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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. I doubt Jackie will be that bad. She almost singlehandedly won the first BotB against John and Becky. But Steve was so bad at it, he held her back. But despite him fucking up left and right, she was within a whisker of winning it without him. And I think she'll try her best to win this one even with James potentially holding her back.
  2. I also heard Becky was a backdoor option on Sucks. That'd suck to see her go this week for something she didn't even do. I'm getting over Vanessa and will be glad to stop my support of her if she gets Liz to get rid of her. I almost hope Shelli stays HoH. She's not going after Becky at all.
  3. Sounds like part and parcel of what Adria and Natalie did. Had a perfect alliance of eight that could've carried them past the remaining two Horsemen, instead chose to nominate someone from their own alliance for some inexplicable reason, and then got evicted in the next two weeks. The division they caused was so great, their entire alliance crumbled throughout the remaining weeks and caused the last two Horsemen to end up as the F2, essentially ruining BB5 when they did that. I actually don't see Liz and Julia doing the same thing. They don't seem as smart as Adria and Natalie.
  4. What? Becky was the Veto Competition host this week.
  5. Oh, yeah. Total power matchup. With the right competition, the girls could easily stomp the boys.
  6. Oh, of course! Just saying that save for John and Steve, the others on the outside at least aren't unaware of what's going on. Yes, aligning is the logical step, and they should. But at least they're not in the dark about the division anymore.
  7. Actually, Steve and John are the only ones clueless about this. Jason, Meg, James, and Jackie all woke up and got the picture before Jeff was evicted tonight. Becky started cluing in a day or two before eviction. That's why they were all trying for HoH tonight. Well, all but James. He just admitted he threw it since he had so many deals in place, he couldn't nominate or evict anyone out of fear of getting -- here it comes -- blood on his hands. He's too skittish to do so after backdooring Jace two weeks ago.
  8. Nope. Liz knew for whom she was voting. She's blaming her vote on Becky right now, and Austin's tempted to go off on her.
  9. Jackie voting for Jeff to stay was a given. I already knew that John likely would, as well. I'd like to know what got into Liz and Steve to make them vote for James, as well. Jeff took his eviction pretty well, to his credit. And his interview with Julie was pretty funny. Liz and Shelli are HoH? Liz I can deal with to truly see where her head is it, but Shelli again? Damn it. I don't dislike her, but her being safe means Clay is, too, and . . . ugh. I hope Liz's nominees remain on the block, whomever they turn out to be. I can't believe how many of the houseguests crapped out on that last question. Anyone watching would've seen one of the female dancers put down the boom box first! Interesting episode. Hoping there isn't a full Pagonging of the other side. Meg, Jason, James, or Jackie were the one hope for that not happening, and Jason and James crapped out quickly, Meg lost on the second question, and Jackie got tripped up by the last question. Let's see what they can do this week.
  10. BB13 premiered in 2011. BB15 premiered in 2013.
  11. The only reason I remotely care about Big Jim and Julia is because they're the only two characters who are at least doing something and trying to figure out their situation. No one else seems to be.
  12. Jackie actually told Jeff she's going for it to try and take out Clay or Shelli, but will otherwise remain under the radar if she doesn't win. Becky might go for it to take another stab at getting Audrey out, and vice versa. If she's realized that she's on the bad side of the numbers, I believe Meg might go for it, too. John might go for it, as well, to avoid being a pawn for the fourth week in a row. I know Jason's going for it, too. Austin, as well. Everyone else . . . they'll either throw it or fall ass-backwards into it while trying to throw it.
  13. What, Jay Kenneth Johnson wasn't available? They had to recast him with this guy? I do NOT see that going well.
  14. Shelli was made just as uncomfortable by that comment. She knows Clay may have screwed them by saying it.
  15. Whoever thought a simple response would generate such distrust? Clay's "ninety-percent" remark has got Austin pumped up and ready to expose Clay and Shelli for all of their deals and alliances. That was a really, really stupid thing for Clay to say.
  16. Jackie confirmed her strategy to Jeff: "I'm not playing till the jury." She's choosing to lie low until the jury phase begins. Smart. She's only coming out of the woodwork for HoH Competitions so she can try and win to go after Clay and Shelli, but is otherwise going to stick to the background. Also, they had this exchange: Jeff: I'm gonna go confront Austin. Jackie: Why? You'll leave, and he can talk as much shit as he wants about you when you're gone. It'll just confirm everything everyone's saying about you right now. Jackie's surprisingly perceptive for someone who's been a total non-entity this whole time. The "I'm not playing until jury" strategy is not good TV, but it's a good move to preserve yourself for when people need allies, and I commend her for making that conscious decision before the game even started.
  17. The broadcast episode more or less portrayed him as Austin, Vanessa, Clay, and Shelli's victim tonight, even though we all know that he actually brought it on himself. Sure enough, some fans have flocked to his defense and want the Sixth Sense overthrown now, so they probably want to save him since they think he can lead the charge for it. God knows James won't be able to.
  18. Austin, that was a poor reason to throw that competition. I'm okay with John being safe and all, but Vanessa had your number. So Gronk's Takeover was throwing parties? Not exactly something that's gonna make people scramble, Julie. Though I tittered at Meg kissing Jason at the New Year's Eve party. And it was just as funny to see the houseguests finally get tired of them eventually. Julia's getting annoyed at having to play Liz now. I hope they can keep up their cover. Vanessa leaves Audrey off the block due to fears of public perception of nominating and evicting the show's first transgender houseguest. Okay. I still like her, but . . . she could've had a better reason than that. After Jeff stayed below the radar the first two weeks, he's up on the block now after being called out and losing it in a fight. He very well could go tomorrow. He shouldn't have taken Austin's bait. But we'll see if he does. Jason's good at this. He read Austin like a book and figured out that Jeff was the target all along. So why can't he apply that to winning over new allies?
  19. Hayley has only been disrespectful to Theresa, and that's because Theresa's been disrespectful to her first. But she's been very respectful toward Brady, Victor, and Maggie. As for Theresa, she's basically putting a black mark on an innocent girl's employment record just to get close to Brady. I do not approve.
  20. So apparently, Austin and Vanessa learned about the ninja alliance, and they've started to realize that Clay and Shelli are full of shit and playing both sides. They're going to start distancing themselves from them. Good plan. They've brought their side deals to Clay and Shelli, but Clay and Shelli have never brought their side deals to them. Easy to see they don't trust them.
  21. Danny's dead, actually. He died during the encephalitis storyline.
  22. He has a feeling of that. He and Jackie talked last night and agreed that if he goes in a landslide vote, then that'll confirm to him what he's been suspecting since at least Sunday -- that Clay and Shelli were never on their side. So he's not totally in the dark. It's also what made Jackie decide to target them the moment she wins HoH, if she does.
  23. In BB4, at the F3, Jun, Alison, and Robert were surprised when a mime entered the house. In BB6, at the F6, the Veto Competition was hosted by BB5's Holly. In BB9, when Amanda had an allergy attack, the houseguests saw medical personnel come in to help her. In BB11, at the F4, there were several funny characters who came and annoyed Jordan, Kevin, and Michele after Natalie opened Pandora's Box. And in BB14, I'm pretty sure some production members entered the house when Willie went crazy on Joe.
  24. Would that be a problem if he filled that void? Chad and Will were friends well before Sonny came to Salem.
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