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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. You're right! I meant Sierra, but for some reason was thinking of Lindsey! I meant how the hell didn't Sierra smack him one? Edited! :-P
  2. I don't know how the hell Sierra didn't haul off and smack him one when he a.) attacked her at the fire and b.) gave his total non-apology to her. He's horrible.
  3. Probably . . . not for weeks, if his tribe continues to be as strong as it is. . . .
  4. There've been five -- So, Vince, Nina, Lindsey, and Max.
  5. I agree! I love Carolyn, too! I think she's doing a good job for a woman her age! And it's good to see a woman of a certain age with some actual game! And I, too, think it wasn't that bad of her to move against Max. She didn't trust him or Shirin, so why not jump to some new people you could trust? And Jenn, Hali, and Will were very welcoming to her, so I'm sure that they can all do some damage if they reach the merge intact. I do think it's jarring how much she fell from liking Max and Shirin and her alliance with them to completely not liking or trusting them at all. They could've shown the beats to that.
  6. Shirin is more than likely gone next, anyway, if nuNagarote loses, so I doubt Carolyn will have to worry much about that. Definitely rooting for nuNagarote. I like them all. Yes, even Shirin, who is way too kooky for her own good. Though I understand why many others here don't like her. Save for Joe, Sierra, and possibly Tyler, nuEscameca is totally full of jerks, douchebags, and sexist assholes. Don't care for any of them but the three I just said. As I said in Rodney and Lindsey's threads, I wanted to punch the former when he grinned so openly at the latter being voted out. He just has such a punchable face. As for Max, it might've been smarter to vote out Shirin, but I root for women over men, anyway, just like @peachmangosteen does, so it's no huge loss to me that a man got the chop instead of another woman. Is this the first three-tribe season to see all three tribes go to Tribal Council at least once before dropping down to two? Philippines only had one tribe go all four weeks before they went down to two, and Cagayan had two tribes go -- one tribe one week, and the other tribe the other three weeks. So is this the first one in which all three went in consecutive weeks?
  7. Not that Lindsey was much of a prize herself, but I'd much rather see her in the game than Rodney. Hated seeing his pure pleasure when she was blindsided.
  8. I felt bad for her when Dan was going at her at the fire. And I suspect that he only felt like he could get away with it because he was now in the majority. He wouldn't have done that back when he and Mike were at the bottom. And I'm glad she basically saw right through his total non-apology and seemed to be considering jumping to Joaquin, Tyler, and Joe. I like her. Hope she chooses the right side, and I might root for her to go far.
  9. His shit-eating grin when Lindsey got voted out made me wanna punch him.
  10. The women were playing last season, too. Sometimes, it just didn't seem like it because the men were eating up all of the screen time, especially in the early goings.
  11. No need to spoiler-tag, @LadyChatts. It's the spoiler thread. :)
  12. Ah, poor Brad & Victoria from TAR14. They had great potential as an older couple, but they wasted it with that bad move.
  13. That sucks. I liked Anthony a lot and would hate to find out he dropped out over something stupid or trivial. Also, looking at my list again, the producers must like Pharrell's team or think it's a strong one if they could show all of his battles. Every other team got at least one montaged pair (Blake got exactly one, Christina got two, and Adam got a whopping three!).
