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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Uh, I don't like Kiki much, either, but other than this scheme about Avery, when did she take pleasure in her deception and manipulation? I never saw or heard any indication of that.
  2. I saw that one just this morning on USA. And I have to say, I don't know whether to say Melinda was right or wrong here. Faith did teach and oversee the tortures -- oh, I'm sorry, "interrogations" -- but it wasn't like she had any way of knowing that the (unseen) perp would kill either victim using those methods.
  3. No good. Jenny already had a boyfriend even before she started the race.
  4. Neither do I. But the voters apparently do.
  5. Current team rosters/cheat sheets going into the top twelve: Team Adam Joshua Davis (saved by America's vote) Deanna Johnson (saved by America's vote) Brian Johnson (saved by Adam) Team Pharrell Sawyer Fredericks (saved by America's vote) Mia Z (saved by America's vote) Koryn Hawthorne (saved by Pharrell) Team Christina Kimberly Nichole (saved by America's vote) India Carney (saved by America's vote) Rob Taylor (saved by Christina) Team Blake Corey Kent White (saved by America's vote) Meghan Linsey (saved by America's vote) Hannah Kirby (saved by Blake) Don't agree that all of the team performances were bad. I liked Team Christina's performance the best. Team Pharrell's was good save for Koryn's part. But yeah, Team Adam and Team Blake weren't so good. I wanted Blake to save Sarah. But I can see why he went for Hannah. The audience is skewed toward younger contestants, so it was best to capitalize on that. Still think Hannah, Meghan, and Sarah should be Blake's top three, and I think that as much as Blake claims to like Corey, I can tell that part of him wanted those three women, too, and knew that they were the strongest ones. I can live with Christina's choice. Kimberly and India were no-brainers, so I'm glad America put them through. And I think if Sonic had given a better performance, Christina might've put her through instead of Rob. As it is, Rob blew so many people out of the water, Christina had to put him through. Pharrell's team was obviously going to have Sawyer and Mia on it, and I'm fine with that. They're his strongest two, I think. As for the save, I get the feeling that Pharrell really, really, really wanted to save Lowell, but knew that he hadn't charted well, and Koryn had. So he went with her. It's a bit sad, because I wanted Lowell to stick around and return to his crooning. On Adam's team, Joshua and Deanna were the top two charting on iTunes, so I wasn't surprised that they made it through. I think Adam had it set in his mind that Nathan wasn't going to the top twelve. So it was between Brian and Tonya. I thought Tonya made more sense until reading that there were too many R&B/soul people among whom she could get lost. But at the same time, Brian could get lost among those of his type. But Brian was younger and could probably bring in more votes, so Adam went with him. Results were fairly predictable, but since they all made sense, I don't care much about it. Bring on the top twelve! Agreed with those dreading Corey's longevity. Nice guy, but oh-so-boring, save for his grandfather story. But his Twitter followers will keep him around, no doubt. I'd still rather Blake have saved Cody. That was an interesting country singer. I also dread Joshua's longevity. He's the bland WGWG that American teen girls drool over, so that'll get him votes. Ditto Brian, who, while at least a bit more interesting than Joshua, isn't all that much of an interesting guy himself.
  6. Unfortunately, my mother is African-American (as am I), and she did that plenty of times to me growing up, and she still does in my adulthood. I felt for Barry and Erica in those scenes.
  7. Toni & Dallas in TAR13, after spending the whole day trying to get around Moscow on the penultimate leg after Dallas stupidly lost their money and passports, got eliminated at a train station they were supposed to take as part of a Detour. Phil walked out of it just as they were about to walk in and eliminated them on the spot.
  8. I think this meltdown was what cinched their guilty verdict.
  9. Doubt it. Jane Elliot is still Tracy on GH, and Judith Chapman is still Gloria on Y&R.
  10. Yes. She was shown cheering for her in the audience after she performed.
  11. But like Corey from Blake's team, he falls into the genre people, especially women, seem to like, so . . . he's still gonna be here.
  12. Doesn't she only get recurring/guest credit? If so, I can't see that happening for quite some time.
  13. Ever notice when the women win rewards, they rarely insult the men? But the men do so excessively to the women whenever they win rewards? Loved the rare lunch service challenge, and I loved the women finally winning another service. Won't argue with the boot. Brendan was the right one to go home. He's been pretty incompetent for a while now. Still think Meghan, Michelle, T, and Alison are the best ones of the women. Christine and probably Sarah will go down soon. Of the men, Randy and Milly are the only two really good ones.
  14. Wow. That's as . . . dire as Caitlin's ranking last night. But Rob got the upper 200 in just two hours post-show? Not a bad showing!
  15. Whoa. Thought Sonic would be doing better. Wouldn't be surprised if Christina dumps her now, when I quite thought she might dump Rob.
  16. What are the numbers so far? No surprise to me that the fangirls are out in full force for Joshua, though.
  17. My thing about Rumer's dance is that a waltz should be set to a song with a triple meter (3/4, 3/8, 6/4, 6/8, 9/4, 9/8, 12/4, 12/8, etc.). That was a song with a duple or quadruple meter. Not what one waltzes to.
