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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Something that struck me is one of the "criminal" scenes in this episode. I mean, you see it all the time on this show, but never have I seen the mask slip so much or so drastically as I did near the end when, after Swanson's character dies and her sister is holding the baby, she makes that remark to and about the dog and even makes a not-very-comforting expression, and you immediately get the sense that something isn't right with her, either. And indeed, when Logan and Wheeler visit her later, we find out she had the poor dog put down rather than give her away. Lots of seemingly-nice one-shot characters start to show their true colors eventually on this show, but I'd never seen such a sudden 180 as I did with her. Yeah, well, finding out your son really might be just as evil as your father has a way of steeling your resolve. One of the few parents to actually want his kid to pay the price.
  2. Why wouldn't Jennifer think that Paige would still want J.J.? Chelsea still wanted Nick after he slept with her mother (even though she was initially hesitant at that fact), and Jennifer herself wanted Jack after he slept with hers, so at least there's some history on her side.
  3. Thought so. What season was that? An Alex or a Casey episode? I forgot what the episode was called, but I always loved seeing that girl cry when she and her two evil male friends get the book thrown at them after they set up their English friend to be raped just because she broke up with one of the two boys. It was the one in which Eion Bailey guest-starred. But either way, her tears and the two boys' forlorn expressions gave me life. I will also throw in "Military Justice," when the victim's father punches his daughter's superior when he tries to justify his actions to him all while trashing his daughter.
  4. You're not alone. I get it, too. I just think the hate for Jennifer is so strong, no one's willing to look at it from her point of view, even for a minute. But I understand and even offered my own perspective earlier today. I don't think blackmailing Eve is going to end well, but the discovery is still fairly fresh for Jennifer, so I can allow her to go a tad nuts over it.
  5. @ToxicUnicorn, I've only watched since season six. What happened to Matthew?
  6. So what did they do? Dump them at the first opportunity when the Battles rolled around?
  7. Does Geary even have any teeth at his age? I didn't see even one! He must either have very small teeth or no teeth at all!
  8. If it does, then Ric's the only possible father since she hasn't been with anyone else in quite some time.
  9. Sorry. Double post. I don't agree. While I do think Jennifer wants J.J. and Paige to get back together, I don't necessarily think it's because of Eve. And I don't necessarily think that she finds them being together a requirement or a priority. She did say that J.J. could easily meet another girl, after all. I simply think that she wants them to get a chance to work things out and decide on what they'll do on their own. Almost every step of the way, Eve's the one who's tried to influence whether or not they were together when it should've been up to them. She should've let things play out between them rather than interfering, like Jennifer did (at least in the early months of their relationship). But she couldn't do that. I saw it as Jennifer simply trying to get Eve to let J.J. and Paige sort things out without either of their interference. That's indeed what Eve took away from them and did everything to take away from them from the very start. Honestly, I don't blame her for finally reaching her wits' end with Eve's actions. That's my piece, and I'm sticking to it. Someone's gotta back Jennifer up in some way, and I might as well be the one to do it.
  10. Nice to see Beau Bridges found greener pastures after The Millers failed. Other than that, I don't have much to say, except that I kinda wanted to strangle Junior for throwing Zoey being a bastard in her face. Not her fault, dude.
  11. Huh. Wonder where Alex was? She was the only one not even in the episode this week.
  12. Did Barry and Lainey break up over Erica's petulance? I hope not, because I really like them together. That Cabbage Patch Kid was so cute. Pity Beverly's carelessness no doubt resulted in it never being seen again.
  13. Is that the one when the perp pretty much starts to cry on the stand when it really starts to sink in that he's screwed?
  14. I totally forgot about that part. Holy shit. In my defense, though, it's been a few years since I saw it, and the very ending keeps me from ever wanting to watch it again.
  15. Thinking about things, I'm honestly shocked that he didn't come up as a boot option. He biffed the challenge but good for Nagarote.
  16. I'm glad he seems to be seeing through Max. There's something about him that just bugs, for some reason, so I'm glad that someone's on to him.
  17. Absolutely. So glad she's capable of being around women, too! So far, the only woman this season who seems reluctant to try to relate to other women is, ironically, Nina.
  18. Some hate the hugging, yes. I myself am more than okay with it. But yeah, eye contact is definitely a weak point for most of us. Vince seemed to have no problem with either of those.
  19. From what I read, the first hour on Monday will be the final Blinds. The second hour is the first few Battle Rounds. Interesting change-up.
  20. Oh, that's definitely not autism or Asperger's that Vince displayed. I have both myself, and I know the signs. That is just clear-cut narcissism that I've seen from him, and I'm glad I won't have to see it anymore.
  21. And here I was thinking she'd be a better deaf contestant than Christy. Silly me.
  22. And that's supposed to make up for him acting like a douche last week? For me . . . I think not.
  23. That's always kind of a hard one for me because that is cruel to Katie. But her mother got where she was through her cheating, so I can't feel too badly for her. At least her father had been faithful. So I'm hardly lumping him in with the worst parents.
  24. That was Mike, whom I knew from his stupid scorpion-eating stunt last week would be a really bad player. Not surprised he's proving me right along with Dan.
  25. Wait, those were Hydra members getting killed left and right?! I thought those were world leaders or even higher-ranked S.H.I.E.L.D. members!
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