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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. I think it was in this season, as I vaguely remember Bishop being with Goren, for some reason, but which episode ended with the daughter who'd committed a murder and was going to be hauled off to spend her birthday in lockup, with neither of her inattentive parents seeming willing to go down to see her after she was arrested in front of both of them?
  2. Even more soap-like was Gloria having the jerk's microphone turned on so the whole audience hated him instead of Cam! I think there was a mention dropped that he was on the trip Luke didn't go on. That's why he didn't appear.
  3. These shows almost always end with steals, so I'm pretty sure that Christina's steal will occur at the end of Monday's show.
  4. Rob was the three-chair turn. Joe and Treeva were two-chair turns, and India was the sole four-chair turn on Christina's team (sole one only because Christina dumped Jeremy in favor of Rob).
  5. I know! That's why I'm enjoying this! Not enjoying Ward, but that they're keeping him bad! :) We'll survive, and so will the show.
  6. All right. So here are my predictions of how the final Knockouts will go down. Team Adam I think Barry's easy Knockout fodder for whomever Adam wants to guarantee makes it to the live shows. Whoever goes up against him, he or she wins his or her way to the live shows by default unless Barry really knocks it out of the park, or his opponent seriously bombs. As for Tonya, Lexi, and Joshua, I think Tonya beats anyone she's up against. So that leaves Lexi and Joshua for that last spot on his team. Joshua was shown in the Blinds and the Battles, while Lexi was shown in the Blinds and montaged through the Battles, so I imagine that unless Lexi is Barry's opponent, she goes home, and Joshua goes through. Final team for the Lives: Nathan, Deanna, Tonya, Joshua, and Brian. Team Pharrell Only one pair is left here, and while I like them both, I think if Pharrell wants the better chance at being the winning coach this season, he needs to go with the crooner, since I don't think one has ever reached the live shows before. I think Lowell's getting through, and Jacob's going home. (In the preview, Christina is referring to a woman when she uses her steal, saying that "she's [hers]!" So I think whichever person loses is taking the fall.) So yeah, I think Lowell is getting to the live shows, and Jacob will go the way of Tanner last season -- youngster with a good voice, but not great enough for the Lives. Final team for the Lives: Sawyer, Mia, Caitlin, Lowell, and Koryn. Team Christina This one is hard to say. Two pairs are left, and anyone could be matched with anyone. But seeing as how India, Treeva, and Rob were actually shown in both the Blinds and the Battles, while Joe was shown in the Blinds, but montaged through the Battles, I think he's the easy fodder here. Whoever faces him likely goes through to the Lives. I think India is in, for sure, as one of Christina's top contestants. So that leaves it down to Rob and Treeva. I think Rob is leagues better than Treeva, and if they face off, Christina will catch Treeva's limitations and go with him. Treeva is really toast if she goes against India. I only see her getting to the Lives if she's against Joe. And Christina has a steal available (she's the only coach left with one), and she's hinted at stealing a woman, so she could steal any of Tonya, Lexi, Kelsie, or Brooke. So I'll only predict her team in terms of the ones already on it and save the steal for Monday's show. Final team for the Lives: Sonic, Kimberly, India, Rob, and whichever woman she steals. Team Blake Only one pair left here, and I'm tempted to say that Kelsie has the edge against Brooke for the simple reason that she was shown through the Blinds and the Battles, while Brooke was shown in the Blinds, but montaged through the Battles. But then, I remember that Blaze was shown through the Blinds and Battles, but still lost to Deanna, who was shown in the Blinds, but montaged through the Battles. So it might go either way. Going by pure vocal capabilities, though, I can see Blake advancing Brooke, since Kelsie didn't really win against Brenna so much as she just didn't lose. (That effort by both of them was kind of weak in that Battle.) In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Kelsie is the easy fodder just for Brooke to advance. Final team for the Lives: Sarah, Meghan, Corey, Brooke, and Hannah. So those are my nineteen projected contestants, with the twentieth to be determined by Christina's choice of steal. I'll edit if I think of whom she might steal.
  7. And they were wrong again this week, too. And never have I been so glad to see a spoiler wrong! Joaquin's boot was amazing! So he really did go as speculated!
  8. Hell, his look was well-deserved after his disgusting, punch-worthy grin when Lindsey was blindsided last week. Hope many, many more bad surprises are on this douchebag's way.
  9. I like Jenn, too. And at this point, she's probably one of my favorites, along with Hali, Carolyn, and Sierra. I hope she can either take the game or at least get as far as she can.
  10. Some people remember the most recent items first and then work their way back to the least recent. Or perhaps she started from the right end first when she was watching the items and made her way to the ones on the left. Either way, it seemed to work.
