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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. The holder of the Veto was still vulnerable, though, if he or she used it.
  2. It's not a bad question to ask. With the original Veto, it was possible for that to happen. It was why they changed it to a Golden Power of Veto near the end of BB3 and have kept it that way ever since.
  3. Liz: (To James and Meg about Clay and Shelli.) They thought they were Mister and Miss Perfect Jeff and Jordan. First thing Liz has said in a while that I've actually liked, because . . . well . . . it's true. Good news is James is sticking to his nominations, no matter what. Any plans of getting Steve backdoored won't work. Yay! Question is, does this mean that Liz, Julia, and Austin really might go against Vanessa and vote to save Clay? This talk she had with them sounds like they might do just that.
  4. What a perfect week for this medieval theme, given it's a very "oh how the mighty have fallen" theme going on in the house -- Shelli and Clay on the block and no longer the head honchos of the house, and Vanessa reduced to being Jackie's "squire" for twenty-four hours. :)
  5. Clay got robbed? Wow. I hope they do, then. I hate Clay and all, but I'd rather his social life be dented, not his possessions. Shelli went on a little rant about Vanessa either last night or early this morning. It boiled down to Shelli and Clay not wanting to work with Vanessa anymore. Going forward, it's the two of them, John, and Becky. That's their F4. The twins (Shelli "adores" Julia) are welcome for a F6. Yes. Liz and Julia are "welcome" to be in their F6. Shelli actually used the word "welcome." This woman . . .
  6. He made the F4, actually. Yeah, that became clear to me the moment he and Shelli were nominated. He's spent so much of the game seeing everyone bending over backwards for him. And now that he has to bend over backwards for the other houseguests to stay in the game, he'd rather sabotage himself than try and save himself. He essentially wants to take his ball and go home. Clay and Shelli actually had a fair amount of fans at first, in week one. But they became unpopular after they betrayed Da'Vonne for no good reason. Just over one stupid, pointless argument with Clay. It got worse when they helped Vanessa set Jeff up. Then, they betrayed Audrey (understandable, but still . . .) and Jason (not understandable at all), two casual fan favorites, and you can see why they're wildly unpopular. Austin's creep factor with Liz is obviously why he's down there. Becky's newfound ratlike play and loyalty to Clay and Shelli are clearly why she's fallen so far. Perhaps the Steve stuff, too. I've never seen all the hype about John (don't hate him, but really don't like him, either), so I'm glad he's fallen so far down. Clay and Shelli . . . see everything I said above, plus their behavior on the feeds over the past few weeks. Where's Vanessa in these standings? The twins?
  7. "Do you know what's going to be the saddest clip?" Shelli asks. "When no one is watching me and I'm walking around here by myself!" This girl . . . Bless Becky, though, for bringing her some shorts so she'll be more comfortable.
  8. Shelli just demanded that no one leave the backyard till she at least reaches her first hundred cycles. Sigh. I do still want Shelli to stay, especially over a total bore like Clay, but she's clearly one of those women who must constantly have an audience, isn't she?
  9. Fear not, @Katesus7. If Vanessa has her way -- which I think she might -- Shelli will manage to stay no matter what James, Meg, and Jackie want. She has more than enough numbers on her side to keep Shelli over Clay. She has control of Austin and can get him to vote with her, and of course she can count on both Liz and Julia. She's also got control of Steve, so that's the five votes Shelli would need to stay. Becky is the icing on the cake since she promised Clay that she'd vote for him to go, as well. If things stay that way for the next five days, Shelli will have it made. Yet for some reason, she still doesn't know that yet. I guess Vanessa might tell her later.
  10. Wait, Shelli's in bed? Shouldn't she be doing her punishment? Or does that start tomorrow?
  11. Agreed, @Eolivet. Plain and simple, this game was fun for Clay while it was easy for him, and while everyone was doing what they could to help him (and Shelli) advance through the game. But now that it's not so easy anymore and he has to fight for his survival, it's also not so fun anymore. So he wants to leave for that reason. I'll be fair and say that he also must know that the game means so much more to Shelli than it does to him, so he wants her to keep playing it.