  14. Current team roster/cheat sheet: Team Adam Tonya Boyd-Cannon (defeated James McNeiece) Deanna Johnson (defeated Nicolette Maré)* Nathan Hermida (defeated Josh Batstone)* Blaze Johnson (defeated Michael Leier) Barry Minniefield (defeated Jack Gregori) Lexi Dávila (defeated Bren'nae DeBarge)* Joshua Davis (stolen from Team Blake) Clinton Washington (stolen from Team Christina) Team Pharrell Mia Z. (defeated Ashley Morgan) Anthony Riley (defeated Travis Ewing) Paul Pfau (defeated Meghan Linsey) Caitlin Caporale (defeated Briar Jonnee) Lowell Oakley (defeated Kimberly Nichole) Sawyer Fredericks (defeated Noelle Bybee) Hannah Kirby (stolen from Team Blake) Jacob Rummell (stolen from Team Blake) Team Christina Sonic (defeated Ameera Delandro) Joe Tolo (defeated Gabriel Wolfchild)* Treeva Gibson (defeated Katelyn Read) India Carney (defeated Clinton Washington) Rob Taylor (defeated Jeremy Gaynor) Koryn Hawthorne (defeated Vance Smith)* Ashley Morgan (stolen from Team Pharrell) Kimberly Nichole (stolen from Team Pharrell) Team Blake Brian Johnson (defeated Joshua Davis) Sarah Potenza (defeated Hannah Kirby) Cody Wickline (defeated Matt Snook) Kelsie May (defeated Brenna Yaeger) Brooke Adee (defeated Bay Brooks)* Corey Kent White (defeated Jacob Rummell) Travis Ewing (stolen from Team Pharrell) Meghan Linsey (stolen from Team Pharrell) Names in bold indicate those who have either freshly won and stayed on their teams, or been freshly stolen by another coach. An asterisk indicates that the contestant was montaged. So most of my predictions were right. Lexi was shown in her audition, Bren'nae was not. Easy choice that Lexi would win, though sucks for her that it was in a montage. Koryn and Vance were both shown in their auditions, but they got montaged since this turns out to be an hour-long show. Still, Koryn won like I thought she would. Brooke was shown in her audition, while Bay was montaged. So I'm not surprised that Brooke won, too. On a side note, it has to suck that Bren'nae, part of a family with strong ties to music, got montaged her entire time on the show. As for the shown battles, I'd predicted Jeremy would get picked, so I was surprised when Christina went with Rob. But Rob put more of himself out there than Jeremy did. Sawyer was a shown, four-chair audition, while Noelle (to clarify for @Padma: not Nicole) was a montaged, one-chair audition. No-brainer. Bye-bye, Bybee! I was wrong about Jacob. I guess Blake really did wanna stay loyal to country, so he went with Corey. But I'm glad Jacob got stolen. I really thought Jeremy would be, though. Let's hope this ends the montages, though. I want to see ALL of the Knockouts next week. Finally, I find it delicious that NONE of the steals were from Adam's team. Shows how weak his team is. Seven of the steals came from either Blake or Pharrell's teams, and the last one from Christina's.
  15. I don't know how Nick could fail so epically in cooking meat. Three times, no less! I'd have almost been tempted to see him go! That said, Michael was a disaster who was never going to get it together. He was the men's version of Chrissa. Best he leave now. T, Alison, Michelle, Meghan, and Sarah (despite her moment of pleading to Ramsay) still look like the best of the women. Christine, Monique, and Mieka are all not long for the game. On the men, I still think Randy, Josh, and Milly are the strongest. Probably Bret, too. Nick and Adam are obviously gone soon.
  16. @MarkHB, you're a Maine guy who's also met Bob (the other Maine castaway), right?
  17. Morgan can stay, actually. But Kiki can go. She should've gone when Kristen did.
  18. I'm pretty sure the show had that idea, not Charlotte. I liked Rumer, but I fear she'll mainly get votes based on who her parents are. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but I'm hoping she gets votes based on who she is and how she dances. Still, I see her going far since she can dance. Riker, Michael, Chris, and Nastia seem and feel like early favorites to go far. Robert, Noah, Redfoo, and Suzanne might make decent runs. I'm sure that Patti, Willow, and Charlotte as easy cannon fodder. For the twentieth season, it's not a bad cast. We'll see how it shapes up in the weeks ahead. I'm just not sure as to why they chose to start this season so far into the spring season.
  19. While we're discussing steals, I find it absolutely delicious that thus far, no steals have come from Adam's team. That's only further proof to me of how weak a team he's put together this season. Christina's team is probably the second-weakest one since only one steal, Clinton, has come from hers. All of the other steals have come from Blake and Pharrell's teams, showing to me how strong their teams must be. Pure speculation on tonight's final battles. No spoilers at all. Team Adam Bren'nae vs. Lexi: Well, Lexi was shown in the Blinds, while Bren'nae was montaged, so unless they pull an Alessandra, it's bye-bye, Bren'nae, even if she does outsing Lexi. Team Pharrell Sawyer vs. Noelle: Well, Sawyer was a four-chair turn who had his audition shown, and Noelle was a one-chair turn who was montaged. Sawyer's undoubtedly taking this. As he seems like one of Pharrell's stronger contestants, he'd be foolish not to choose him. Team Christina No montaged contestants here. Everyone left on this team was shown in the Blinds. Rob vs. Jeremy: Hard to say. I liked them both in the Blinds. But I give the edge to Jeremy since he was a four-chair turn. Rob might surprise me, too, though. Koryn vs. Vance: Both were two-chair turns. Hard to say where Christina will go here. She might go with Koryn, though, since her voice sounded better. But it'll depend on song choice. Team Blake Brooke vs. Bay: Brooke was shown in the Blinds, while Bay was montaged. Bye-bye, Bay. Corey Kent vs. Jacob: Blake has an odd affinity for kids. (See: Jake Worthington sticking around way longer than he deserved.) So I imagine he'll chose Jacob unless he really wants to stay loyal to country and go with Corey Kent. Agreed that the steals will likely come from the battles listed above by @PhD-Purgatory15. That was I, and yes, it's sad that Barry likely won't get past the Knockouts. Sad, because I like him a lot. But older people are poor vote-getters on this show.
