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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Crud. John's gonna throw it, after all. If he talked to Becky, he'd see there was no need to. But he hasn't yet.
  2. John is with Da'Vonne, Jason, and Becky. I think he's just telling her what she wants to hear for now.
  3. So this is Clay's true face. Despite making cogent, logical points to Shelli as to why her nomination choices are wrong, he's making them in such an arrogant, condescending, borderline bullying way that it's only making Shelli dig her heels in deeper. Shelli wants to nominate Da'Vonne and John since she believes John will throw it. Except John won't throw it because he and Becky entered an alliance with Da'Vonne and Jason. They'll actively try to win it. And Shelli just. Doesn't. Get. It. But then again . . . I like Da'Vonne and want her to stick around, so I kinda hope Shelli does this and is left with egg on her face.
  4. I don't know, @Katesus7. I think it's great to see two HoHs with opposing agendas working against each other, for a change. Especially after week after week of the HoHs working with each other entirely due to Derrick having such a stranglehold on the game last season. I think this was what TPTB wanted when this twist was first conceived last season, but the guys had such control of the game, it never panned out that way. But now, it finally has. :)
  5. So Becky's finally getting into the game! She and Da'Vonne have formed an alliance and are planning to bring John and Jason into it. Sounds intriguing. Becky also plans on nominating Steve and Jason. She wants them to throw the BotB so she can remain as HoH, nullify Shelli's nominations, and save Da'Vonne. Steve is so skittish about eviction, he won't throw it. But Jason, if he wants to save Da'Vonne, will do enough throwing for both of them, anyway.
  6. Jason, Steve, James, and Meg are all Have-Nots. All of them volunteered. James did so just so he could sleep with Meg.
  7. So Becky is planning to nominate Audrey and Steve, with the former as her target and the latter as a pawn. Shelli is definitely nominating Da'Vonne, but no clue on her other nominee. Likely Jason, though. Shelli was adamant that Clay not go up. Becky was okay with this. Becky was adamant that Jackie not go up. Shelli was okay with this. They both love Jackie and want to keep her safe. So Jackie can rest easy since two people who like her got HoH this week! :)
  8. Da'Vonne has a right to be worried. Clay and Austin want her out next, and they're hoping to convince Shelli to nominate her. Becky, right now, might go with Audrey and Jason nominations.
  9. I don't know what Shelli will do, but Becky has claimed, the few times she's shown up on the feeds, that she's gunning hard for Audrey. I don't know the identity of her backup target should Audrey win the Battle of the Block or the Veto, though.
  10. Jace went out pimping his Instagram page. Blech. Too bad for Jace that, Steve, Vanessa, Clay, Shelli, Austin, Liz/Julia, and Audrey didn't just get together, realize they had the numbers, and voted. Jackie would've gone if they had. But since Julie told Jace that Audrey was the sole vote for him, that more or less makes it official that he won't be coming back. Julie clearly had the BB Takeover theme played, so why couldn't we hear it? Jace's face upon the reveal of the Twin Twist was priceless! I won't miss him, but I at least love that ending for him. Even Kathy Griffin knows how BB women tend to self-destruct. Surprised she likes Audrey and Da'Vonne, though. Her twist sounds interesting. If the right houseguest answers it, that could make for some interesting strategy. Poor Da'Vonne. Had a good start at that HoH Competition till she got one of her pieces snagged in the bin. But I'll settle for Becky winning one of those spots since I'd like to finally see where her head is at. But she'd better hope that her nominees lose to Shelli's, because that's not a good sign that she won the other one. BB clearly hates Andy, which was why they put him on the "bad" poster. Good episode. Glad to see two women in power, something that never happened in BB16.
  11. So based on what I'm gathering, assuming Jace is gone tonight (and it's looking like he is), then Clay, Shelli, John, and Steve are absolutely throwing the HoH Competition. Audrey, Austin, Becky, Da'Vonne, Jackie, Jason, Jeff, Liz, and Vanessa are absolutely fighting for it. Meg will throw it only if Audrey falls out of it before she does, but will otherwise try to win it till she is out of it.
  12. Damn. Camryn Manheim wasn't even in this episode, and they still managed to trash Sam in addition to the trashing they did of John. Shame, writers. Shame.
  13. Julie said that Adria and Natalie switched ten times. Liz and Julia have already switched at least six times in the first week.
  14. No, I know who Navidad is. I just remember Zoe's early scenes with Lucas back when I thought she'd make a better much for him, and she looked different then. More Asian. Now she looks more Latina.
  15. Really? She looks so different from her first appearance, I wasn't sure.
  16. I asked this once before, but apparently, I was worth ignoring. Is Zoe being played by the same actress, or did another one replace her sometime back? This Zoe looks different.
  17. He's not the only one who's been trashed. Days ago, back when the feeds first came on, the whole house agreed on hating on Dick, and Jason in particular thought that BB8 was one of the most rigged messes ever.
  18. Tracy and Julian are, as well, as is Monica.
  19. John and Becky, the two quietest people in the house, do appear to be a twosome alliance. They were listening to Taylor Swift together earlier together and firmed up their agreement to keep Jackie over Jace tomorrow. In addition, they're also each other's prom dates tonight. John was apparently talking some game with Jackie, too, but the feed decided to switch to some boring Austin/Liz conversation. Either way, glad to see John and Becky are preparing for the future in this game.
  20. As further proof as to how disliked Steve is in the house, Austin told Vanessa a few hours ago that he's almost tempted to target him next so more entertaining people don't leave before him.
  21. What was worse was that Jace outright blamed Steve for him being on the block just because he won the Veto. I mean . . . like Steve should be sorry for trying to keep himself in the game, Jace? Really? Austin and Vanessa both agreed that there's no saving Jace after that and have thus let him go. So he's all but gone on Thursday. His behavior with Steve all but killed the flip, and deservedly so.
  22. Again, flip's not gonna happen. John and Becky both just said they're keeping Jackie.
  23. This flip's not going to happen. Earlier today, in one of the few times they've talked game thus far, John and Becky formed a little twosome between themselves as the two quietest people. They both agreed that Jace going helps them more than Jackie going. Plus, both have formed bonds with Jackie that they haven't formed with Jace. I can see the other side trying, but as of now, Jace is still a goner in two days.
  24. It's amazing that even despite everything Jeff did last night, Jackie is still not going to be evicted. Jace is still the target!
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