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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Clay saved himself with the Veto. Vanessa nominated Jason in his place.
  2. Gross. Jason: (To James and Jackie, about Liz.) That bitch and her sister can both eat a dick. I mean, as someone who typically roots for women to stay around over men, I was obviously already hoping that Becky survives against Jason. But this all but cemented it for me. GO HOME, JASON! I'm not a huge Steve fan like everyone else, but knowing that Jason will be going home before him kinda makes me a bit giddy now. :-)
  3. We thought Julia would be swapping in, and so did Liz, apparently. But she told Austin an hour or so ago that the Diary Room people told her that Julia's not coming back in till likely the twin reveal on Thursday. Didn't see much of BB14. How dumb was Ashley?
  4. In some ways, she is. Or was. And she realized it. So they weren't totally wrong. But worse than that, Meg outright told Clay that . . . she's still loyal to him. Well, that didn't last long, did it, Meg?
  5. Ooh! Meg's going after Clay now! He's stumbling over himself trying to cover his ass, but she's having none of it! In fact, he makes it worse by admitting to her that he, Shelli, and Vanessa are close! He lies that he and Shelli were the last to know about the backdooring when John and Becky were really the last ones to know. And boy, Meg just goes at him harder as a result! Finally, Meg! Finally, your claws come out!
  6. Ha! Jackie and Meg figured out the reason this all happened is because Shelli thought Clay was in danger. Also, this sarcastic gem from Meg: "God forbid Shelli or Clay go on the block! God forbid!"
  7. They likely think James would be targeted before either of them. Meg's not wrong, but Jackie kind of is.
  8. Jason decided to give Clay and Shelli a big "fuck you" and threw them under the bus to Vanessa, telling her about the F4 deal they made with him and Meg. Vanessa was less than pleased.
  9. Yep. But Jason's backdooring started to make it stick. Clay and Shelli falsely denying having any knowledge of it made it worse. And then, Vanessa confirming to Jackie and Meg that they'd known about it all along erased all doubt. Jackie pieced it together, while Meg needed some time, apparently, to let it sink in before she got it, too. So now they all have no doubt in their minds. However, Meg, stupid, as always, says, "We gotta get in with Liz and Austin!" James rightly responds, "How do you know they weren't in on it, too?" Jason basically said, also rightly, that the last four HoHs have basically been Shelli's. And elsewhere, Clay's whining about not being able to float anymore. Grab a life vest, dude.
  10. Oh, wow! James, Jason, Jackie, and Meg hate Clay and Shelli now! Hate them! So yeah. I guess it's safe to say that Meg finally believes it. Or she already did, but finally accepted it.
  11. Jesus! Now Shelli and Vanessa are trying to one up each other over who is "more screwed." If you both feel so vulnerable now, ladies, then why didn't you just put up Austin like any intelligent person would?
  12. JACKIE AND MEG FINALLY GOT IT! THANK YOU, LORD!!!! :-):-):-):-) ETA: . . . Never mind. Jackie finally got it. Meg still refuses to believe it. She did for one second, but then brushed it off once more. She's getting me to the point where I'm willing to say that her eviction can't come soon enough.
  13. I think it's because she just outright owned up. That's why she's mostly being forgotten by Jackie, Jason, Meg, and James. But on the flip side, I am thrilled about what this might mean for Clay and Shelli. They ruined their game for no reason.
  14. Somehow, I bet they wriggle out of this one, too. But if not, I can see Meg finally having her lightbulb moment and realizing that Audrey was right about them, and she wouldn't listen. She did figure out Audrey was full of shit early on, so maybe she can show that there's hope for her yet.
  15. Okay. So I admit I'm a rare Paige fan. Love her to death. BUT . . . after she tells J.J. ad nauseum over the past month and some change to stay away from her, and he finally gets the clue and walks away, she dares to get angry because he walks away from her? First, you tell J.J. to stay the hell away from you, and then, you don't want him to walk away from you? Make up your mind, girl!
  16. At least it sounds like Kate is finally waking up to Clyde. Even though she should've months ago.
  17. I could do without another look at Sean's blown-off ear and his cheek grazed down to the muscle, thank you very much.
  18. But they could've tried to make them burn their Save so they wouldn't have had that particular crutch later on.
  19. If Jean Passanante is indeed the new head writer, then she forgot that SO MANY TIMES when she wrote for ATWT. The few times she did remember were blessings. Hopefully, Sherry Altman will balance her out and remember that.
  20. He got Barbie back into the Dome last season and used his expertise to help out with something, so it's not like he added "nothing."
  21. That was Andy. Helen always wanted to. Andy kept making her not do it.
  22. So is Jason still the target? No one's mentioned Jackie again, so I figure Vanessa's settled, for now, on Jason again.
  23. Well, Liz just give Vanessa the okay to put Austin up. Wonder if she'll do it now? After being in the Diary Room for a while, she seemed to come out ready to go ahead and do that, anyway. ETA: And now Vanessa's pretty much Jackie, Jason, and Liz that she's got no choice but to put him up. Hoping Shelli and Clay don't make her back down again, but anything can happen. Still a long way till Monday.
  24. Jackie also added, "With a game like this, you cannot change your mind every five minutes, or else you will get screwed." Seriously, Vanessa. WHY DON'T YOU GET THAT?!
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