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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. The first five houseguests evicted will go straight home. Everyone evicted after that will go to the jury house until the finale, when they return to vote on the winner of the season.
  2. Facially, and a little bit vocally, Meg reminds me of Brook Roberts, second-place-finisher (with Claire Champlin) in TAR17. And I agree with the Daniele comparison regarding Shelli. That was the first thing I noticed about her, from certain angles! I actually had a feeling they were bringing back the Battle of the Block shit when they only brought in half of the houseguests again last night. Not glad to hear about that. And seriously? The Twin Twist again? Well . . . it hasn't been done in twelve seasons, so I guess enough time has passed that it's not that bothersome. (Plus, I never saw BB5, so . . .) We've had a lot of Asian women on this show, but up until now, BB4's Jee had been the only Asian man ever to be on the show (unless being Iraqi counts as Asian, in which case, fine, add BB6/7's Kaysar). So at least James is finally our second (or third). So far, I don't hate any of the castaways. I think Clay has the most potential to bore me, and Jace might annoy me after sometime, but I like Da'Vonne, Shelli, Meg, Audrey, Austin, and James. I think it'll be just like last season, when I like the first half of the houseguests who enter, but am not interested in the second half. I hope this Audrey/Shelli/Da'Vonne alliance could actually work and doesn't blow up in week one like El Quatro did. Audrey's right that the girls need to run the house for a change. Nearly every single season, they get so catty and go after each other, so I'm hoping they actually work together. And I agree with Audrey in finally wanting a woman to win again. Rachel's BB13 win was the last time a woman won, and it was so obviously handed to her, it wasn't even funny. BB15 looked like it was on the way to having a woman win, especially given how many guys got tossed pre-jury, but once the jury phase started, they majorly self-destructed. BB16? I largely blame Christine for the women's constant evictions. I'd love to see a woman win this season who actually earns it.
  3. So that's either true, after all, or it's something they're saving for later.
  4. I'm hoping beyond hope that the ballot box thing is what it is, and she's just hiding that from Tracy and Michael. Lynn was playing that like there was something more underlying her motives for voting in favor of Nikolas. If it really is that reason, then I've gotta gawk at how stupid that is, especially considering how Tracy and Michael (IMO, quite awesomely) shot down each of her reasons.
  5. I really only liked "Blank Space" and "Style." Any other work of hers is kinda nothing to me.
  6. Lucy's reasoning for voting in Nikolas's favor made next to no sense to me. I don't think Tracy or Michael was nasty enough to her. Edward, Lila, and Emily would be turning over in their graves right now.
  7. Anyone else notice that when Tracy snapped at Michael briefly for telling Rosalie about the bug, Sabrina face-palmed at him doing so? Made me titter a bit.
  8. Being an older woman definitely doesn't make you a coattail rider. But being an older woman (or any demographic, really) who does nothing to further her game and just floats along while keeping the status quo while absolutely knowing she could be vulnerable to a vote-off? That absolutely does. Kim J., as mentioned above, certainly falls into that category. Also, probably more egregious than she, Denise from China, Shambo from Samoa, and Trish from Cagayan (only because it was clear as day she should've looked at other options after seeing Tony's unpredicatable paranoia result in at least two of her allies getting booted before the other alliance was gone).
  9. Wow, I totally misremembered the sequence of events. I'd thought that Fitz was the reason they were on there in the first place. Thanks for clearing up what actually went down. Now I'll have to watch that one again to be sure.
  10. Not just perceived. It's confirmed in the next season's finale that he did shoot poor Buddy. I know what happens to Fitz and Simmons in this episode, resulting in Fitz's condition in the next season, can largely be placed on Ward, but can't some of it be put on Fitz himself? Were it not for his desperation to try and reach Ward, he and Simmons never would've been in that predicament in the first place. He should've just let it go like Coulson, May, Skye, and Simmons all did.
  11. Oh, ten's not so many. Grey's Anatomy has way more than that. Modern Family has eleven. Once Upon a Time falls just short with nine. Still, glad to see that Lincoln and Mack will be main characters next season! :)
  12. Well, if anything good came out of this episode, it was Eric being made to eat crow where Serena was concerned and apologizing to Nicole while admitting she was right. That, plus the Theresa/Anne scenes, was my highlight of today.
  13. Since no one else has said it, I'll just say that thank GOD the misunderstanding as to what Sam was doing was resolved only within a few episodes. I thought this was going to drag on. Now that it's over and done with, everyone can focus on working together to shut down Nikolas and Rosalie. Needless to say, it was that reason that I enjoyed the Tracy/Michael/Sabrina/Jake(son)/Sam scenes.
  14. Well, we do now! Was thinking about one for a while, but here it is. Put any opinion on Survivor, its seasons, its casts, and even its castaways here . . . if it goes against the grain of general thoughts of the fans, not just fans here.
  15. Speaking of that, is this the same Zoe, or did they recast her? She looks oddly different.
  16. Don't forget to add Mookie to the asshat list, @Oholibamah. He was right up there with them.
  17. You thought it was the merge when the season got better? I've actually thought for years that it was the swap that improved things. All of the likable people were on one nuMoto (Earl, Yau-Man, Michelle, and Cassandra all on one tribe was, like, my Fiji dream come true, and I even said as much on TWoP at the time, and Boo and Stacy were on their way to improving their own likability after said swap), and all of the people who sucked, or were about to start sucking, ended up on nuRavu. And the likable tribe won all but one challenge from the swap and on! But I'll agree. Save for the totally random twist that took out Michelle, the merge was wonderful, especially the Edgardo blindside.
  18. Season two is on Netflix now? Last I saw, only season one was there. Also, it's Fitz, not Friz.
  19. I know everyone's pissed at Olly, but in slight defense of him (very slight), he did watch Jon let in the people who murdered his parents last season. I can kinda see how that pushed him to his breaking point.
  20. I see why they only bring back those eliminated from F10 and on to help with the final service. But why don't they ever bring back those eliminated sooner than that to at least see the coronation of the winner? Yeah, they brought Adam, Christine, Randy, Alison, Josh, Nick, Milly, and Michelle back to help T and Meghan, which was nice. But why not bring back Chrissa, Cameron, Michael, Mieka, Monique, Brendan, Sarah, and Bret to see who wins? I suppose Bret still might've been too injured, but the other seven? Why not any of them?
  21. Who's the crippled Stark boy out there? I remember hearing pre-season that his entire storyline was being skipped this season and wouldn't be picked up again till next season. I guess the saturation of storylines was the reason why. But who is he?
  22. Peter signed a contract, so I imagine he'll be around for quite a while.
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