  12. To be frank, it kind of pisses me off that Clay is just giving up (though not too much since I want Shelli to stay, anyway). There are only two possible reasons why: 1. He is just done with the game in general, in which case, screw him for taking the spot of someone who would actually try and win. 2. He thinks he has absolutely no chance, in which case he is an idiot. Does Clay not realize how much dirt he has on the Sixth Sense? He could completely bury them to James right now and could probably convince James to nominate Vanessa or Liz if he really hammered in that he doesn't have the votes to stay. But no. He's going out like a bitch, acting like he's some sort of martyr being slain by the evil James. When, IMO, he and Shelli have been the evil ones since the moment they betrayed Da'Vonne over one little spat she had with Clay.
  13. Either someone said or did something bad to her while the feeds were down, or she has a feeling Clay will go home when she wants him to stick around. One or the other. Just a thought.
  14. I see why John is crying. He doesn't wanna lose his precious bro. But again, Clay totally deserves it.
  15. So Clay won a trip, Shelli got stuck with a costume, Becky won $5,000, and Vanessa's getting shackled to someone. So clearly, that leaves James and Jackie. One got the Veto (sounds like James), while one can't play in the next Veto Competition (that might leave Jackie).
  16. Yeah, Clay and Shelli crying pretty much tells me neither one won the Veto. But nonetheless, their tears, plus Becky winning $5,000, give me life! I'm evil, I know, but they deserve it.
  17. *Raises hand* I'm one of them. I, for one, couldn't stand the Sovs, or at least the male ones. I was a fan of Rachel, Sarah, and Janelle, but not Howie, James, or Kaysar. Mostly because it seemed like their alliance was all about pursuing personal agendas rather than strategy, save for Beau's boot. I liked the Friendship/Nerd Herd just fine because even though I didn't think much of any of them as people (save for Beau and, surprisingly, Maggie), they were, as a whole, superior game players who, despite their feelings toward the Sovs and even one another, still focused on the game and on strategy. So yeah. They have fans. I'll shout it from the rooftops if I have to. ;)
  18. I can't believe Vanessa's trying so hard to save the entire alliance. Instead, she should be figuring out how to make sure Clay is evicted so she still has Austin, Liz, Julia, and Shelli. She's going to fuck her game up with all of this ridiculous scheming for John to go on the block. If she keeps it up, Shelli's going to leave, and the Sixth Sense actually will be destroyed, leaving Vanessa pretty much all on her own.
  19. Turns out Jackie was picked via Houseguest's Choice by James, and then picked outright by either Shelli or Clay, who had to draw again. That was when either Becky or Vanessa got picked.
  20. Your defense of Becky is better than anything I could've come up with coherently or on the spot, @Deputy Deputy CoS. But yes, exactly. I'd prefer Becky not run to Shelli and Clay, either, but her reasons make sense. Actually, with it being apparent that one of them is almost certainly going, I'm more surprised Clay and Shelli aren't being more open to working more closely with her and John. Could you describe that whole exchange? I'd love to hear more about it.
  21. Do we have proof that she's done any of this? Both are absent from the feeds so much, it's hard to tell. Until someone cites an example, I'm sticking with her.
  22. Um, John is, too. I think it's a bit unfair to give her all the flak for this. Sorry. I just happen to like Becky regardless of what she's said or done (and her dislike of Steve makes me like her even more, actually!), so I have to get defensive on her behalf.
  23. Um, Steve was the one who said in the Diary Room that he loves watching Becky cry, so what's so wrong about Becky shit-talking Steve? Would you all want to live with Steve? Seriously? I feel absolutely sorry for those of you who'd answer this affirmatively. Frankly, I'm with most of those on Survivor Sucks who can't stand the guy. . . . Granted, most of them can't stand Becky, either, but they'd still hang out with her before they'd go anywhere near Steve, so . . .
  24. Sounds like Vanessa ditched the idea, anyway, when Austin let her know that Clay and Shelli were still throwing them under the bus to people. She said that if they won't chill out and stop, then they can't help them.
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