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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Well, last night, I was positive that despite everything that happened, Becky would be safe so long as anyone but Vanessa or Steve wins tonight's HoH. But Vanessa and Julia's talk has me now adding Julia to the list. I don't know what Vanessa said, but even Julia wants to target Becky now. Liz and Austin still want John gone before her, though, which is also okay with me, since unlike everyone else, John does nothing for me.
  2. Any woman who takes back her abuser and is promptly killed afterwards gets no sympathy from me. The woman who was with Nathaniel Marston's character in "Persona" is one of them. She was ready to drop him, but then inexplicably took him back. Olivia hid out in their house just to keep an eye on things, but by the time she heard something going on and tried to get out of the basement in which she was hiding, the woman was indeed dying after getting stabbed by her man almost halfway through the episode. And let's try the battered wife in "Asunder." Lady, your husband's been hurting you repeatedly, and you still want him to get off? He may have gotten off, but I easily saw more abuse coming her way after he did.
  3. Surprisingly, Vanessa seems okay with it. I guess she's moved away from John and Becky, at least for the double eviction. Going after a group you know is a threat is actually a much better choice than wasting it on floaters. This. But I'm not surprised that Shelli really has proven herself unable to play the game without Clay. Clay was the one forming all of the relationships. Shelli just stayed within their Sixth Sense group, save for Austin. Mainly with Clay and Vanessa, but she occasionally talked to Liz and Julia, too, and even then, it was only because Vanessa told her about the Twin Twist. I'm actually surprised that James is that gung-ho about getting rid of her. She's pretty much nothing without Clay, and she's been showing that for days now. Vanessa, meanwhile, has influence on so many people (mainly Liz, Julia, Austin, and, if she can repair it, Steve), and she can turn that influence into votes against James, Jackie, and Meg. Is James fucking insane not to see that? Eric is one of the few to make it out, and even then, only after some intense rigging by Grodner. Other than he, mostly pawns put up as replacement nominees have made it out.
  4. She did. I'm no fan of Carly, but she did tell T.J. she knew how Jordan felt to have a child hating her. She probably meant the time Michael was estranged from her over A.J.
  5. I guess one thing I like about this show is that the heroes, at least so far, have been smarter than the villains. They've outwitted every single one they've come across this season -- Alisha's mother, the Ramseys, Niels . . . not one has defeated them yet! It's kind of refreshing not to see the villains running circles around the heroes, for once, but rather the other way around.
  6. Becky and a pawn. After hearing that all three floaters are on the hit list, he knows he has to fight for it.
  7. You and me both, @Katesus7. Both in the house and on here, the anti-Becky feelings are making my blood boil. It's bordering on how I felt when everyone ostracized Michele for no reason in BB11 and got pressured by Dick and Daniele into ostracizing Jen in BB8. And even worse than in the house, I see it happening here, too. I don't see her as the bad person so many here seem to see her as. (Looking and staring daggers at you, @yankee1151.) I just see a semi-annoying, but generally caring, well-meaning woman who also seems like a decent person. And one whose method of sitting back and observing has helped her, for the most part, be in touch with the house dynamics. The fact she's helping James, Jackie, and Meg study right now tells me which side she's truly on and should be telling them the same thing.
  8. Does John look like he's buying it? If so, I'd say I'd be more worried about him than Vanessa's level of smarts in this game. Also, @Katesus7, are you getting the names right? Julie is the host. Julia is the twin.
  9. Then if this might be memory-related, wouldn't that also count as Q&A? And it might be a Veto Competition instead. BB12 had a physical HoH and a mental/memory Veto, didn't it?
  10. Surprisingly, if you're about to call out some kind of rigging to keep Austin in, which I wouldn't rule out, I don't think it was the producers' intentions to do that. I think they wanted Julia to be surprised that Liz had kept them safe with the BotB win and had ensured her entry into the game. I imagine they might've switched them back if Liz and James had remained on the block and someone who wasn't Liz or someone who wouldn't save her had won the Veto.
