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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Get ready for number three -- I, too, am one who hasn't, and I'm a grown black man.
  2. Zoey lost her right to go to the spring formal because she drove Bow's car? I thought it was already established earlier in the episode that she'd done that already and had gotten punished for that. Did I miss something like her having done so again? The references to everything the homeless guy had done to Dre made me titter.
  3. Cam: Got any Queens? Lily: Yeah, two big ones. Cam: Okay, that was funny the first time, but now it's starting to get a little mean. Loved that exchange. Also loved Alex's continued acceptance speeches during the credits.
  4. The failed gambling Adam did was pretty much the best part of the episode for me. That, and Mr. Mellor teaching Barry how to dance.
  5. Did you mean Cody Wickline? He would've been one of the few country guys I'd have loved to see get to this point.
  6. Not so random. They did it that way at the F12 in HK12. Richard and Jessica were voted as the weakest on each of their teams, too, and had to cook for their lives. Jessica lost, so she was sent packing. Richard survived until F9, when he was finally booted. I figured Christine would go since the teams needed to be evened up again, though I would've liked the surprise of him sending Randy packing. Now that he's been labeled as a "one-trick pony" by Nick, his chances of winning have pretty much plummeted. Not that Christine is any real loss, either, since she was pretty weak. Despite what T said, I'm glad Michelle didn't keep needling the team with their exclusion of her dish in the challenge. It felt pretty good that she got the only real milkshake during the punishment. Just felt right. Glad we're back to the services next week.
  7. Now that you got what you wanted, @APSimpson, could you PLEASE STOP ASKING FOR IT? This episode pretty much confirmed that this will NEVER, EVER happen again on a permanent basis, if the reactions May, Skye, Fitz, and Simmons were of any indication. And Coulson forgiving him? *Scoffs* I don't think even he does. I think he had a cell ready for Ward just like Ward himself thought. He may have been the easiest on him, but I don't think that equals forgiving him. Oh, but you're welcome to keep dreaming.
  8. In fairness, Corey went second and very nearly did win the vote instead. So while going last does have its advantages, tonight's close vote showed that that's not always a sure thing.
  9. I think it's because even though Sawyer has one, many of us think there's something unique about him that we're willing to separate him having the guitar from that uniqueness. Joshua and Corey are the epitome of bland, ordinary, and cookie-cutter, though, so giving them the WGWG label seems and feels fair.
  10. I didn't say he sacrificed him. I said he might've had some resentment that she had to go while he was voted in, because I think Blake knew she was much stronger than he was. Go back to that results episode. He did not look pleased when he got through (not necessarily angry, but not really happy, either) and pretty much looked like he didn't know what to do in terms of using his own, final save between Sarah and Hannah.
  11. I can believe that India pulled ahead at the last second. Since the vote was close, it wouldn't surprise me if some India fans (or, most likely, Christina fans) rallied during the last few minutes the window was open to push her just in front. After all, it happened with the Brian/Deanna vote in the top twelve week. Brian led most of the time, and Deanna nosed in front after they stopped showing the votes. As for the others you said . . . Sawyer was obviously gonna make it. No question. Koryn's voice is hit-or-miss, and for that, I thought she'd be in the bottom. But when she was called as safe, I was happy. Hell, I'm guessing the contestants keep track of iTunes for an idea of where they might end up, which might be why she looked so surprised! And Kimberly, I think, has become Christina's best chance at a victory. I hope she wins if, by some chance, Sawyer doesn't. As for the last question, I believe Josh Kauffman was a WGWG, too. But since he was on a team coached by a coach who hadn't won, people were willing to let it slide.
  12. It's been speculated that Blake liked Corey as a person, but perhaps harbored some resentment that Sarah had to go home while he went on, and he thus wasn't as invested in him as he is in Meghan and he was in Hannah. I think the weak pitch kind of confirmed it to me.
  13. We saw Christina's reaction twice. She was . . . surprisingly, remarkably sedate (though she still looked happy that India was still in it). But yeah, Blake's shock was what I was looking for. I wonder if he's taken to social media by now over this development?
