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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Then by all means, be on board with it. I'm not, nor will I ever be. If I feel like I'm being forced to be on board with something, then that's going to drive me away from it even faster. All there is to it.
  2. Okay, so maybe not Starfleet. But they could've found something for him to do on the station to give him more relevance. Just being a writer gave him little to none. It was no wonder, despite being billed as a main character, Jake so sporadically appeared throughout the series. Cirroc was better off being left on recurring status rather than regular.
  3. My DVR didn't pick up anything. Was there a new episode today or not?
  4. I expected him to do so for Michelle, actually.
  5. I thought the writers made a mistake with having Jake be a writer, of all things. He could've gone into Starfleet like Nog did. Becoming a writer limited him, and I think that's what caused him to be virtually backgrounded.
  6. @Dobian, with all of these characters mentioned, you left out one. I assume Jake's exclusion means he left no impression on you?
  7. Could someone elaborate on this hard-on Ramsay had for Elise? I'd think that'd guarantee Elise did win. Haven't seen HK9, so I don't know what happened there.
  8. She didn't know Rex was nearby, in her defense. And anyway, I'd say Mimi keeping the secret of Claire's true paternity was a far worse offense.
  9. Not only is "Denise" very likely Ava, and not only is Delia possibly in on it, too, but I think Silas is also in on it, but probably not to the full extent that Delia is. He was probably trying to help Ava start a brand-new life with a brand-new identity . . . in a brand-new place. But Ava's jeopardizing it by coming back to Port Charles. Also, Silas even asking Kiki about Avery's kidnapping is a surefire giveaway to me that he was the one who took her in the first place to motivate Ava to keep fighting to survive the cancer. He just has to be.
  10. Holy shit! Ramsay went with an all-female F3?! He actually booted Milly before one of the ladies! That blew my mind! I think this was, however brief, the first same-sex F3 ever in fourteen seasons, unless I'm wrong! That, and Milly also screwed up with the initial ticket. I guess Ramsay wasn't too thrilled about that one, either. That was adorable. I tittered when she said that. Milly's reactions to it were cute, too! So it was a damn good episode. I thought it was a nice change of pace for Ramsay to give them a vegetarian-based challenge, though I'm unsure as to whether or not he really hasn't given such a challenge or even a dinner service revolving around that before. Was surprised Meghan won, but happy nonetheless since her dish really did look delicious. And I don't even eat vegetables all that often! As for the service, I know many people were rooting for Milly to make it, but I started to call him as toast when he made the ticket-calling mistake. I was definitely sure he was gone when he screwed up with the risotto. And didn't Michelle make two mistakes? The broccoli/cauliflower mistake with the garnish was one, but wasn't there a second? Meghan mixed up halibut and sea bass, two apparently easy fish to mix up. T, however, seemed to make no mistakes at all, so I knew she'd probably be safe. When it came time for the elimination, Ramsay irked me twice when he said it was close "between all four of [them]." For an Englishman, who's supposed to believe in proper speech, he sure had no trouble forgetting it should be "among all four of [them]." I guess it wasn't too big a deal, but I'm a grammar nerd, so . . . just saying. . . . That said, Milly and Michelle were the right ones to eliminate, both based on overall performance and on their performances at the pass tonight. Milly's been hit-or-miss with his food in challenges and has been far too simple and sticking too closely with his comfort food. Michelle has taken many risks, some paying off, some not, like Sade last season. But when it came right down to it, she was just too young. And she had pretty much nothing on Meghan and T. This has to be the first F2 in a long time not to be between an obvious winner and an even more obvious goat. In fact, I think HK1 was the only other time when two frontrunners went against each other. I'll be happy no matter who wins between Meghan and T! They're both worthy winners! In fact, I reread every episode thread yesterday, and in the earlier episodes, many people were predicting them to be the F2 from very early on, and it's come to pass! Very interested in seeing what happens next week! Bring on the finale!
  11. Loved this exchange: Morgan: You're using [Avery] for leverage, Michael. If Ava knew, she would be rolling in her grave right now. Michael: Oh, please. That whore would roll on anything with anyone. Just ask my father's crypt -- [Interrupted when Morgan tackles him.] Yes, I know everyone hates a certain word in that exchange. But given Sonny and Ava's disgusting actions Michael's referring to here, AFAIC, he's entitled to use it.