  11. Austin just told Julia that he won't listen to Vanessa if she puts up Becky and John in the double eviction episode, and that she's becoming a liability. He feels like Vanessa's trying to get them to do his dirty work where getting rid of Becky is concerned. More proof that Vanessa has all but alienated him and the twins. Or at Liz.
  12. Not true. Becky's got a good chance to survive if anyone but Vanessa or Steve wins HoH. Austin, Liz, and Julia just mentioned wanting John gone even more than they want Becky gone in case he's a production favorite. Austin, in particular, said that the best time to get out a production favorite is during a double eviction episode.
  13. Higley has always been a fan of Nicole, so I can see why she might've dialed things back for her. She wanted her point of view to finally shine through again, and it did.
  14. Given that Niels was Patient Zero, I thought he'd be around till whenever the series ends to serve as the final villain. I did not expect to see him check out just like that. He had it coming, though. All these deaths were of his doing. He told Dr. Scott that it was never his intention to spread the virus, but many of his actions spoke more loudly than his words. He intentionally infected that beach full of people, as well as an entire town. He meant to do it. He needed to die, for sure. While this was technically murder . . . I don't mind that Dr. Scott committed it. I think there's more than enough to build a case for justifiable homicide here.
  15. Actually, according to the preview, they're back on tomorrow.
  16. I just started watching that recently, and he was also a real douche in the process of being all of those other things you said.
  17. Apparently, a few hours ago, Steve decided to throw the Double Eviction HoH. Idiot.
  18. Oh, well, let me tell you, I was disgusted with the omission of that, too. But on the feeds, Becky had a talk with John about how she wanted to throw in with James, Meg, and Jackie entirely because of how she'd been treated as an "ally" of Clay and Shelli. She'd been playing the middle, but it was not good for her game anymore, especially with the jury phase drawing near. She went on to give many examples of how many times she'd funneled info to Clay and Shelli, but they'd never returned the favor. She realized that she'd been used by them, and that they'd proven to be very self-involved players who were only in it for themselves and each other, not really their allies. Meanwhile, she'd been given info by James, Meg, and Jackie while she also brought info to them. They reciprocated her information-sharing more than Clay and Shelli had, so she trusted them way more. John then agreed with her sentiments, pointing out to Becky the times Clay and Shelli had him volunteer to go up on the block as a pawn. He even brought up the time they'd tried to get him not to use the first Veto he'd won. He realized that as much as he liked them (especially Clay), they were far more loyal to each other than they'd ever be to him. So he agreed to jump ship to James, Meg, and Jackie, as well. In his case, he's more loosely joined up with them, while Becky's much tighter. So that's how John and Becky finally gave up on Clay and Shelli.
  19. Shelly had a hand in it, too. Don't forget that! ;) And the Generals was Becky, Vanessa, Jackie, and Shelli, as far as Becky knew. @Sara2009 and @Runningwild, but thankfully, that's about it, at least in terms of those who came over from TWoP. Most of the other fans of him went on to different sites after TWoP went down and are hopefully far away from here.
  20. This. I'm a fan of Vanessa, for sure, and would definitely prefer someone like Austin, Steve, or even John go home before she does. But at least I'm man enough to admit that she got herself into her position, and if she is evicted on Thursday, it's no one's fault but her own. But she's already admitted that her plan might not work. She got some vibes that Shelli could go to the jury instead of Vanessa. Nonetheless, she's more happy that her plan looks like it might work. But she's definitely keeping an eye on things to make sure it does.
  21. Guess I'm arrogant and mean, because I relish in anything bad said or done to Steve. I despise him that much.
  22. You just might get your wish, @peachmangosteen. James, Jackie, Meg, and Becky were all talking about him earlier and agreed that his Veto wins, both when he was on the line, are starting to unnerve them. They just might go for him if one of them wins HoH.
  23. Meg just told Jackie that John hates Vanessa as much as they do. So much so that he is a little mad he isn't the one getting Vanessa out this week. Jackie said that she feels the same way. Wow. Everybody wants Vanessa's blood on their hands, and I love it!:)
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