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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Jackie: (To Vanessa.) Hopefully, he [Austin] doesn't convince you [not to put him up]. But now you have to do it, or it will be really bad for you next week. Good job, Jackie!
  2. I don't know. I think Vanessa is slowly starting to realize that if she doesn't put up Austin or at least Steve, she will become the number-one target in the house. She will lose all credibility with people. No wonder Shelli keeps pushing to save him.
  3. Life support, unfortunately. Shelli's way too desperate to send Becky home due to some misplaced paranoia.
  4. Jason just mentioned that if Austin's the replacement nominee, he's voting to save Becky. He knows Meg, James, and Jackie will, too. I think he also suspects John will. And with ten people voting, that'd make it at least a tie. Vanessa would basically have to show her hand if a tie came up, and if she broke the tie to evict Becky, everyone else would, without a doubt, know where they stood. If she pleased the house by sending out Austin, however, she might be able to hide her true allegiances a bit longer.
  5. She apparently got paranoid over an alliance that wasn't there, wrongly thought that Becky was part of it, and now Becky's suddenly the target. When she could've, you know, asked her if that alliance existed.
  6. Jase actually figured out they were blindsiding him, so not as much of a blindside there. Clay's Veto win might make them even more entitled and gross. I like Shelli without him, but with him? She's insufferable. Well, at least something good came of this. Glad that Becky and John are at least on to them. I thought Jackie was, as well, and she might still be, but she must've been thrown off the trail somehow. What a nightmare to hear that Clay won the Veto. He doesn't deserve to win any damn thing. I hope Austin does indeed go and Becky stays. Hope John actually thinks to fight for her, too.
  7. In fairness, when she returned in BB14, she did own up to letting the Brigade snow her so completely.
  8. I think you mean a Diamond Power of Veto. That one allows the user of the Veto to nominate a new nominee rather than the Head of Household. The Golden Power of Veto allows the user to nullify a nomination, including the user him- or herself, but the HoH still picks the new nominee. Then, there's the old, normal, regular Power of Veto, which the user could use on any nominee who wasn't the user him- or herself. However, the user, if he or she wasn't on the block, could still be nominated as a replacement nominee, which many people found unfair. Production apparently did, too, as that Veto was abolished after BB3, its first and only season of use, to be replaced with the golden one full-time.
  9. To let you all know, ION has come to its senses and restored the show to its weekly marathons! There was a Friday marathon on yesterday!
  10. Yep. That's the guy. He's also the one who ruined what would've been a totally perfect blindside with his stupid utterance of "Stick to the plan!" Not only did it result in his own son getting voted out in an idol bounce-back, but it doomed the rest of his alliance at the next two Tribal Councils, as well.
  11. I don't remember hearing anything about Tasha relating to that, so I don't believe it. As for Keith, I'm thinking a lot of this jury will care about the game and who actually shows enough strategy to get through it. Unless Keith has changed up his game quite a lot, he isn't winning and will thus be the goat.
  12. If that bootlist is legit, then I'm rooting for Tasha to take the win. Mainly because I can see Keith playing another abysmal strategic game, only an okay social game, and relying mainly on his physical game. And I don't know much about Jeff, but what I have heard hasn't been good. Tasha, OTOH, I can see playing a great strategic and social game like she did in Cagayan. Could be wrong, but I'll take a "wait and see" attitude and watch this fall.
  13. I'm not glad, per se, that he was fired, but I can totally understand why. Ron, when he focused on the characters who've been around longer, could be pretty amazing or pretty terrible, depending on what he did. But he brought about some pretty good stories when he was focusing on them. But there was no amazing or terrible with his new characters. Nathan excepted, they've all been just plain terrible. (I admit I'm a rare fan of Nina, but I won't deny the writing for her has been terrible from jump.)
  14. Shelly also knew when to tell the truth and when to lie. Audrey's main mistake was that she just lied, but rarely knew when to slip some truths in so she could still be trustworthy enough.
  15. If you ask me, I think Audrey's current behavior comes down to all of the following. She loves BB -- the show, the game, everything. She's wanted to play the game for such a long time. For years, in fact. And now, she's finally gotten to play it, but it's going to end for her way earlier than she'd ever expected it to. She undoubtedly knew that eviction was always a possibility for any houseguest who enters the house. But no doubt in my mind that she hadn't anticipated getting evicted this early. And she's told so many lies, it's her own fault that she's finally told the truth about something that could flip the game on its head, only to be believed by very few people. And probably the worst thing of all, it likely sank in that she's got no one to blame but herself for this. She clearly realizes it. She has no one to scapegoat for the blame or to help her rationalize it. She knows that she brought about her current situation with her out-and-out lies and failed manipulations. So that's why she went into the state she was in for the last couple of days. She was likely trying to deal with it all.
  16. Oh, really? Well, Rachel wasn't forcing him. He didn't have to go if he didn't want to. Anyway, even if he did want a pre-jury exit, Kalia and Lawon sure saw to him getting just the opposite.
  17. Ohhhh, yeah. Just more setup before things come crashing down on Elizabeth when that comes out. Should've known. Still, it was nice to hear Carly say that to Elizabeth.
  18. One thing that shocked me was that Carly isn't relinquishing her cease-fire with Elizabeth just because Jake's not Josslyn's donor. Talk about some semblance of growth.
  19. Austin wouldn't be the first man to throw his game away for a woman if he really does this. Nick did it for Daniele in BB8 when he inexplicably told her about the Miss Robinson Alliance he had with Zach, Mike, and Kail. And Brendon threw his own game away in BB13 when he used the Veto on Rachel, who was on the block with him, instead of himself.
  20. One thing to note is that right when the brother was getting arrested and tried to "apologize" to his sister through Wheeler, she immediately tried to bat him off her. She was visibly trying not to let her skin crawl, a reaction I thought Julianne played very well. You could tell she just wanted him to get the hell away from her.
  21. That was random. What was Maxie doing with Morgan, anyway?
  22. Link to either one? Such a random screen pairing must be seen! :)
  23. I think the vague reason they sort of gave was that she was trying to hide her excessive cheating. Even though that also became apparent later on. But whatever the case, I can't feel too bad for her husband since he was pretty willing to dismiss and ignore it all and still forgive her and take her back. Season thirteen had some pretty strong episodes -- perhaps the strongest episodes of SVU's "new age" -- but that was probably one of the weaker ones. But oh, well. I still liked season thirteen quite a bit.
  24. When was she ever seen with him? And to whomever doesn't know why Nathan's still around, it's because weak actor or not, he's still a nice, likable character. That's pretty much all I want in a character -- that he or she be likable. I don't give two shits if the actor or actress is strong or weak. If I like his or her character, then I want him or her to stay around.
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