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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. I never felt sorry for Rudy's mother because she was a bigot. Even Rudy was disgusted by her bigotry. That said, the only one she had any right to hate was the brother.
  2. If anything, at least Ron thought of that, after all, and remembered to address that very thing. To think everyone thinks he doesn't think of things ahead of time. Plus, it makes sense for Carly to worry. Given all that Helena appears to know, she unquestionably knows that Carly and Josslyn are Spencers (even if Carly rarely acknowledges that branch of her family tree). So Josslyn being used in some sick Helena plot through her new kidney isn't something Carly should necessarily brush off, since it'd mean two Spencers suffering, something Helena would enjoy.
  3. How's it not surprising? I thought they were happy!
  4. Yeah, but Shelli's words seem to have convinced Meg even more that Audrey was lying again. I couldn't get a read on Jason's reaction, but he looked like he believed Audrey even more than before, but at the same time . . . he looked like he either believe Shelli or just played it like he did. James is still filing Audrey's words away, I think. But Becky and Jackie (especially Jackie) were more than sure about it.
  5. To think Meg was one of the first ones, along with Jackie, to figure out Audrey's game in week one. So how'd she go from being one of the smartest people in the house to one of the dumbest by week four?
  6. I agree with all of that. I think Skye's totally going to get into him, especially since she's made it clear that she wants nothing more to do with Ward. Whom I could see getting extremely jealous and envious of Lincoln if he ever picks up on that.
  7. Jackie realized that none of the main alliance of six has ever been nominated this whole game. Her wheels are definitely turning. She's on to them. I can see her going to Jason and probably Meg before too long. I mean, it won't save Audrey, but at least it'll have them keeping a closer eye on things and not spilling everything to Clay or Shelli.
  8. Audrey telling James everything could've and really should've been good. But then, he took the information to Meg, who didn't believe it, and then stupidly went to Clay, who shut it all down. Audrey's not gonna give up, though. She's already told Jackie, who did seem to believe her. She needs to tell Jason, though, assuming he's the one still coming down from the block.
  9. No, Shelli is okay with Vanessa playing her own game. Clay thinks she's playing for them to win, which is just stupid. Also . . . damn! Austin's now-ex-girlfriend, Chelsea, apparently didn't waste any time! She's already thrown out his stuff, just like Daniele's boyfriend did to her during BB8.
  10. Watched "Blasters" again and am still scratching my head as to why, after firing her incompetent subordinate, Rodgers is warned by Logan that that might come back to haunt her. Especially when nothing ends up coming of it in that episode or any one going forward.
  11. Jason basically just said, "I am too good for these people. They all suck! I don't know how to campaign with them because I don't talk game to them! I am better than them all! They're cowards!" Can this dude go home, please? Don't mind if Audrey does, but after hearing that, I officially don't mind if Jason does. Oh, and the elimination order for the Veto was James (who threw it), Shelli, Meg, Jason, John, and Vanessa (who won).
  12. Apparently, James was out first since he threw it. He was the only one to do so. Everybody else fought for it. Even Shelli and Vanessa went for it. Meg did, as well, which makes me wonder where she was when Da'Vonne, her own ally, was in trouble two weeks ago? She threw that one.
  13. John's winning streak is broken. Vanessa won the Veto. So this should be interesting. She really didn't want to win, so what she does now is gonna have me wondering all weekend.
  14. Someone on Survivor Sucks who lives in L.A. is saying it is, yes.
  15. Earlier today, Jackie confirmed that she's very much figured out that the last three weeks have targeted the same people in the house. She is very aware of what is going on. Flashback to her talk to Shelli earlier this afternoon after they were alone in the HoH. I am not sure what time it was, but each was cautiously trying to get information from the other without revealing too much themselves. Jackie was dropping all kinds of hints asking about whether or not there is a group that is constantly targeting the same people, Shelli deflected. Before it started to get real, they were interrupted. I foresee a time where these two will talk again before Monday.
  16. Everyone's waiting for the Veto Competition, but I doubt we're going to have one today or tonight. All of L.A. is getting totally dumped on right now.
  17. You're actually right about that. She told Jeff as much before his eviction. She knows they're full of shit and will be targeting them. I have no doubt she would've if she'd won one of the HoHs this week.
  18. Amy got back into the BB3 house with a houseguest vote. The hot tub competition was an HoH Competition she won after winning her way back in.
  19. Well, right now, Clay and Shelli have decided to go through with an Audrey backdoor, after all, but they're gonna wait to call her out after the Veto Competition or even at the Veto Ceremony. . . . Though at the same time, I can't help but believe that this is just Shelli rambling and, after some time, she'll continue to wuss out on actually nominating Audrey.
  20. Oh! This is surprising! John actually didn't throw it this time! He actually tried to win! But Jason sucked so hard at it! Sounds like the BotB had something to do with smashing pumpkins ('90s Week tie-in). Apparently, James and Jason smashed, like, sixty pumpkins looking for a key, while Jackie was shaking them instead and found the key they needed that way. Sounds like Jason needs the Veto, or it's time for him to say goodbye.
  21. If Julia is soaking wet, then I think Liz's nominees won. Shelli's nominees lost if she's still dry. This means that Jackie and James are safe for the week, and John and Jason are still on the block. I'm betting John threw it again, though.
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