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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. With Bo coming back, though, there's no doubt in my mind that they will.
  2. I think it was. I didn't take it as him saying the mob was good. He even said it wasn't. I took it to mean that because Shawn had been there for him for so long when Jordan wasn't, he was willing to support him in whatever he did, even though he probably would've preferred anything for Shawn that wasn't the mob. But because it was what Shawn wanted to do, where his heart lay, he was going to be supportive of him, despite it not being the first choice in terms of what Shawn could've done with his life. I didn't look at it as "good mob" vs. "bad mob' at all.
  3. Actually, Penner recognizing her was just an editing product. Penner had no idea as to whom Lisa was. The only ones to recognize her right away were Skupin and Denise. Denise actually told Penner herself after she was swapped from Matsing to Kalabaw. We just weren't shown that.
  4. About the one thing I liked about the Jordan/T.J. scenes was that T.J. at least made it clear that he doesn't think the mob is any great shakes. His anger was all about Shawn, not the mob. Still think he kinda sucks to be bellyaching over Shawn, but at least it's only Shawn, not the world in which he worked, that he's grieving.
  5. Assuming this is truth, then considering I'm one of few who actually finds Stephen overrated (even though I do like him okay), I'm fine with this. It's finally been proven that he really did need J.T. to get as far as he did last time.
  6. The actress playing her got a part in a movie, but she hasn't been back since it wrapped up its filming.
  7. That's fine. I just think the fact that J.T. was pretty much hated and distrusted by his entire tribe means he played a game that was pretty much not one to love or respect. That's all.
  8. I think there was an episode in which her father was supposed to be at least mentioned. "Players," actually. But somehow, every version of the episode I've seen has had it cut.
  9. Amazing player after he made his entire tribe distrustful of him and the other tribe, as well. Hmm. . . . Okay, then. If you say so, @KimberStormer.
  10. For all who enjoy the new format, good for you. I don't. I want teams and eliminations. Not Drew and Jonathan going at each other every week. Enjoy. I'm gone.
  11. Marquesas was actually season four. Thailand was season five. Philippines was after Heroes vs. Villains, too, and that's one of my favorite seasons.
  12. T's daughter, Tamara, looked so sad when her mom didn't win. :( This episode was definitely enjoyable, and it was good to see Christina. I liked the challenge, and I liked having everyone back. Though I also liked the lingering shots on Josh, Randy, and Christine. It was as though the editors were reminding us what nightmares they were in the kitchen. T and Meghan clearly didn't want any of them on their teams. I actually thought Josh was going to get the last pick, but wasn't surprised that it was Randy. T definitely seemed like the better leader, juggling people from station to station where needed. Meghan . . . I don't know how she dealt with everything. But I thought T would win since she seemed like the better leader. But I'm okay with Meghan, too. Not a great season, but the breath of fresh air that was this season's F2 (and hell, even the F4) at least made for a good payoff.
  13. Gwen got her last person to just before the finale, so I think she did just fine. And season seven was her first time coaching. Perhaps she, like Pharrell, will have the bugs worked out and try and fix where she went wrong last time. I just hope she does better in her Battle and Knockout decisions, because she did send quite a few capable people home in favor of less capable ones. If Pharrell could change a fair bit as a coach, then so could Gwen.
  14. I can believe it. It is Rupert, after all.
  15. "Juvenile" was full of frustrating moments, yet also interesting because it opened up many topics for debate. While I know part of it was his own fault, I felt terrible for poor Jeremy and, despite what Huang said, knew that he was remorseful over what that sociopath, Zachary, did to Ms. Oestricher. Yes, he made a choice, but I really felt like Zachary had too much control over Jeremy and thus gave him little choice. Nevertheless, Alex, Donnelly, and Jeremy's attorney were all right that he was undoubtedly going to get a jury that would find him guilty. Which leads me to the most frustrating part. His mother's adamant desperation to believe that Jeremy would be seen as the good boy even though everything revealed during the trial showed that he was indeed going to get convicted, which led to her turning down probably the sweetest deal they could've hoped for -- five to ten years, out in five with good behavior -- and being all-too-willing to risk a life sentence just because she was so certain the jury didn't see him as the bad one. Hey, lady! Doesn't your son get a say in this? Jeremy looked like he wanted to take the deal! And then, of course, the jury does indeed find Jeremy guilty, and his mother wails in horror, even though everyone involved tried to warn her. And to really twist the knife, the jury gets polled to reveal that every last one found him guilty. So yeah. That's my latest frustrating moment. Or set of moments.
  16. And Meghan hasn't done that more than once?
  17. Not true. With Yul, yes. But if that were true in Philippines, either Skupin or Lisa would've gotten his vote, because I've always felt like he was harsher with them than he was with Denise.
  18. Yeah, Dillon's always gone by Quartermaine, not Hornsby. I was told by my mother that Paul actually never wanted Dillon. He wanted Jenny Eckert, so that meant getting rid of all traces of his life with Tracy, one of which was Dillon.
  19. Yes. He came back in HK12 to judge a challenge with Rock (HK3's winner) and, I think, Elise from HK9.
  20. Noooooooo! Anthony! :( I was very much hoping he'd find a way to recover from his substance abuse issues and go on with his life, maybe try at the show again. He had such a fantastic voice. And instead . . . it sounds like he's silenced it forever. RIP, Anthony. :(
  21. Rereading this thread, I just came across this. Cal, I understand, @VCRTracking, but why Kara? She made it pretty clear, after she was finally free of HYDRA, she was willingly choosing her path. Standing with Ward basically led to her death.
  22. No, that was the dish when he didn't spot that Andi had put in crab rather than lobster.
  23. Sure, neither Meghan nor T has been fully likable, but IMO, I don't care about that. They're both to-the-point, no-nonsense women who absolutely command respect and authority, and that's what Ramsay wants in a head chef. T's also allergic to B.S. (something Meghan's not -- it was more than clear that, as someone pointed out, she wanted Michelle in the F2 with her for an easy ride to the win), which also helps her deal with the more difficult personalities like Monique and Josh. I could take either of these two spectacular women winning, and I'm glad it's only between them now.
  24. About the best thing about today, other than Laura's return, was Silas pointing out exactly what someone else did a few days ago -- that the DNA would've matched Ava's exactly had they done a cheek swab. That's . . . all I can get.
  25. Actually, wrong on both counts. He kept couples apart for far too long, and he gave an interview saying that he didn't care about what the fans wanted. Either that, or an actor who'd talked to him gave an interview revealing that. But no, he never cared about what the fans wanted.
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