  11. I think the women's strategy failed the moment Monique exposed it to Ramsay. I had a feeling it'd fail, anyway, but I was expecting Sarah to get eliminated, not Mieka. That said, Mieka's no real loss to the women, anyway. They lost entirely because of her and Monique, and she's been pretty weak up until now, anyway. So despite Monique not going home as the women wanted, they're still better off losing Mieka, anyway. Monique is not gonna last much longer, though. The only other one I could see who could get tossed before her is Christine. Other than Randy and Milly, I don't see any real contenders from the men. Bret's status as a contender pretty much evaporated this week, Josh is a virtual non-entity, and I only found out there was an Adam there this week. Meghan, T, Alison, and Sarah still probably remain the best for the women. Christine and Monique (especially the latter) should be gone soon.
  12. While I'm glad Ward's finally gotten the picture that Skye doesn't want him anymore, yeah, he's better off as a villain, not an antihero, if the show really wants to keep him around. There is nothing romantic about him. Nothing. On a side note, he is not returning to the team in ANY capacity, @APSimpson. At all. He is still killing innocents who don't deserve it, and is now manipulating an innocent (well, mostly innocent) woman, likely to his gains. Once Coulson and the others find out about all of this, I don't see them EVER letting him back in. At! All!
  13. The one excuse the mother in Munch's story had is that at least she was mentally disturbed. The mother we saw in the actual episode had no excuse, though.
  14. I CARE! I STILL DO! Don't go assuming no one cares about something, @TeeVee329! There might be someone who does! >:(
  15. I don't, @LadyChatts. Given that his reception with fans still hasn't been terribly positive, I don't know how you think he could be. Anyway, great episode! Glad Joaquin hit the road, though I'd have preferred Rodney. Such an ass. Still rooting, for the most part, for nuNagarote. Though after this episode, everyone on that tribe but Kelly. Yeah, not as smart as I'd thought she was.
  16. To be fair, at least she finally got how terrible she was, owned up, and confessed when she saw the long-term damage her daughter would face. So I'd put her on the lower end of disgusting parents. I just watched "Legacy," and I have a new one to add to the upper end. The mother from that episode, who merely saw her daughter as a means to an end and put her in the hospital by first throwing her to a curb, and then against a wall, and then being willing for her father and then her stepbrother to take the fall for it. All because she wanted her daughter to stop crying.
  17. I'd love to hear how he did. I thought Diane did way better throughout than he did.
  18. Um, have you seen his edit thus far? I don't see him winning with this current portrayal. This, plus the fact that I've seen mostly negative reception from fans, not much positive, makes me think he, Dan, and Rodney are gonna be set up for a huge fall. I can't see Dan and Rodney going down without Mike going with them.
  19. Um, have you seen his edit thus far? I don't see him winning with this current portrayal. This, plus the fact that I've seen mostly negative reception from fans, not much positive, makes me think he, Dan, and Rodney are gonna be set up for a huge fall. I can't see Dan and Rodney going down without Mike going with them.
  20. Current team rosters/cheat sheet: Team Adam Nathan Hermida (defeated Clinton Washington) Deanna Johnson (defeated Blaze Johnson) Brian Johnson (stolen from Team Blake) (Still Waiting) Tonya Boyd-Cannon Barry Minniefield Lexi Dávila Joshua Davis Team Pharrell Sawyer Fredericks (defeated Paul Pfau and Anthony Riley**) Mia Z (defeated Paul Pfau and Anthony Riley**) Caitlin Caporale (defeated Hannah Kirby) Koryn Hawthorne (stolen from Team Christina) (Still Waiting) Lowell Oakley Jacob Rummell Team Christina Sonic (defeated Ashley Morgan) Kimberly Nichole (defeated Koryn Hawthorne) (Still Waiting) Joe Tolo Treeva Gibson India Carney Rob Taylor Team Blake Sarah Potenza (defeated Brian Johnson) Meghan Linsey (defeated Travis Ewing) Corey Kent White (defeated Cody Wickline) Hannah Kirby (stolen from Team Pharrell) (Still Waiting) Kelsie May Brooke Adee Names in bold indicate those who have either freshly won and stayed on their teams, or been freshly stolen by another coach. An asterisk indicates that the contestant was montaged. Two asterisks mean that the contestant was defeated by way of withdrawal from the competition. Well, this certainly has been a season of hugely strong competitors. I outright disagreed with two of the choices tonight, though. Regarding Cody vs. Corey, I'm very shocked that Blake advanced a two-chair turn over a four-chair turn. Like Christina, he dumped one of his four-chair turns! I don't doubt that Corey did well, but Cody had a tad more potential. Granted, neither one of them excited me much in the Blinds or in their respective Battles with Matt and Jacob, but if I had to go by potential for votes in the live rounds, then my choice would've been Cody. In the battle of Blaze vs. Deanna, this is the one smart move Adam's made. Blaze did better, on the whole, but he's just a two-chair turn. Deanna is a four-chair turn, and Adam's only four-chair turn. Dumping her meant dumping his only four-chair turn, and I don't think that he was willing to do that. Plus, I think Deanna has that sympathetic angle with being a prior reject that Blaze doesn't. That said, I'd say that I bet Blaze wishes he'd chosen a different coach, but given that his only two choices were Adam and Blake, I can't say that he really chose wrong there. No way Blake would've been a good choice for him. As for Hannah vs. Caitlin, I'm in utter shock that Pharrell chose Caitlin. Hannah knocked that out of the park! Caitlin was impressive in her own right, but Hannah deserved to win, for sure. Glad Blake stole her back! Now there's the question as to whom Christina might steal. Might've been a better episode if the right choices had been made. . . . Anthony Riley. No one knows the reasons. Just that they were "personal." And they were briefed about it well before the Knockouts, so I'm pretty sure they all had time.
