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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. I agree. I think Ward could believably last for one more season. But just one more. To carry him beyond it, though, is gonna border on unbelievable. I'd prefer a death for him next season, but I won't mind if he's just finally carted off and locked up to give Brett an option for return guest appearances.
  2. I think Lincoln will be back for sure. Any other Inhumans, I'm not sure about. Yay! I don't want Hunter or Bobbi (especially Bobbi!) to go, so I'm glad they'll actually stick around on the main show, not be spun off! Also, the one sad thing about Kara being killed is that television and movies are really lacking those black hat, evil couples. And I mean romantically-involved ones, like boyfriends and girlfriends or husbands and wives. General Hospital had just such a couple in the form of Theo and Suzanne about four years ago. And I was kinda hoping Ward and Kara would be the next great evil couple on television. But oh, well. Kara dying works for me, too, if it sends Ward even deeper into his evil. No redemption! :) And having her picture at the end, not Skye's, tells me that he is definitely over Skye and wasn't just trying to manipulate Kara when he said that. He really, truly fell for Kara.
  3. Final team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Joshua Davis (saved by America) Team Pharrell Sawyer Fredericks (saved by America) Koryn Hawthorne (saved by Twitter) Team Christina None. :( Team Blake Meghan Linsey (saved by America) So Christina ends up as the lame duck. If Kimberly had had better songs last week, the list above might look very, very different.
  4. I think this is where Isaac's motives could've been explained a bit better. The first boss we saw was one who browbeat him constantly, all while proclaiming himself as a hero of the past, along with that vet. And while I didn't see it from the vet, I could sense a bit of arrogance from the boss as he talked to him. I think what they probably meant is that Isaac resents heroes who, whether intentionally or not, lord their status as heroes over the heads of others and use it as an excuse to act like they're better than others. That would've had a bit more bite to it than what he told Snow and Charming. As it was, Snow and Charming's reaction to his motive was rightfully a WTF?! kind of reaction.
  5. Isaac said he lost his powers as the Author because he wrote his own happy ending, something he was expressly forbidden to do. He could write other people's happy endings, but not his own. As soon as he wrote that ending for himself of being a bestselling author with lots of money and fans, he lost the Author powers. Where is Meghann Ory in all this? Intelligence tanked badly, so she really should be back, since I'm seeing so many needs for Red on this show. Since no one's said it (not that I'm surprised), I liked Isaac trying to chase Henry down. I wish there'd been more scenes of that, since they were basically each other's enemies in this episode.
  6. Charts as of three a.m. - http://www.livepopba...b5&t=1431399903: 3. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "A Thousand Years" 4. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "For What it's Worth" 11. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Tennessee Whiskey" 23. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "I Can't Make You Love Me" 25. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "I'm not the Only One" 31. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Oh, Mary, Don't You Weep" 36. India Carney - Team Christina - "Earth Song" 39. India Carney - Team Christina - "Gravity" 50. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "When I Paint My Masterpiece" 63. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "One" My last for tonight. Hope someone can keep track in the morning. Though I will say that someone's really trying to save Christina's final member, because India's numbers have been jumping throughout the night!
  7. Charts as of two a.m. - http://www.livepopba...b5&t=1431399903: 3. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "A Thousand Years" 4. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "For What it's Worth" 11. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Tennessee Whiskey" 23. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "I Can't Make You Love Me" 25. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "I'm not the Only One" 32. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Oh, Mary, Don't You Weep" 36. India Carney - Team Christina - "Earth Song" 41. India Carney - Team Christina - "Gravity" 51. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "When I Paint My Masterpiece" 64. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "One"
  8. Charts as of one a.m. - http://www.livepopba...b5&t=1431399903: 3. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "For What it's Worth" 4. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "A Thousand Years" 11. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Tennessee Whiskey" 24. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "I Can't Make You Love Me" 31. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "I'm not the Only One" 34. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Oh, Mary, Don't You Weep" 45. India Carney - Team Christina - "Earth Song" 46. India Carney - Team Christina - "Gravity" 51. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "When I Paint My Masterpiece" 70. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "One"
  9. Charts as of midnight - http://www.livepopba...b5&t=1431399903: 6. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "A Thousand Years" 7. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "For What it's Worth" 17. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Tennessee Whiskey" 29. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "I Can't Make You Love Me" 34. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "I'm not the Only One" 39. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Oh, Mary, Don't You Weep" 49. India Carney - Team Christina - "Earth Song" 51. India Carney - Team Christina - "Gravity" 62. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "When I Paint My Masterpiece" 85. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "One"
  10. Charts so far: http://www.livepopbars2.com/lpb1024.php?Region=143441&Albums=0&ref=lpb5&t=1431399903 9. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "For What it's Worth" 10. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "A Thousand Years" 21. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Tennessee Whiskey" 33. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "I Can't Make You Love Me" 39. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "I'm not the Only One" 47. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Oh, Mary, Don't You Weep" 62. India Carney - Team Christina - "Earth Song" 64. India Carney - Team Christina - "Gravity" 72. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "When I Paint My Masterpiece" 102. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "One" Yeah. Sawyer's getting his iTunes votes doubled for two songs once more. I think Meghan could rise enough to get one of hers doubled, as well. Looking like it's among Joshua, India, and Koryn for the bottom two tomorrow night. At least so far. I think India could snake it out since while her two songs are below one each of Joshua and Koryn's, they are both still beating one each of those two.