  14. I think being mentored by Usher helped him this week. Plus, as said above, the desperate Adam fans. Other than that, I can't figure out for the life of me why he charted so high this week.
  15. Current team rosters/cheat sheet: Team Adam Joshua Davis (saved by America's vote) Team Pharrell Sawyer Fredericks (saved by America's vote) Koryn Hawthorne (saved by America's vote) Team Christina Kimberly Nichole (saved by America's vote) India Carney (saved by Twitter vote) Team Blake Meghan Linsey (saved by America's vote) Ugh. I knew Joshua would be safe, but saved first? Ugh. But congratulations, @blueray, @Noreaster, and @kelnic86. You get to watch paint dry -- er, Joshua "perform" -- for another week. Holy shit! Despite being next-to-last on iTunes, Koryn was still saved! OMG! OMG! So fucking awesome! Pharrell stays intact (with his last two) another week! He could win this! Whoooooooo! If there was ever a person I wanted to see preserve the "going last" curse, it was India. So very, very, very, very, very glad that the viewers woke up and saved her over one of the bland guys! So happy that she's still in the game, and Christina's team remains intact (of the two left, that is)! Hannah . . . I knew it was coming, girl. Sad to see you go. But you did well to get this far. You're gonna be great someday, though, if you keep this up. Corey . . . I was all set to be resigned to your continued survival, thanks to your 45,000+ Twitter followers. But luckily, sane American fans won the day, and your ass is officially grass. Sorry, @Dots And Stripes. No more watching paint dry for you. Unless you're into Joshua, too, in which case . . . be my guest! Being nicer to him, though . . . his Twitter song was probably one of the best I've heard from him. Ironic that he performs his best on his way out the door. One bland, boring WGWG down. One bland, boring WGWG to go. Please leave next, Joshua. So Blake loses not one, but TWO contestants in one fell swoop. Ouch. But since one was Corey, I can deal. Good episode just for Corey being gone.
  16. Blech. Good for you, @Padma. He still bores me, though. Me and my boyfriend. We both want him gone for the sheer reason that he puts us both to sleep. So there.
  17. Current iTunes standings -- http://www.livepopbars2.com/lpb1024.php?Region=143441&Albums=0&ref=lpb5&t=1430200136: 2. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "Simple Man" 10. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "Fields of Gold" 13. Kimberly Nichole - Team Christina - "Creep" 27. Corey Kent White - Team Blake - "When I See You Smile" 30. India Carney - Team Christina - "Over the Rainbow" 32. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Something" 43. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Girl on Fire" 45. Hannah Kirby - Team Blake - "We Don't Need Another Hero" So with two going home instead of three, it doesn't look good for Meghan, Koryn, or Hannah. Meghan might pass up India, but so far, India's remained ahead of her. In any case, it's good to see that this group has all made it into the top fifty, at least.
  18. As I watch: Team Adam Joshua: Boring, as usual. But he's charting well again this week, likely due to panicky fans of his wanting to keep him out of the bottom this week, so he'll get by, unfortunately. Team Pharrell Sawyer: Not one of his most interesting performances, but still pretty good. Given that he's in the top three, he'll likely survive to next week. He's probably Pharrell's best shot at winning the whole thing. Koryn: I love her. And I love her voice. But this was certainly a comedown from last week. I hope she can survive, but given her current placement on the iTunes chart, I think she's singing for her life tomorrow. Team Christina Kimberly: She had me from the beginning once more. Just amazingly beautiful. I think she'll get through since she's charting very well. India: She got lots of cheers during her performance, so the studio audience was clearly loving it. If she can get into the fourth spot, she could avoid singing for her life (assuming it's a bottom four tomorrow). Either way, she was also quite beautiful in her voice. Played to her opera strengths. Team Blake Hannah: Not as dynamic as her usual performances, but her vocals were still good. Not charting too well, though, so I think she'll be singing for her life this week. Meghan: She sang very well, I thought. But she's also not charting well. She needs to step it up next week if she doesn't wind up going home this week. Corey: Yet again, boredom personified. Sorry, @Dots And Stripes. I don't see what's cute about the human equivalent of watching paint dry. But whatever. He's charting well, so sadly, he's with us again next week. Damn. Loved Blake's performance, but really? Matt is so overrated. Stop bringing him on.