  21. Current team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Nathan Hermida (defeated Clinton Washington) Brian Johnson (stolen from Team Blake) (Still Waiting) Tonya Boyd-Cannon Deanna Johnson Blaze Johnson Barry Minniefield Lexi Dávila Joshua Davis Team Pharrell Sawyer Fredericks (defeated Paul Pfau and Anthony Riley**) Mia Z (defeated Paul Pfau and Anthony Riley**) Koryn Hawthorne (stolen from Team Christina) (Still Waiting) Caitlin Caporale Lowell Oakley Hannah Kirby Jacob Rummell Team Christina Sonic (defeated Ashley Morgan) Kimberly Nichole (defeated Koryn Hawthorne) (Still Waiting) Joe Tolo Treeva Gibson India Carney Rob Taylor Team Blake Sarah Potenza (defeated Brian Johnson) Meghan Linsey (defeated Travis Ewing) (Still Waiting) Cody Wickline Kelsie May Corey Kent White Brooke Adee Names in bold indicate those who have either freshly won and stayed on their teams, or been freshly stolen by another coach. An asterisk indicates that the contestant was montaged. Two asterisks mean that the contestant was defeated by way of withdrawal from the competition. Well, an interesting set of Knockouts tonight. I'm interested in finding out exactly what the "personal reasons" are for Anthony's withdrawal, because I imagine he would've killed this round. Sonic vs. Ashley was obvious. Sonic was just going for it, while Ashley was a tad safe. Not surprised that, at this stage, no one stole her. Sarah vs. Brian surprised me, because I really thought that Blake would choose Brian. Color me shocked when he went with Sarah. Guess it's good for Brian that he got stolen (though it now means that Adam's basically stolen both guys from Blake who faced off in the Battle rounds), but he makes no huge impression on me, personally. Clinton vs. Nathan also surprised me, because I thought Clinton blew Nathan out of the water. But it was a case of montaged through the Blinds and shown in the Battles vs. shown in the Blinds and montaged through the Battles, so I didn't know how it would go. I guess being shown in the Blinds is more important, though, so hello, Nathan, goodbye, Mr. President. (I really hope someone gets that moniker for him. ;)) Mia vs. Paul vs. Sawyer couldn't have been easy for Pharrell. Well, picking Sawyer was, again, a no-brainer. That kid's gonna win it for him, for sure, or at least get him close to the title if the Adam fangirls don't vote for his still-fodderish-contestants. Between Mia and Paul, I remember the former more, so I'm not too torn up about the latter going home. She did way better and has the range to spare, so I'm not bitter. Meghan vs. Travis, a battle of the steals, was also tricky. I have to say Meghan was more layered, while Travis was more technical and cutting. But like Blake, I'd have gone with Meghan, too. He rarely keeps his steals, so this Knockout guaranteed that he'd keep at least one. And Kimberly vs. Koryn was an amazing battle. Glad Christina went with Kimberly, and glad Pharrell stole Koryn. Not exactly accomplishing what he wanted by getting Kimberly back onto his team, though. After a good opening night of Knockouts, I'm anxious to see how it goes tomorrow. I wish these horrible Undateable and One Big Happy shows hadn't started, because we'd be having another nice, two-hour show if they hadn't.
  22. She didn't really, though. She made it to whom she'd thought was Hook. When she realized that it wasn't Hook, that was when she spilled. So no oath could be applied there.
  23. Actually, if you go to Hali, Max, and Shirin's threads, there is a secret video there mentioning that Kelly actually jumped a lot sooner than it looked. She'd jumped to the No Collars not long after they'd gotten back to camp. Shirin's pitch hadn't done a thing.
  24. Since no one's mentioned it yet, I loved Morgan's EPIC FAIL when Michael caught his punch and punched him instead!
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