  12. I think Ric's much better, because I still don't recall him ever mentioning killing Carly. He said nothing about it.
  13. I like Nina and I care about what happens to her. I'm constantly ready to punch my monitor every time I see "WE NEVER CARED." Any of you ever think there might be people who actually do care? Speak only for yourselves and not for everyone, please.
  14. Was that the one with the black father and son, in which of them was the perp? If not, which episode was that?
  15. I meant Delia, but wrote Ava's name. Silly brain.
  16. When, exactly, did Sonny run Ava out of town like he claimed today?
  17. This makes me think. Since around 2000, which couples ever constituted good buildups? I have to think all of the couples that formed from the Last Blast crew had great buildups. I remember Shawn and Belle first meeting in 1999, but not really, officially getting together till 2000 or 2001. Also, Chloe with both Philip and Brady were built up really well. I also thought Brandon and Sami were done well, as were Lucas and Sami. Oh, and even though their buildup was over a much shorter time, I really liked what they did to set up Rex and Mimi. And while I wasn't a fan of Philip and Belle together, I actually thought they built them up pretty well, too. Surprising, since Kyle Brandt and Martha Madison had had trouble generating chemistry with anyone up to that point. Reilly always gets panned as one of the worst writers of all time, especially during his second stint on this show plus everything he did to bring down Passions and Sunset Beach. But I will say that during his second tenure, one couple I thought he actually did do right, at least at first, was Patrick and Billie. From their first meeting on Melaswen and on, I could tell Brody Hutzler and Julie Pinson had some pretty damn good chemistry, and the buildup was done just right over the next year-and-a-half. So of course he suddenly breaks them up to make them unnecessary spoilers for Bo and Hope. Sigh. Other than that, he didn't impress me much. After that, I never cared for many couples until Hogan gave us Nick and paired him with Chelsea. The buildup was a bit quick, but Blake Berris and Rachel Melvin had the chemistry to make up for it. But that was really the only one he did right. After that, no other couple grabbed me that much. Higley gave us Philip and Stephanie, which was sweet, but not mind-blowing, and I think was a bit quick, as well. After that . . . I'd say Will and Sonny were built up decently. I think they were the last one, too, because what followed them were a bunch of insta-couples that were rather hit or miss. Actually, the only hits for me were Nick and Gabi, and even then, only because Blake Berris and Camila Banus had good chemistry, and J.J. and Paige. Every other one was so devoid of chemistry, they didn't send me. So . . . yeah. That's my couples rundown. In fairness, I think Jennifer was about to. Then Eve came in and ruined it all.
  18. I still don't see why they took that so badly. He deserved it for such an idiotic move.
  19. Except in this case, Ramsay specifically said that he was judging based on that night of service. I imagine that, yes, he might've liked to have judged based on cumulative performance at this stage, but I think Nick and Milly fucked up enough times that he couldn't overlook it and instead wanted to go by the current night (and also see if the other chefs did indeed use logic and not emotion in making the nominations).
  20. She really wasn't, though. Aside from one tiny slip-up at the beginning of the service, she didn't really do anything wrong. Plus, the reason Meghan gave for her nomination was so weak, there was no way Ramsay was going to go for it, and I think Meghan had a feeling he wouldn't, either. She knew Milly was the one who had to go up, but she was too into protecting him to realize that.
  21. That wasn't Michelle in that episode. That was Sarah. And I think it was in her boot episode.
  22. Given Daphne's reaction, I'd say yes, he was spot-on. That must be why she caved to his blackmail. I was surprised to hear that her parents live right across the street from his family, though.
  23. She worked with both. She came on working with Jason Cook, but about two years after she came on, Brandon Beemer came on. And I thought -- and it's an obvious UO -- that she worked far better with Brandon than she did with Jason (though I thought she worked well enough with Jason, too).
  24. Should be, yes. But Nick and Chelsea overcame it, so I won't be bothered that much if J.J. and Paige overcome it, too.
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