  19. It is also worth noting that in the episode last season following his reveal as a traitor (after he shot and killed Hand to save Garrett from capture), Ward was seen bragging and joking with Garrett about how well and truly he'd fooled Coulson, May, Skye, Fitz, and Simmons and how he was still playing them. If that's not a sign of remorselessness, then I don't know what is.
  20. Earlier this season, Coulson offered her a chance for them to help her, but she turned them down. So I think it's reversible. She just didn't want it at the time. I think his feelings are more like those of kinship. He felt a bit lost without Garrett, but slowly found a way to start finding himself without him. Kara felt just as lost after Coulson killed Whitehall, one of the reasons Ward took her under his wing since he saw himself, at that moment in time, in her. And now, she's slowly finding her way without Whitehall. Do I think there's anything romantic there? If they're together long enough, there could be. But for now, I do think Ward enjoys being with someone in whom he sees himself. Two damaged people uniting is always a good combination, and I think both Ward and Kara see that, too.
  21. Had a feeling it'd be too easy for Jake to be dead. Felt completely awful for Rondi Reed's character (though it was great to see her in a more dramatic role rather than her comic one on Mike and Molly). Rowan has now killed innocent children to go with the many adult bodies he's claimed. Months ago, I was just glad to have an effective black villain on TV. Now I'm with everyone else. He needs to get what's coming to him, and soon. Glad Olivia at least figured out that her new man is a rat. I figured she did when she told Huck, Quinn, and David that their pursuit of B613 was over, and that it was for the rat's benefit to hear. Guess she's still kept her brains.
  22. Exactly. I would be okay with a Ward redemption if he did all of this. As it is, @APSimpson, he doesn't deserve to come back and shouldn't come back until he does. And again, he's pretty much said he doesn't want to come back, so . . . that's the way it's gonna be for the long haul, I think. I actually wouldn't be surprised. My boyfriend and I actually talked about this and think that this is definitely part of a setup on their part. As someone else suggested, they may be trying to take HYDRA for themselves, using Bakshi as their puppet. If that's the case . . . kiss Ward returning to the team goodbye. I do not see Coulson even entertaining the notion of it if that's what he and Kara are doing.
  23. *Sighs* Gonna have to say it again, and this time VERY slowly. It. Is. Not. Gonna. Happen. Even Ward doesn't want to be back with them, so that should say a lot.
  24. Glad to see that Michael Rappaport finally landed on his feet after The War at Home went under. But man, has he seriously aged since then! How does Charlie still have his job? This episode really exposed how freaking incompetent he is at it! Yeah, Jack and Diane learned the hard way. Don't ask Junior or Zoey for help in anything. Junior will nerd it up, and Zoey will make it too much about the surface charm. Dre and Bow were a delight, as always. Though I'm sad that Bow never watched Roots before this point in her life. Truthfully, I haven't, either, nor do I intend to. Nor do I intend to have anything to do with her vegan cooking. Still, Dre's panic over every "white" thing the family did was hilarious! And of course, Pops. We need more Laurence Fishburne. Seriously.
  25. While I don't feel much sympathy for Cam since he had to trick Jay into joining his league, I did feel bad that the rest of his team had to suffer over Jay's big mouth at the end. Phil and Claire with the neighbors was incredibly fun. I liked that even the neighbors, as redneck as they were, were as sickened by the statue as Phil and Claire were. Though at the same time, it caught me by surprise that they were sickened by it. Still, they bonded over destroying it, so that was nice to see. Didn't pay much mind to Mitchell, Haley, and Gloria's storyline, though. What little Alex and Luke we got was funny, especially the ending scene with Luke drawing his own junk. I liked how Alex went from enthralled by art to disgusted by it when she saw Luke's drawing. Missed Manny and Lily this week. While it wasn't noticeable with Manny, I could definitely feel it from Lily.
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