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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. True. Also, it turns out that Clay and Shelli both interrupted James during the nomination ceremony. That was what caused Clay's rampage from before the feeds came back up.
  2. What'll be interesting to me is how the show will paint this when the broadcast episodes arrive. The editors seemed to mostly stop protecting Clay and Shelli when they showed how Jason, Jackie, Meg, and James finally caught onto them and how Shelli freaked out with Vanessa. But I wonder if they'll stop protecting them even more in the nomination and Veto episodes on Sunday and Wednesday? Will they show them for what they are at last?
  3. Yay! I was waiting for your thoughts on this, @Katesus7! Glad to see them at last! Yes, this has been a great afternoon to see Clay and Shelli knocked down several pegs, indeed! Hope you continue to enjoy more of it! :)
  4. Steve tried to tell Clay and Shelli that no deal made during an endurance HoH Competition has ever been broken. Uh . . . Jennifer fucked over Kaysar (kinda due to pressure from her alliance, but even then, for a relatively understandable reason) in BB6. Daniele fucked over Kail (kind of unintentionally, though, as that was due to rigging to keep Eric, their America's Player, in the game) in BB8. Sheila fucked over Natalie in BB9. Dan fucked over Ollie for no good reason in BB10 (one of the reasons I can't for the life of me understand why the fuck he's so loved; serious idiots and morons in this country, I tell you). In other words, SHUT UP, STEVE. With seventeen people playing this season instead of fifteen? I think they might actually forego that this time around. I'll be surprised if they have to add another eviction.
  5. I think that, if the nominations stay the same, Shelli might be fine. She might have the votes to stay. Vanessa will vote to save her, and she has Austin, Liz, Julia, and Steve in her pocket to do whatever she says and complete Shelli's needed five votes. So that's all she needs right there. John and Becky might be icing on the cake, depending on whether they'd save her over Clay.
  6. Man. Up until now, I'd just had a mild dislike for Clay. But now? I think I fully hate him. He just called Vanessa a "fucking coward" after Shelli tried to explain to him that Vanessa was just mad because she felt like they were blaming her for their situation (which they have multiple times), but Clay is not happy with her at all. He said that if they get out of this, he doesn't want to work with Vanessa anymore. Shelli wisely pointed out that they need her, though. I just hate Clay so much. Dude, you lied to everyone. You attacked Vanessa, and then, she attacked you. You threw her under the bus, so she retaliated. On top of that, Shelli, still being self-aware, said that she can't be mad at James for breaking their deal because had she won HoH, she would've done exactly the same -- gone back on her word and put him up and out. "We can't be mad at them for doing exactly what we would have done in their position," she said. I want to see her stay and Clay leave. She has a lot of game left in her. But alas, James, Meg, and Jackie seem to want her gone first.
  7. Uh-oh. Becky just found out that Shelli is the real target instead of Clay. Is she going back to them with this info, too?
  8. John and Becky are so incredibly weird to me in that they do have the house dynamics right, for the most part. Yet they do the worst possible things with the info they have. What the hell are their games?!
  9. Nothing to get worked up or excited over. They're still loyal to Clay and Shelli. Even after all this.
  10. Even John has jumped ship. He told Jackie that they were all upstairs making decisions while he slept and then making him do things and telling him how to vote. I think John is being smart right now. He's coming out with his "secret" of targeting Jackie, James, and Meg before the king and queen can throw him under the bus.
  11. Vanessa does want Clay gone. She's wanted to firmly align with Shelli and only Shelli for weeks now. She doesn't think that that can happen with Clay still there.
  12. At least Shelli showed some self-awareness by admitting that James made a good move by putting them up. And she admitted that this must be how James, Jackie, Meg, and Jason all felt last week. You think, Shelli?
  13. Clay went on a rampage, and Shelli had to talk him down before he went too far. James apparently said some things during his speech that drove a wedge between Clay/Shelli and Vanessa. Vanessa got mad that Shelli didn't hug her. Shelli got mad at Austin, Liz, and Julia for knowing, but not telling them. She asked them if they knew, just as they were asked last week. Shelli loudly declared the alliance over! Wow! Good stuff! Too bad I have to go mow the lawn now, but very good stuff! :)
  14. Clay apparently lost his cool for a moment after seeing that he was nominated. But it was while the feeds were still down. Clay and Shelli are gonna try and get James to backdoor Austin after the Veto is used, if it is. Not a bad plan, as the house still wants him gone, too. But will James do it? I think not.
