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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Oh, wait. I know why it might be going down to Escameca and Nagarote. The idols in their camps haven't been found yet! Since Masaya's idol has been found (by Carolyn), there's no need to use that camp anymore!
  2. The only other three Kellys we've had have been in Gabon, Samoa, and an additional one in Nicaragua. Gabon's started out in the minority of her original tribe, Kota, but quickly joined the majority alliance of her post-swap tribe, Fang. But she was eventually voted out sixth because she basically annoyed her tribemates too much. She was even voted out over Ace and Sugar, two people outside of the main alliance. As for Samoa's, she was pretty invisible until Russell idol'd her out of the game that season. Nicaragua's other Kelly was the one with an artificial leg who dueled with Na'Onka. This season's Kelly is either going to be as visible as Borneo, Africa, Gabon, and Nicaragua's Kellys (in Nicaragua's case, the more visible one), or as invisible as Samoa and Nicaragua's other Kelly. Time will tell.
  3. He's last for me, along with Dan. Sorry.
  4. So I forgot the episode, but which one ended with either Goren and Eames or Logan and Falacci (or even Wheeler, if she was back by then) busting a guy who'd killed a woman's husband because he wanted her for himself, thus betraying this woman, who was his friend, and leaving her staring forlornly out her penthouse window as he was hauled off? I remember feeling very sad for this woman and wanted to see that episode again. I have every feeling it was from this season,b ut am not sure which episode it was.
  5. I can't say I'm surprised by this ending. I had a feeling they were too far behind last week, and that bore out terribly this week. Sad, too, because they seemed to make no real mistakes on this leg. With a better bunching point, they might've stayed in it. I wish them well, though, and hope they had a wonderful time on the race.
  6. Looks like the bliss of being engaged didn't last too long. The only pleasant moment they had was getting on the water taxi for the Water Detour. After that, they struggled with finding the right eggs for that Detour, and Matt had a hard time with that Roadblock, and finally, they had a hard time finding and reaching the Pit Stop. Lucky Harley & Jonathan were too far behind, or I imagine they'd have been booted.
  7. So the shine is off both of them this week. Jelani for his "I got beaten by a girl" remark regarding Rochelle, and Jenny for her overall unpleasantness. They struggled with the Wheel Detour, as neither could play snooker for jack shit. Jelani struggled big-time with that Roadblock, too. And in the end, struggles with locating the Pit Stop nearly sank them. The one thing they did that impressed me was grabbing that tuk-tuk before Matt & Ashley could. Seventh place, but let's hope they can get it together in three weeks.
  8. No one comments on their win last week? No one?! Sheesh! Sad to see them fall after their win last week, but they really seemed to struggle at some points. They were fast and smart enough to choose the Water Detour, but they seemed to get lost trying to find the market to get their 1,000-year-old eggs. Then, after the temple at the end of that Detour, they seemed to get lost in the shuffle for a long time (a la last season's Amy & Maya) before they finally materialized at the Roadblock. But Rochelle killed that task, and she and Mike got a well-deserved sixth-place finish for their troubles. Great job!
  9. Once again, not much from them, but they appeared to do the Wheel Detour well enough. Jackie was adorable when she sank the snooker ball. Jeff did all right with the Roadblock, too. In the end, a mostly average leg deserves fifth place.
  10. It's weird how I do like these two, yet I was oddly satisfied by them not winning this leg, despite leading for most of it. They plowed through the Water Detour, and Tyler did a great job with the Roadblock. But their cabbie took them to the wrong place when it was Pit Stop time, dropping them down to fourth. They could still win a leg, but they're gonna have to watch the cabbies they get.
  11. I wish these two had more airtime. They seemed to do all right with the Water Detour, and Steve did well with the Roadblock. Seems like they missed out on first place due to finding locals who didn't know shit about the location of the Pit Stop. Still, third is pretty good.
  12. This team is a disaster, but a comical disaster. Hayley can't make up her mind as to whether or not she wants Blair to be in charge or herself. That said, they did the Wheel Detour in a decent enough amount of time, and Blair surprisingly owned the Roadblock. Second place two legs in a row. Not bad!
  13. First place, and well-earned! They seemed to make no huge mistakes, doing the Water Detour quickly and even dancing to eat their eggs! Bergen kicked ass at the Roadblock, as well. They seemed to be the only team not to get someone confused with the Pit Stop location, which helped them win the leg. Good job! Too bad Bergen seems and sounds so unpleasant. Poor Kurt.