  11. As I watch: Team Adam Joshua: Not bad with the first song, but he'll be hurt by going first, perhaps. Yet again, though, he suffers from a good voice, but no really good stage presence to go with it. I felt bored again, and it felt like it repeated itself. I also get the feeling that Blake and Christina didn't really like it as much as they said. The second song was a touch better, but I realize the complaints of his lack of range really have been showing lately. It's like he never went past his mid-range, up or down. And sheesh. Even in his hometown package, he was boring as fuck. Team Pharrell Koryn: Amazing job. Good beat, nice control, and she actually performed it, not just sang it. I just love her voice so much. The second one could've used way more dynamic variation, but still, the performance itself was solid enough that I think she could actually get through. You could by the applause that the studio audience really loved her! :) Sawyer: Good vocals, as usual. But I felt like the first song could've dragged a bit less, even with the nice beat it had. The second song was also very well done, and at least Blake dropped all pretense by calling him the frontrunner. Team Christina India: That first one was just beautiful, and she used her lower register very well. Her upper register also came out really nicely. As for her second one, doing Michael Jackson songs is always a risk. But hopefully, this one paid off! That was breathtaking! Vocally, visually, musically, she was spot-on! I really hope she either gets the votes or gets the last Twitter save, if there is one! Team Blake Meghan: Doesn't know dynamics, huh? I think that first song showed that she absolutely gets them, starting out quietly and gradually getting louder. As for her second one, that was amazing all-around! She did an amazing job! On a side note, why is Joshua's son always wearing those huge headphones? Seems like he always has them on.
  12. Duke lasted two-and-a-half years, at least. That's longer than A.J. got.
  13. She obviously was. She used that same line in season two when she nearly ripped out Emma's heart. So I think she really felt that way. I see the show forgot one important beat in the plot. When I saw both Henry and Cora in the same episode, I figured the flashback would end with some explanation of how Cora got him to Wonderland in the first place. I was surprised when she seemed to have left without taking him.
  14. The good news is that neither is a Horton, anyway. They're both Simmonses, but not Hortons.
  15. Actually, to further what I said, it was really only one generation -- Kate only. Chelsea he had many kisses with, but he never got to sleeping with her. He was about to, but she found out about him cheating on her with her own grandmother and broke up with him immediately. And yes, Higley did write the retcon that made Daniel Melanie's father (and Carly her mother), but it was Marlene MacPherson and Darrell Ray Thomas, Jr., who retconned Daniel as Maggie's son.
  16. Just two generations, thankfully -- Kate and Chelsea. There was a brief flirtation with Billie, but she shut him right down and put the brakes on things before it went anywhere beyond flirting. Still, the "three generations of Roberts women" line was eventually uttered -- by an equally disgusted Kate, no less!
  17. This is disappointment and devastation that must simply be enjoyed. :)
  18. Oh, the spin-off really is happening? Bobbi's leaving us after this to go to it? Probably Hunter, too? :( As for the Ward/Kara twist, I knew it was happening. And I, too, hope they both go down next week. Also, I'm delighted there's no redemption for him in the works for one reason. No return to the team for him. @APSimpson, to quote Elsa from Frozen: "LET IT GO!" It's not going to happen, and this episode pretty much spelled it out in big, bright, shining lights!
  19. Well, he forgave her pretty quickly when she confessed to lying about Danny's test results. He didn't even yell at her once. So I think he could forgive her this time, too, just as quickly. Good for Sam! Someone on the show has to be honest!
  20. He was, and he had every right to be, and he actually did stay angry at both Mary and Emily for a while. Not a long while, though, because he was back to trusting them both again about a week or two later.
  21. Shoot. And to think that I thought that Ramsay and FOX figured out that we were tired of non-elimination episodes (especially since there'd been absolutely none up to now). I don't know why Ramsay said he was giving both Josh and Randy a second chance. Both went up for elimination just two weeks ago, and Randy had to fight for his life just last week! Well, this episode just put an end to any chance Josh had of winning, which makes me happy. This season was lacking a real villain, but I think we've got one now. Oh, and did he really label all of the women as Suzy Homemakers? I'm pretty sure he just meant Nick, which is on a whole different level of disgusting. What's with Alison's sudden utterances of "all day?" That came out of nowhere. I really want the women to win again. The men didn't deserve that win at all. Seems the more times they do win, the bigger Josh's ego gets. Still think T and Meghan are the strongest of the women. But the last couple of episodes are really exposing the chinks in Michelle and Alison's armor now. I see absolutely no contenders on the men's team anymore aside from Milly, and even he had his struggles tonight.
  22. For most of the commercial break, Kimberly was leading, so I'd say she was mustering them pretty well. A good number of fans, just like last week, turned it on for India at the last minute.
  23. Apparently, Joe Tolo tweeted to save India, too. Despite the fact that she knocked him out at the Knockouts.
  24. Current team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Joshua Davis (saved by America) Team Pharrell Sawyer Fredericks (saved by America) Koryn Hawthorne (saved by America) Team Christina India Carney (saved by Twitter) Team Blake Meghan Linsey (saved by America) Well, I’m glad they avoided all pretense and just saved the two obviously safe people first. Sawyer got both of his songs into the top ten, and Meghan got one of hers there, as well. No question they had to be the first two saved. I had a feeling of whom the bottom two would be once Koryn was saved next. She’d charted decently, but I don’t think it was better than Joshua, who had charted better. So of course he was next. Poor song choices put Christina’s girls in the bottom two. This ending has me torn. I love India and I want her to make the finale. But . . . I think Christina's better chance of winning was with Kimberly, and the Twitter voters might've screwed her by saving India. Ms. Carney, STEP IT UP next week, or Christina might end up as the lame duck in the finale! On a side note, though, India breaks the "going first" curse, and she joins Kat Perkins as another person who survived despite not going last. So all but Pharrell have one member left. Let’s see if he can maintain them into the finale, or if one of them goes. If one does, it’ll obviously be Koryn.
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