  18. Caitlin is on Pharrell's team, not Blake's.
  19. As I watch: Team Adam Tonya: Good vocals, okay song choice, but she did fight with the band and backup singers to be heard at a couple of points. I wish she'd had a bit more energy. Oh, and way to continue the stereotypes, Adam. Might need to rely on Adam's vote unless she charts high on iTunes. Joshua: The vocals were very nice, and the song choice was good for his basic genre, though a bit more energy might've helped him. Yet I still find him so damn ordinary! But as the type usually worshipped by the teenage girls and twenty-somethings (and being a family man with a wife and kids doesn't hurt), he'll make the vote and won't need Adam's save. I just wonder how much farther he'll make it beyond that once it's realized how plain he is? The tongue bath he got from the judges made no sense to me. Brian: Another person with a good voice, but who was lacking in energy. Emotion was there, though. If one of Adam's WGWGs get through, I'd honestly rather see him do so than Joshua. At least I feel something with him. Nathan: Was flat at the beginning, but pulled it together. Fine vocals, very fine, but not wholly wonderful. And he got overshadowed by the band at least once. Might need Adam's save. At this, being the sole Asian male is his only distinctive feature. Deanna: Another good vocal performance, but again, not overly exciting. If she's not one of the ones voted in, then she'd better hope that Adam saves her. Team Christina Sonic: Yet another song that could've used a touch more energy, but her vocals were amazingly strong. Thought she may have gone flat a few times, but like Adam and Pharrell said, she recovered beautifully each time. I think she's got the vote to stay in. Kimberly: Slow song, but huge vocals to make up for it! She ran the gamut from throwing it all out there to showing restraint, and I loved it all! I think she's got the vote, if you go by the extended crowd reaction, but if she needs the save, I see Christina giving it to her. Lexi: Went sharp at one point, but other than that, a beautiful voice and a nice, clear tone. Fought with the band at one point, but I think she won. She'll need Christina's save, though. Being montaged through the Battles might've lowered her chance of audience connection. India: Big, powerful performance. Absolutely beautiful voice. She did Christina's song justice. Her opera background probably helped out. She could either win the vote, or she'll be saved by Christina. Either way, I don't think she'll let her go so easily. Rob: Fabulous vocals. I was engaged the whole way. Impressed that he didn't rely on his high register till right near the end. I think he'll need Christina's save, though. Sonic, India, and Kimberly all seem way more popular with the fans than he does. Predictions: Team Adam I maintain is the weakest, if not for vocal acuity, then for pure capability of drawing in the votes on memorability. But I'm betting Brian and Joshua get the votes since they're the bland type of artists Adam gets on his team and the fangirls worship. But they'll likely start splitting the votes after they do. Could be anyone Adam lets go, but I imagine he saves either Tonya or Deanna and lets Nathan go, for sure. Team Christina is tougher for me, though. I think any two of Sonic, India, and Kimberly will get voted in by America, and Christina saves the one of the three who isn't. Lexi's too new for Christina to hold onto, and Rob is great, but would Christina really save him? That has yet to be seen. I think I might've liked last night's performances better, though I at least appreciated the ones from Christina's team tonight.
  20. In TAR23, on leg six (the Austria leg), Tim & Marie were about to grab a cab and saw that it was Jason & Amy's. They were about to leave and grab their own, but then, the cabbie started throwing out Jason & Amy's backpacks, so that cleared the way for them to get in. No penalty. Just an angry Jason & Amy.
  21. Or at all. I wouldn't be surprised if they cut each other off entirely. Bergen did act like he almost hated Kurt on the race. It might've spread to real life, too.
  22. *Shrug back* Again, I don't really care. CI was over and not coming back by that point, so I could care less what happened after the ending. Probably helps I didn't care for Goren, anyway, so I probably didn't mind for that reason.
  23. Looking at those numbers thus far . . . Team Pharrell Yeah, Sawyer and Mia are almost definitely in with the viewers' votes. I'd thought that Caitlin stood a chance at the save by Pharrell, but assuming he's taking a page from Blake's book and watching the iTunes chart, he might pass her over for Koryn or even Lowell. While I'd love Lowell to stick around and actually get to croon, if Pharrell's smart, he'll take Koryn instead. Team Blake Yeah, Corey is talented, but more so than Sarah, Hannah, or Meghan? I think not. Sucks that it looks like Blake's gonna have to let one of them go before him just because his Twitter followers are likely helping him chart so high. They really should've just stuck to simple call-and-text voting. Brooke is gonna be toast, though, just like I'd thought.
  24. AFAIC, I do. It's there, it was said, it was seen, I'm cool with all of it. And if the final bonding scene in her first appearance gave you a coronary, then I don't see how it did. I don't think Eames hinted at any feelings for Goren at all. Just that they worked together so in tune with one another that it was like the way a married couple could and should work together. It didn't really tell me that she wanted to be married to him. Just like their dynamic felt like very platonic life partners. Nothing more, nothing less. Now with that said, when Cragen introduced her to the SVU squad, I don't know how Olivia already knew she'd been Major Case. The two squads had never met prior to then.
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