  20. I'd rather we not risk her being a victim of Ron's tendency to ruin people I like a lot.
  21. Current team roster/cheat sheet: Team Adam Tonya Boyd-Cannon (defeated James McNeiece) Deanna Johnson (defeated Nicolette Maré)* Nathan Hermida (defeated Josh Batstone)* Blaze Johnson (defeated Michael Leier) Barry Minniefield (defeated Jack Gregori) Joshua Davis (stolen from Team Blake) Clinton Washington (stolen from Team Christina) (Still Waiting) Bren’nae DeBarge Lexi Dávila Team Pharrell Mia Z. (defeated Ashley Morgan) Anthony Riley (defeated Travis Ewing) Paul Pfau (defeated Meghan Linsey) Caitlin Caporale (defeated Briar Jonnee) Lowell Oakley (defeated Kimberly Nichole) Hannah Kirby (stolen from Team Blake) (Still Waiting) Sawyer Fredericks Noelle Bybee Team Christina Sonic (defeated Ameera Delandro) Joe Tolo (defeated Gabriel Wolfchild)* Treeva Gibson (defeated Katelyn Read) India Carney (defeated Clinton Washington) Ashley Morgan (stolen from Team Pharrell) Kimberly Nichole (stolen from Team Pharrell) (Still Waiting) Rob Taylor Koryn Hawthorne Jeremy Gaynor Vance Smith Team Blake Brian Johnson (defeated Joshua Davis) Sarah Potenza (defeated Hannah Kirby) Cody Wickline (defeated Matt Snook) Kelsie May (defeated Brenna Yaeger) Travis Ewing (stolen from Team Pharrell) Meghan Linsey (stolen from Team Pharrell) (Still Waiting) Brooke Adee Jacob Rummell Bay Brooks Corey Kent White Names in bold indicate those who have either freshly won and stayed on their teams, or been freshly stolen by another coach. An asterisk indicates that the contestant was montaged. Hey, no montaged battles tonight! Good form, Show! Okay. So I thought most of the battles had fair outcomes. I might've taken Briar over Caitlin, but I can see why Pharrell would've chosen Caitlin. Barry and Jack were the two older guys who obviously won't get to the live shows. Either winner would've been knocked out at the Knockouts, anyway. And they were both one-chair turns, so either was cannon fodder. Felt bad for Jack, though. To think Adam just told him that he was seeking to win with a country singer, yet he dumps him. And then, he doesn't even try to steal one of Blake's dumped country girls. Pharrell continues to perplex. He tosses Kimberly over Lowell, and then gets her stolen by Christina. Both did well in that battle, though. Treeva winning was a no-brainer, since her audition was shown, and Katelyn had been montaged. I really thought that Katelyn had done better, though. Brenna and Kelsie didn't really excite me, but I might've chosen Brenna over Kelsie. I was gonna slap my forehead if India had lost to Clinton and was glad to see Christina choose her over him. Was surprised that a montaged person got a steal, though. I don't know much about his style, so we'll have to see if he made a good choice or a bad one with choosing Adam over Pharrell. Really telling about the talent pool that most of the steals have been from Blake and Pharrell's team thus far. They got some good ones. Can't wait for the final pairs tomorrow!
  22. Pharrell's doing it again! He's getting rid of his better people, only for them to snatched up by other coaches! Meghan was worlds better than Paul, and Pharrell kept him, anyway! I hope he doesn't keep doing it, or he's gonna end up losing all of his people before the semifinals again!
  23. I was talking about Sif. Did she have any interest in him?
  24. Ah, thanks, @WendyCR72! I had a feeling it was Goren and Eames! But wow, I was way off in terms of season. If it really was season four, then no wonder it was their episode since the other pairs hadn't even been introduced yet! Thanks for the clarification!
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