  15. Feeds back. Clay and Shelli have indeed been nominated! Yes!
  16. Hours ago, Julia said that it was really stupid of Shelli to insist on a deal for Clay, too, during the HoH Competition. People don't usually do that in endurance comps, and it showed the entire house where her cards were. I really, really like Julia. Much smarter than Liz, even if she's not as competition-savvy as she is.
  17. And at least Meg finally has her head in the game, even if it was sooner than she wanted. Becky . . . I don't like that she's still so eager to work with Shelli and Clay (and apparently Clay more than Shelli, which . . . what?), but at least she has some game plan in mind, and at least we know something about where her head is at. Frankly, I'd prefer she fall in with Jackie, James, and Meg. But I think, at this point, it'll take Clay going home to make her do that. But either way, the girl's doing what she thinks is best for herself, even if we don't agree. I'm not gonna come down on her for it at least till we hear why she's going the way she is. Plus, she did avoid telling Clay and Shelli anything said by James's group after their second conversation (at least so far), so I think she knows (or at least suspects) now that Clay and Shelli aren't as beneficial to her game as she'd once thought.
  18. Well, I'm thankful that CBS is seemingly not protecting their golden couple anymore. Clay and Shelli are exposed to the house, and now, they're trusted by fewer people than before. The outsiders noticed their demeanor after Jason's blindside and FINALLY got a clue. I will and won't miss Jason. On the one hand, he gave good Diary Room confessionals. On the other hand, it took him way too long to figure out just how badly Clay and Shelli were playing him. In fact, not till it was too late. Glad to see that Julia's finally managed to enter the game. I'm gonna love watching her dynamic with her sister inside of the house. Glad that BotB is over, but I don't necessarily think it has to be abolished. Just . . . tweaked somehow so that strategy won't have to die. Like, say, four houseguests getting nominated by one HoH, then competing individually to get off the block, with the top two finishers getting off and the bottom two finishers remaining on it. That way, even if an outsider gets HoH, then the majority alliance can still get rocked with four of their members fighting for survival and possibly a fifth in jeopardy if the Veto gets won and/or played. As it is now . . . no chance of anything exciting happening. That HoH Competition looks extremely painful.
  19. Oh, good! James has no intention of fulfilling their deal! Nice to know! Hmm. This is an interesting situation. In an Austin vs. Shelli situation, which of them would go home? With nine people voting, I think Jackie, Meg, Liz, and Vanessa would absolutely vote Shelli out. But Clay and Julia would vote Austin out, as would Becky since she still thinks she's working with her. If Austin and Shelli are the nominees post-Veto, then I'd say Steve and John will be the real wild cards here. Unless how they feel about each nominee is actually no secret.
  20. Glad an outsider won HoH, though I'm displeased that he made a deal with Shelli. He really should go back on it as the perfect karma to both her and Clay for how badly they played them. So what's his plan? Has he told Meg or Jackie yet?
  21. They tried, but picked up on how noncommittal Clay and Shelli were and realized it was a lost cause. They also tried and failed with Steve, Liz, and Austin. And they knew John wouldn't budge since he'd never evict Becky. So they gave up for tonight. They're supposed to make one more last-ditch effort tomorrow, though.
  22. Uh . . . does Steve have something against Becky that we haven't been shown? That confessional he made about her seemed really random to me. Wow. CBS really tried hard to protect their golden couple tonight. James is close to Meg and Jason, yet he chooses . . . Clay? Sheesh, James. Way to be a loyal ally. Wish I could've been in the house for that Outback reward, though.
  23. Well. Color me shocked that Nicole actually confessed today. I kept waiting for it to be revealed that it was a fantasy Daniel was having.
  24. Hey, Meg not only played Clay on Monday, but she even played us. We all thought she was still buying his bullshit, but she really wasn't and looked so damn convincing in looking like she did. I think she could pull it off.
  25. Given how many anti-Steve people there are in the house right now, and the story he told . . . I kinda doubt he'll do either for quite some time. Anyway, as a result of talking to Steve, apparently, Clay and Shelli think he's so non-threatening now, they're willing to get John and Becky booted before they deal with him. Even though he's another one of Vanessa's minions. Wow. This week has really rattled their brains. It's funny that Shelli's biggest fear was that the Dark Moon alliance would put them in a five vs. three situation at the F8. Because she was so afraid of it, she and Clay flipped on it and completely exposed their games, only to enter into a situation where they're set up even worse than before. Not only does Vanessa have closer ties to Austin, Liz, Julia, and Steve, but she's also got Shelli and Clay wanting to cut John and Becky before anyone else in the alliance, which is dumb, as they are the only two people who may be more loyal to them. Vanessa may go absolutely insane as HoH, but this is yet another example of how she really came out of this week in great shape.
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