  14. Okay. So I liked the Detours. The things they had to do at each stop were simple, but at least they had to do things at all rather than just enjoy the ride. And the Roadblock actually required some thought to finish, which I appreciated. And the Pit Stop clue short of shook up the placements, allowing for an unexpected winning team. So the teams: Bergen & Kurt: First place, and well-earned! They seemed to make no huge mistakes, doing the Water Detour quickly and even dancing to eat their eggs! Bergen kicked ass at the Roadblock, as well. They seemed to be the only team not to get someone confused with the Pit Stop location, which helped them win the leg. Good job! Too bad Bergen seems and sounds so unpleasant. Poor Kurt. Hayley & Blair: This team is a disaster, but a comical disaster. Hayley can't make up her mind as to whether or not she wants Blair to be in charge or herself. That said, they did the Wheel Detour in a decent enough amount of time, and Blair surprisingly owned the Roadblock. Second place two legs in a row. Not bad! Aly & Steve: I wish these two had more airtime. They seemed to do all right with the Water Detour, and Steve did well with the Roadblock. Seems like they missed out on first place due to finding locals who didn't know shit about the location of the Pit Stop. Still, third is pretty good. Laura & Tyler: It's weird how I do like these two, yet I was oddly satisfied by them not winning this leg, despite leading for most of it. They plowed through the Water Detour, and Tyler did a great job with the Roadblock. But their cabbie took them to the wrong place when it was Pit Stop time, dropping them down to fourth. They could still win a leg, but they're gonna have to watch the cabbies they get. Jeff & Jackie: Once again, not much from them, but they appeared to do the Wheel Detour well enough. Jackie was adorable when she sank the snooker ball. Jeff did all right with the Roadblock, too. In the end, a mostly average leg deserves fifth place. Mike & Rochelle: Sad to see them fall after their win last week, but they really seemed to struggle at some points. They were fast and smart enough to choose the Water Detour, but they seemed to get lost trying to find the market to get their 1,000-year-old eggs. Then, after the temple at the end of that Detour, they seemed to get lost in the shuffle for a long time (a la last season's Amy & Maya) before they finally materialized at the Roadblock. But yes, Rochelle killed that task, and she and Mike got a well-deserved sixth-place finish for their troubles. Great job! Jelani & Jenny: So the shine is off both of them this week. Jelani for his "I got beaten by a girl" remark regarding Rochelle, and Jenny for her overall unpleasantness. They struggled with the Wheel Detour, as neither could play snooker for jack shit. Jelani struggled big-time with that Roadblock, too. And in the end, struggles with locating the Pit Stop nearly sank them. The one thing they did that impressed me was grabbing that tuk-tuk before Matt & Ashley could. Seventh place, but let's hope they can get it together in three weeks. Matt & Ashley: Looks like the bliss of being engaged didn't last too long. The only pleasant moment they had was getting on the water taxi for the Water Detour. After that, they struggled with finding the right eggs for that Detour, and Matt had a hard time with that Roadblock, and finally, they had a hard time finding and reaching the Pit Stop. Lucky Harley & Jonathan were too far behind, or I imagine they'd have been booted. Harley & Jonathan: I can't say I'm surprised by this ending. I had a feeling they were too far behind last week, and that bore out terribly this week. Sad, too, because they seemed to make no real mistakes on this leg. With a better bunching point, they might've stayed in it. I wish them well, though, and hope they had a wonderful time on the race. Can't believe we're waiting three weeks for this show to come back! I'm not hugely into this season or cast, but I'm still gonna miss it while it's away.
  15. Thus far, Sierra's sole confessional has been in episode one, though I forgot what it was about.
  16. Why? I saw both Thor movies and saw no hint that she had any feelings for him whatsoever. Did she? Because last I saw, he was happily with Jane at the end of The Dark World.
  17. There's no yellow? Huh. For that to happen, it must mean Masaya (White Collar) takes another loss, and then it's between their tribe and Nagarote (No Collar) for which tribe gets dissolved. I can't see them leaving the red around if Nagarote loses again. Usually, the tribe who's lost the most members gets dissolved, so I don't think they'll lose a third member.
  18. Meh. Pre-season stuff doesn't bother me, either. It's when they get on the island that I judge them, and so far, I've seen nothing to judge her on. Not even that confessional.
  19. I don't see how it didn't make her look good. Because she said she stays back to see how bad a situation gets before stepping in? Please. That's not a big deal to me.
  20. Yep. Those interviews sealed it for me. I was back and forth between Joe, Hali, and Jenn choosing rightly or wrongly by sending Nina packing over Will. But after those interviews, I think they chose right. Will's still an easy boot if they lose next time, but I'd rather have him than perpetual victim Nina.
