wonder if he'll be around as long this time? His "stick to the plan" might have anyone wary of trusting him. ETA: Sabrina didn't make it?! Noooooooo!
  16. I don't know why everyone thinks Mike outwitted anyone when he pretty much had to rely on immunity wins to get to the end. That's not outwitting or outplaying. That's just kind of outlasting.
  17. What strikes me as odd with Kiki is that the week before last, when she and Morgan got busted, she owned up and admitted that she'd willingly gone along with the plan when Morgan tried to absolve her of all of it. Now, two weeks later, they've flipped the script, with Morgan reminding Kiki that she was willing to be complicit in the whole thing, and Kiki trying to put it all on Morgan. Either the writers forgot, or there was a different set of writers writing this episode.
  18. Agreed with all of you! I actually really liked the Eve/Paige scenes today! True showed amazing restraint as it looked like she was playing Paige as trying to give Eve all the chances she could to tell her the truth before she hit her with it. And her explosion was awesome! Kassie did an incredible herself in playing Eve's fear and regret as Paige unloaded on her. Good job to both ladies! And to think everyone here thought True was a terrible actress. I knew otherwise, and hope this proved everyone wrong! Great job, Ms. O'Brien! :-D I can't wait to see how Casey does when it's J.J.'s turn to feel Paige's wrath! :)
  19. Ramsay is gentle with most of the contestants, anyway, so that didn't bug me. The time he pulled Josh aside at the beginning of an episode kind of told me he'd get a gentle exit from him if he ever got eliminated. But anyway, Josh's obnoxiousness wasn't the gift. Showing how deluded he was, how obviously insecure he was, how much of a fool he had no idea he was making of himself, and his complete cluelessness as to how disliked and even hated he truly was . . . that was the gift. Yes, it came at poor Alison's expense, but at the same time, she did screw up just enough that her boot wasn't unjustified.
  20. If, by "anyone," you mean any of the others left at the time of this episode, then yeah, I agree. Alison shouldn't have left before Josh. But if you mean anyone who's been eliminated thus far, then I definitely think that Chrissa, Cameron, Michael, Mieka, Monique, Brendan, Sarah, and probably Adam deserved to go before Josh. Christine, too, definitely. Randy is a question mark, as he was inexperienced, but the week he left, he was on the winning team. (Bret is questionable since he had to withdraw.) But yeah, while it sucks he lasted this long, given the quality of everyone else who's been booted so far, I think Josh actually left about where he should have, if not at least one or two places higher than such. This F5 is not bad at all. But of them, I hope any two of Meghan, Milly, and T reach the F2. Michelle is a dark horse for it, too. I don't see any real goats for Ramsay to use except for possibly Nick.
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