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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. I'd say Casey's blindside in week three of BB11 is right up there. Though to compare him to what's going to happen to Jeff, at least Casey knew he was gone as soon as he was put up, especially since it was Jordan, whom no one considered a threat. Jeff at least has reason to think James is the target, so that'll make his ouster a blindside if it indeed happens. James, no doubt. I think she'll show some TAR26 loyalty to Jeff by voting for him to stay. I'll be very surprised if she votes him out with the others.
  2. Shelli talked Vanessa off the ledge. She's going to put Jeff up, after all. "The less people that come and talk to you, the better." Word, Shelli. How is it that Shelli went from having one of the worst HoH stints to being the voice of reason in her alliance? Boggles the mind.
  3. Aaaand Vanessa has her reason to put up Jeff served up to her on a silver platter. After struggling to get Audrey out of the HoH, Shelli relays a conversation to her from Becky. Apparently, Jeff had been throwing her name around, telling her that Vanessa was going to backdoor Becky. Upon hearing this, I don't see how Vanessa doesn't nominate Jeff now. ETA: Well . . . never mind for the time being. She's too busy with this Clay twin theory now.
  4. I just saw that, and Audrey even tried to lay it out straight to Vanessa at one point. She said that it was just the right move to make to put Jeff up. That was probably the one undeniably true thing Audrey said in that conversation! So in some ways, it's good that Vanessa does at least know that Jeff needs to go way more than James does, at least this week. She just needs a way to do it so that she doesn't come off looking like a bad guy for it.
  5. Two straight weeks of an HoH having to either do what the house wants or risk pissing people off all because of the Veto results. I love it. :) I'm pretty sure there'll be at least one more twist. Not much of a Takeover if that's the only one.
  6. You can kind of tell how these houseguests feel about each other in the way they react in the wake of an eviction. I do believe that Shelli liked Da'Vonne on a personal level, and this really was only a game-related decision to get her evicted (or at least she thinks it was, although Da'Vonne was never coming after her until she nominated her). She even joined in the round of applause for Da'Vonne as her picture went gray on the Memory Wall. Clay, on the other hand, must truly have a real-life hatred for her, as he neither said goodbye to her nor joined in the applause for her picture. He just stood with his arms crossed as it happened. Da'Vonne, meanwhile, feels negatively toward both of them, I think, because she said goodbye to everyone but Clay and Shelli on her way out. I think she might've passed over Audrey, too.
  7. Sometimes, but it came really early in BB15. In week four, Judd got a twenty-four-hour solitary confinement when he had to keep shutting off an alarm that went off every few minutes while he was locked up.
  8. Jordan brought up that very thing to Valerie early in Thursday's episode, of how two people working in the department can't be involved. Valerie assured her that what happened wasn't going to go any farther than what happened. Even though we all know it's liable to do just that, anyway. . . .
  9. Vanessa is talking about how horrible Derrick was and that his strategy was relying on someone who should never actually take him to the end to take him to the end. Five points for her, I guess. So John is also sure that there are twins, but doesn't know what to do about this. Becky replied with a gem: "We do what we do best: sit here and observe the chaos!" They're not the most interesting of houseguests, but by staying off the radar like this, John and Becky are probably playing the best game right now.
  10. To be honest . . . other than Joe, Norrie, Julia, and, surprisingly, Big Jim, I could care less about the characters we do already know.
  11. Oh, that was not early. That was fairly late in the game, right at the F9. The fact that he slipped up that late showed how clueless he was.
  12. Carly today was great. This one can stay. How often do we get this Carly? Once a year? Twice? Three times? I really wish we could have Carly when she's like this so much more often. Dante had the perfect chance to tell Lulu and completely let it pass him by. Will have zero sympathy for him when it comes out on its own.
  13. Not exactly a parent, but a grandparent deserves acknowledgement, as well. I forgot the episode, but there was a young woman went down for murder at the end of an episode, in part because the murder she'd committed was due to her being so warped due to inattentiveness from her completely uncaring grandmother, who was supposed to have taken care of her since her mother died, but was too self-absorbed to do so. The episode ended with the young woman shouting, "I needed a mother!" And then, her uncaring grandmother replied, "Well . . . she died." Right before leaving her for Elliot and Olivia to arrest.
  14. That's okay. I'm just glad to hear that Lulu did in fact tell Dante what was really going on. I just hope Tracy finds out soon.
  15. I meant did she tell him what really happened today? Haven't watched it yet and probably won't be able to for a few hours.
  16. I don't agree. I thought both of them had good heads for the game. If nothing else, Candice was the one who sniffed out the Moving Company. And both were good at observing and mentally noting things. The one thing they had a problem with was what Da'Vonne has a problem with now: putting their observations into viable strategies.
  17. To ask again, did Lulu tell Dante the truth or not?
  18. Not that Dante is blameless (far from it, in fact), but Lulu's lies did get the ball rolling for this. She does deserve a good part of the blame in this.
  19. Haven't watched yet. Did Lulu ever tell Dante what really happened? Why she really left with Dillon?
  20. And she's making it clear what she wants, unlike Abigail, who says she wants one thing, but acts like she wants another.
  21. What? Something happened to him? I just watched this one for the first time and don't get why she just let him die. She had the ring in her hands and was just about to put it on him, yet she didn't at the last minute? Never would've thought Gabrielle would've let a guy die.
  22. The thing that got me all rage-y over the whole thing was that after Brandon lambasted Mikayla and we briefly saw her off by herself, crying, trying to collect herself, we didn't get a single confessional on her feelings of the whole thing. No, no. The editors made that all about Brandon and his feelings. He gave yet another one of his "Waaaahhhh! I don't wanna be Uncle Russell!" confessionals. Yet nothing from Mikayla, the young woman he'd just verbally attacked for no discernible reason at all? Just from the one who did the attacking? Ugh! That's fucked up, though, to hear that Mikayla actually went anywhere near Russell. Makes anything positive I'd thought about her go out the window.
  23. That would be the only redeeming thing if Ava is indeed returning. I liked that friendship.
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