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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Meh. Vanessa's screwed over enough people that it's not undeserved, IMO.
  2. This is, first and foremost, a game. If Austin wants to let this happen to him, then AFAIC, he's fair game. More power to Liz for using what she's got to keep him hooked to her.
  3. They probably still think John is the replacement nominee, not Vanessa.
  4. She tried to pour Crisco into her bowl during the competition.
  5. So Liz and Julia were supposed to be on Twinning? I had no idea! They would've been perfect for it, though!
  6. Becky wants Shelli taken down to ensure that Vanessa goes. Against Steve, it'd be a sure thing. Da'Vonne also applied. She mentioned having seen the show since season one, so I'm fairly sure she applied. James did, as well. I'm not sure about Jace.
  7. Austin, Meg, and Vanessa were all picked to play for the Veto.
  8. John got drunk after the last Veto Competition and cried his eyes out over the thought of losing Clay. It got everyone's attention that he was Clay's bitch, and now people don't trust him since they know he was Clay and Shelli's little toady.
  9. Yes, she has. Austin is her choice if Vanessa wins and takes down Shelli. ETA: Oh, she's changed it to Liz now? Well, that was . . . random.
  10. Problem is, Jeff and Jordan and Brendon and Rachel had a certain likability with fans (even if I didn't like either couple personally, I know many others did). Clay and Shelli, quite plainly, do not. Their fans are minimal, at best, and nonexistent, at worst.
  11. Jackie has to wear it for a whole week. She got it last Saturday, so tomorrow should be when she can finally take it off. Vanessa only needed to wear hers for twenty-four hours.
  12. James and Jackie just said that if one of them wins the Veto, they will use it on Steve so they can watch Vanessa and Shelli go at it. They then said if the other side tries to fuck up the plan, one of them goes no matter what. They agree that they can't risk another plan blowing up in their faces and Steve going home before at least one major threat. They agreed to let Becky know so as not to blindside her with this change of plan. And apparently, the ADC doesn't trust John. They know he was close to Clay and Shelli and think he'd still work with the remainder of their showmance. They want Steve to work with them instead (not that that's gonna happen).
  13. Not so exaggerated. It's not as strong on Becky's end, but it's plenty strong on Steve's. Last night, after she filled him in on part of her plan, he called her a bitch behind her back as he left the HoH Room.
  14. Nominations are already done. Steve and Shelli are up, not any of Austin, Liz, or Julia.
  15. Ooh! Becky outed to Shelli that Vanessa asked her to hide that she knew that Shelli was going up. Shelli was not pleased.
  16. While Vanessa is her main target and Austin, Liz, and Julia aren't since they aren't coming after her, I don't really think Becky cares who goes so long as it's someone from that side of the house. Here's her plan outlined below: Becky is nominating Shelli and Steve for eviction. Her plan is to backdoor Vanessa (who is paranoid and suspects that is indeed the case). Becky has told Austin, Liz, and Julia that she is backdooring John. They do not believe that story, so they do not plan to use the Veto should they win it. John has told Steve that there is a backdoor plan in motion, and that he is not the target. Steve believes that Becky plans to backdoor Austin. Becky has told Shelli about the plan and revealed that she planted a story to Vanessa as a means of allowing Shelli to see if Vanessa still trusts her. Thus far, Shelli has kept her lips sealed, and Vanessa hasn't confided in her. Everyone else in the house knows about the plan to get Vanessa out. Becky has the votes to send out Vanessa against anyone she is on the block with, as only four votes (James, Jackie, John, and Meg) are needed to force a tie. If Vanessa wins the Veto and uses it to pull Shelli down, then Austin will go up and out. If Vanessa, Austin, Liz, or Julia wins the Veto and keeps the nominations the same, then Shelli will get evicted. Either way, someone Becky considers not fully on her side or, better yet, not even on her side at all hits the bricks this week, and her alliance remains intact.
  17. Jackie's on fire! She, Meg, and James were making fun of Shelli for being upset when they didn't cheer enough for Clay when he won the Veto in week five. And during it, she said, "They thought we weren't happy Clay won Veto. They were so worried we wanted to vote him out. Fucking idiots. . . . Well, now we did. Like, if you want to make up shit, fine. We'll just do it. You're so fucking worried, you want to blame us for it. Okay. Fine. We will vote him out. There you go. Now you can't complain about it anymore."
  18. Liz: (To Julia, about Austin.) He was as bad as fucking Meg in that competition. He needs to start pulling his weight. He was an embarrassment. He has muscles. Use them, motherfucker!
  19. People are down on Becky for telling her plans to Shelli and Steve, but frankly, I actually don't think it was that bad. For one thing, neither went to Vanessa. And Becky does keep some inroads with Shelli open in case she does want another option for later. And Vanessa only suspects, not outright knows. And even if her plan goes wrong, so what? At least she's made it so that no one in her alliance is going home. Yes, Vanessa is her main target, but I don't think she cares if Steve or Shelli gets evicted. And even if Vanessa Vetoes one of her nominees (should she get picked for the Veto Competition and win it), Becky already plans to put Austin up, and he has a fair chance of going and reducing Liz and Julia to just having each other. So one of Vanessa, Shelli, Steve, or Austin would leave us this week. It's a win-win-win-win situation for her. Anyway, I flashed back to this exchange between Jackie and Becky last night. Becky came clean that Vanessa and Shelli told her that James, Jackie, Jason, and Meg were against her, and Jackie was campaigning to get her out, and she thought she wanted to work with Vanessa and Shelli. She said then she saw how Vanessa manipulated everyone. Good for Becky for getting in front of this so when Vanessa and Shelli try to expose her as a rat, they'll already know and won't care anymore since she told them first. Jackie was soooo pissed. She wanted to go scream at Vanessa.
  20. The one thing of which Becky needs to be careful is Vanessa getting picked for the Veto and then winning it. I hope she has a backup plan for that. If she does, then it's likely Austin going up if Vanessa takes Steve or Shelli down. ETA: Becky also told Meg and Jackie, with whom she's alone in the HoH room, that she's going to play it up like John is the backdoor target to lull Vanessa into a false sense of security. This is good, since it also hides her alliance with him.
  21. It's just amazing. The entire first half of the game, Clay and Shelli were running everything. Now, with the second half beginning, Clay is gone, and Shelli isn't running shit. What a difference a power shift makes.
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