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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Ron had a whole list of characters he wanted to make him. Franco wasn't on said list. It was the network that pressured him into making him as such.
  2. That's good. At least some victimized children managed to get off.
  3. The daughter did get off easy for that, right? I can't remember.
  4. Perhaps. Perhaps not. But she still might've at least had a better shot if it'd all been out in the open from jump. Nothing for the defense to surprise the detectives with later, so they'd be ready to field it in court.
  5. Though she's not exactly on the high end of the worst parents, would it be okay to throw in Shane Madden's mother from "Head?" She reacted appropriately to learning of his molestation by his principal, though it took a while to get her there. I remember that when Elliot and Olivia first told her about it, she actually acted like she was proud of him because she thought he'd had consensual sex with a girl his age. She only registered horror on her face when Elliot outright said they were talking about an adult. And later, it was revealed she got drunk publicly when Shane around, including at one of his soccer games. Only at the end was she finally being a parent (or at least showing mostly appropriate, if not somewhat understandable, reactions to things) when she gets pissed off at Meredith Rice and beats her up for calling Shane when she's not supposed to and telling him she's pregnant with his child.
  6. @Spartan Girl had a good idea in starting the thread for the terrible parents, and they did deserve mention in that thread. But what about the great parents, the good parents, the decent parents, and the mostly okay parents who had the misfortune of having absolute shits for sons, daughters, stepsons, stepdaughters, or, to be generous, grandsons or granddaughters, despite looking like they hadn't done anything overly wrong in raising them (or had, but didn't realize it)? What about the child-rearing characters who were probably left thinking, sometimes rightly, sometimes wrongly, Where did we go wrong? I'll start with the title quote's case. It's said by the mother of the selfish, bratty douchebag in "Escape," who wrongly -- and knowingly -- accused his stepfather of molesting him and got him sent to prison for ten years just because he didn't want his mother to know he'd fooled around in bed with his cousin, and who also wanted to keep his mother from starting a family with his stepfather (even though she had no intention of abandoning her son), who turned out to be a damn decent guy who was put in a bad situation. Damn, that boy had serious Oedipal issues. And then, while I liked the actress, Anne Gillette from "Shadow." Killed both of her parents just for their money and tried to blame it on the Indian guy whom she knew was shadowing her. That was some crazy shit she pulled to make sure she remained in the clear. Luckily, Fin's trap tripped her up at the end. And finally, the two little girls from "Lost Traveler." Actually, just the blonde girl. The brunette girl at least was remorseful for killing the poor little Muslim boy and actually barely touched him, from what was described. But I felt for the parents when they had the slow realization that their other daughter had, at some point, become an unrepetent sociopath. I know many more, but I don't wanna take them all at the moment. For now, I'd love to see what all of you have to offer.:)
  7. Sarah, the piano student in "Missing Pieces." If not for her several instances of dishonesty, they might've nailed her perp. Instead, he got off scot-free for a crime he very clearly committed, because we, the audience, outright saw him commit it.
  8. Wait, wait, wait. Been a while since I've seen that episode. She mentioned having a terminal illness? What was it?
  9. I can't stop rewatching "Takes One to Know One" on Netflix! I can't help it! It was great from start to finish, IMO! Just the right amount of humor, the question of whom the killer was, a great mix of characters with a good amount of chemistry among one another, dominatrix-dressed Discord, her hot, Chippendale-inspired thugs, possibly the best use of Lila and Minya, Joxer being dissed at almost every turn by Xena, Gabrielle, Autolycus, and even Minya, Joxer and even Gabrielle's epic fails at being the half detectives that Xena was (with Joxer accusing several wrong people, and Gabrielle just stating the obvious one too many times), an amazing battle scene with Xena, Minya, and Autolycus (and Joxer and Cyrene even got some good hits in!), and the surprise of Argo being the culprit! And in self-defense, to boot! And of course, the good, character-driven storytelling to get to the final point, as well as all of the interactions between and among characters. It was all fantastic! About the only downside was the victim being someone we didn't care about since we'd only met her in that one episode. Well, that, and the WTF reaction I had when Xena figured the whole mystery out based on one use of a chandelier by Minya.
  10. Ugh. This whole thing with Aiden would be so much better if he were being blackmailed. :(
  11. Yes, but even then, Eames still managed to appear in most of those episodes, only flat-out being absent from two or three of them. Julianne Nicholson was gone from that same show and her role as Wheeler for months during her own maternity leave.
  12. NYC maternity leaves are typically four to five months long, so hers will be awfully long once the baby arrives. As of now, how far along is she?
  13. And after that, she had the scene in which she told Tate that she'd never put him in harm's way. She just planned to make Brady think that. But somewhere along the line, that got dropped.
  14. Hurting Tate was actually the last thing Theresa was going to do. I remember the scene in which she was holding him and telling him that she was never going to hurt him. Even Theresa's not that heartless.
  15. I wonder if the new idol twist is why Vytas gets the chop early? He's just the type of person I see putting an idol over helping his tribe win a challenge. Maybe he's caught doing that and gets the boot early because of it?
  16. I've only barely started watching. There something you have against One?
  17. So the boys pretty much laze around due to hypoxia while the girls kick ass and take names? My kind of episode!:)
  18. That's not true. Chelsea had plenty of remorse when she realized she'd killed Zack. It was what she did to keep Bo and Hope apart in the wake of that that she had no remorse for. Even today, though, she still thinks about Zack. In fact, she thought her infertility was karma for what she'd done to him.
  19. Not really her fault James's obsession with Shelli overrode all common sense during her HoH week.
  20. Hope never said any such thing to her. Selective memory at its finest, I see. And yes, Gabi did kill Nick when he pretty much admitted to her that he was still trying to take Arianna from Will. She was trying to protect Will.
  21. Technically, Theo is older than J.J. Theo was born in either late May or early June of 2003. J.J. was born in either the late summer or early fall of 2004.
  22. They actually did chemistry-test him with Maxie when Kirsten first came on. I remembered that day and thought they'd have been good together. Of course, then, out of nowhere, they brought in the chemistry-devoid Jesse for her, and that was the end of it.
  23. I've always thought that the show missed a trick by not pursuing something between Diego and Lulu. I thought Ignacio Serricchio and Julie Berman had damn good chemistry and could've been good together. Plus, two schemers falling in love while trying to break up a different couple in love is a rarely-used soap trope. Might've been worth a shot.
  24. Damaged or not, it didn't excuse either of their crimes. Or Hannah rolling on Sarah when Sarah never rolled on Hannah, even when Goren and Eames gave her the perfect opportunity to in exchange for a life sentence rather than the death penalty. Not to say they shouldn't have gone down. They should've. I'm just not pleased with how it did.
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