  21. "Offense" I think has the one distinction where a verbal slip-up by one person in the final scene resulted in the detectives actually having to change direction midstream. Logan and Falacci were primed and ready to bust the son. But one objection by his mother resulted in both of them registering "oh, shit!" looks on their faces and turning everything onto her. It was amazing how, in spite of the shock, they managed to turn things so fluidly.
  22. No, I'm talking about Chester Lake, who was on SVU, played by Adam Beach, as a guest for one season, and then as a regular for one more season. The audience didn't particularly receive him well, so he was written off at the end of season nine.
  23. My mother-in-law passed away three nights ago, in fact while this episode was airing, so I had to forego watching most of it to help my man with her. So I only managed to watch again last night. So here's the current roster/cheat sheet now: Team Adam Tonya Boyd-Cannon (defeated James McNeiece) Deanna Johnson (defeated Nicolette Maré)* Nathan Hermida (defeated Josh Batstone)* Blaze Johnson (defeated Michael Leier) Joshua Davis (stolen from Team Blake) (Still Waiting) Bren’nae DeBarge Barry Minniefield Lexi Dávila Jack Gregori Team Pharrell Mia Z. (defeated Ashley Morgan) Anthony Riley (defeated Travis Ewing) Paul Pfau (defeated Meghan Linsey) Hannah Kirby (stolen from Team Blake) (Still Waiting) Lowell Oakley Sawyer Fredericks Kimberly Nichole Noelle Bybee Briar Jonnee Caitlin Caporale Team Christina Sonic (defeated Ameera Delandro) Joe Tolo (defeated Gabriel Wolfchild)* Ashley Morgan (stolen from Team Pharrell) (Still Waiting) Rob Taylor Treeva Gibson Clinton Washington India Carney Koryn Hawthorne Katelyn Read Jeremy Gaynor Vance Smith Team Blake Brian Johnson (defeated Joshua Davis) Sarah Potenza (defeated Hannah Kirby) Cody Wickline (defeated Matt Snook) Travis Ewing (stolen from Team Pharrell) Meghan Linsey (stolen from Team Pharrell) (Still Waiting) Brooke Adee Kelsie May Jacob Rummell Bay Brooks Brenna Yaeger Corey Kent White Names in bold indicate those who have either freshly won and stayed on their teams, or been freshly stolen by another coach. An asterisk indicates that the contestant was montaged. Do the editors forget that Christina has a team? We only got one battle shown in full and another montaged, and then nothing after that. The show seemed obsessed with Adam (who has a lot of cannon fodder on his team, IMO), Blake, and Pharrell's teams tonight, for some reason. I hope they turn it on with her contestants next week. As for the battles: Well, I'll come right out and say that I knew that Sonic had it in the bag against Ameera and Cody against Matt since Sonic and Cody had their full segments shown during the Blinds, while Ameera and Matt were both montaged. I don't think a montaged contestant has ever beaten a shown contestant other than Alessandra beating Joe last season. So I had no reason to think that anyone would repeat Alessandra's feat. I actually would've liked to have seen Gabriel and Joe's battle. Both had good voices in the Blinds, and I'd have loved to have seen how they battled each other. Didn't much care about Deanna or Nathan's battles since they were up against montaged people (Nicolette and Josh) themselves. Obviously, they were going to win. And since they were both montaged here, they're probably not going to lives. Or going there, but getting kicked out then. So of the shown battles, I was okay with Sarah beating Hannah, even though I thought Hannah kicked ass herself. Happy Pharrell got her since Christina didn't go for her. I'm actually surprised that Adam picked Blaze over Michael. He notoriously dumps his black contestants (especially females) quickly, so Blaze making it was a pleasant surprise. Ditto Tonya in Monday's episode. The announcer promised a shocker in Meghan and Paul's battle, and Pharrell choosing Paul was a big surprise, since Meghan kicked his ass easily. Glad Blake stole her, though. I don't think Travis should've been stolen, though. Anthony fairly beat him. Pretty good battles. Hope next week keeps it up!
  24. She did not. But Kelli did guest star as a rape victim in an episode from season eight of SVU. It was one when Fin worked with Lake prior to the latter being brought on as an ill-fated regular.
  25. Unfortunately, yes, Violet is like this almost consistently. I didn't mind it much in season one, when she was dealing with the baby, but this season, I don't see why she's still acting that bad. I think the only time I liked her was her scene with Baxter a few weeks ago, when he offered to give her a tip on how to really get under Christy's skin, and she turned to him and told him she was listening.
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