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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. What was even worse about Jeff's move was that Clay predictably went to Audrey and blabbed the whole thing. Now Jeff is on her radar. Though oddly, Jace still remains the eviction target this week. Jackie is still seeming like the safe one.
  2. I don't think there's a Braxton sister on The Talk. There's one on The Real, but not on The Talk.
  3. Given all the distrust that now seems to be felt toward Clay, I somehow don't think he'll be on as solid ground as McCrae was. . . .
  4. Well, thanks to Audrey's craziness this week, she's on so many people's hit list next week. For sure, Austin's going after her, and so is Liz. Jason and Da'Vonne are out for her blood, and so is Vanessa. But . . . she's apparently taken someone else down with her. Several of the houseguests think Clay's her little stooge and is full of shit, too. They're both the targets next week. I guess all that talk of Clay playing well is for naught, since he's definitely on a lot of radars now.
  5. Jeff & Jackie are kind of a randomly awesome (or even awesomely random) choice, IMO. They were one of the few couples in TAR26 who actually had personalities, for one thing. And for another thing, I actually remembered them quite well. If they had to go with TAR26, then I'd have preferred Mike & Rochelle, personally, but Jeff & Jackie were a nice choice, too.
  6. Case in pint: Brian from BB10. Vanessa actually compared Audrey to him!
  7. Spencer and Tasha were actually going to dump Kass at F6 and go with their side alliance with Sarah and Jeremiah. Kass somehow got wind of that, and that's what spurned her to flip, not simply disliking Sarah.
  8. Holy shit! Meg knows EVERYTHING about Audrey! Apparently, she has all along! She actually did Jackie one better and told Jeff not to say ANYTHING to Clay about Audrey, because he'd no doubt take it straight to her. She's even figured out that Da'Vonne and Jason are on to Audrey, too, saying that they've seen everything and know to whom Audrey's talked! Meg is actually a sharper player than I thought she'd be! So in tune with everyone and everything around her!
  9. So the TAR transplants aren't without game. Jeff and Jackie compared notes and have realized that Audrey is full of shit. Jackie apparently figured it out, so she's more perceptive than she looks. Jeff wants to confront Clay about her, but Jackie wants him to wait till after the Veto Ceremony, just in case Clay is in with her. Smart, since doing so might get Audrey to try and get the vote flipped on her. Meg and Vanessa are also on to Audrey, so I wonder how long till more people start figuring out about her overplaying?
  10. Ronnie made similar mistakes in BB11, and because of those mistakes, it was no question that he was ousted early. Actually, were it not for Jessie's questionable protection of him, he'd have been out in week three.
  11. I don't think A.J. would've wanted Michael living his life being bitter, angry, or full of hate, either, though, so once again, I kinda got what Sabrina meant.
  12. No, @BlackMamba, Grodner had nothing to do with Austin learning Da'Vonne's true profession. He said she slipped up in a conversation with him. Proving once more why it's pointless to lie about what you do outside of the house.
  13. Ah! Per Big Brother Leak, Jeff and Jackie might actually be part of the core members of the High Rollers. Clay, Shelli, and Steve remain as outsiders, though.
  14. So far, not yet. So the apparent main alliance of the house right now has just named themselves "The High Rollers." They are going to paint dice on their nails. The core five are Da'Vonne, Audrey, James, Jason, and Meg. They plan to use Jeff, Jackie, Clay, Shelli, and Steve as outsiders to use for numbers and to do their bidding, but not let them in on their plans and not make them real alliance members. This puts them squarely against Becky, Liz (and her twin, Julia), John, Jace, Austin, and Vanessa. So this pretty much confirms that the plan is still to backdoor Jace. But this has also confirmed that he's going to be evicted, for sure, if something major doesn't happen.
  15. It is, at least for now. James has pretty much assured everyone who wants Jace out that he's going up, no matter what it takes. But Audrey seems to be doing a stellar job of making herself the replacement nominee instead what with how badly she lost her cool when she and Da'Vonne apparently got into it over her possible betrayal.
  16. All of the dorm rooms for summer housing were full. I didn't let the Michael/Sabrina conversation bother me at all. I thought they both made good, cogent points, and I thought that Ron did a good job of making sure both voices of the audience were heard. Michael was rightly against basically rewarding Sonny and sending the message that all of what he did was okay, and that he'd forgiven him so suddenly. But Sabrina was right, too. It didn't have to be about forgiving Sonny. Michael doesn't have to forgive him if he doesn't want to. I thought she was more advocating for Avery than for Sonny. I just gathered that she wants to support Michael's decision and see him do what ultimately makes him happy, and I think she sensed that getting Sonny back in his life in any extent at all is what'll make him happy. I didn't fully agree with her, but I could understand her logic, for the most part.
  17. Yeah, I don't think Grodner will let Audrey, the first transgender houseguest, leave first. Hell, I think she'll try and protect her from going second, as well. But Da'Vonne and Jason are both definitely on to her. Jace seems to be, too, but not to the same degree. Nonetheless, Da'Vonne and Jason have both agreed that Jace still needs to go first.
  18. Steve knew who they were, as well. I kinda liked how Austin was standing far in the background with a "couldn't give a shit" look on his face. He didn't even cheer with the other houseguests when Jeff and Jackie entered.
  19. Veto is tomorrow? I thought that's usually Saturday. Who's playing?
  20. Wait. Jeff & Jackie from TAR26 are in the house? As actual houseguests? Not just short-term guests? That's just crazy! To think for years, after all of the crossovers with people from this show and Survivor ending up on TAR, it seems now that CBS is finally allowing crossovers from TAR to Survivor and BB. First Natalie & Nadiya on Survivor: San Juan del Sur, and now, Jeff & Jackie on BB17!
  21. Whoa. Jeff & Jackie are actually here? Competing? I had no idea they even would be here!
  22. Right. Also, I don't necessarily think she wants Avery back with Sonny. Just think back to Michael mentioning the meathook to her for what had to be the first time. She looked absolutely shocked and repulsed by it. I just got the vibe that Sabrina meant that if Michael's heart is leaning toward forgiving Sonny and Carly, giving Avery back to Sonny is a good way to start. Not necessarily that she was siding with them or kissing either of their asses.
  23. If there's any victim I'd ever thought deserved the lion's share of the sympathy, it was Rachel from "The Good Child." To know her adoptive parents were murdered by her biological parents just so she'd inherit their money, and then knowing her birth parents were setting her up to be killed just so they could take her money, and then knowing her scumbag birth father was planning on offing her birth mother along with her just so he could have all of the money to himself? I felt all kinds of awful for her.
  24. Same. I can't be mad, either. Plus, she was only saying what Michael was probably feeling subconsciously, anyway. She was probably just getting him in touch with those emotions and trying to help him make sense of them so Michael could make absolutely sure what he really wanted. I don't think she did anything wrong by doing so. Besides, even if Michael does let them back in, many of you did say you hoped it'd be after at least six months. It's been seven. So . . . it sort of happened, I guess.
  25. Good. Abi deserves better than that jerk.
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