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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. I'm very surprised that Sierra didn't flip sides when she had the chance. For all the talk of how she found Mike, Dan, and Rodney to be horrible people and how much she hates them, she's sure not proving it. I'm hoping that she does flip on them soon enough. Sticking with them is going to kill her, and part of her has to know that.
  2. Shirin is definitely doing a better job of fitting in. I'm impressed with her total change in gameplay. I'm now hoping she and the No Collars can find some way to turn the game around. With the much better edit they're all getting in comparison to the Blue Collar boys, I suspect they might.
  3. I was worried for Joe, but I was glad when he won immunity and messed up the Blue Collars' plans. But yeah, he'd better hope that he, Jenn, Hali, and Shirin can flip Will back to their side. If they can, they'll just need one more (Sierra might be a good option since I don't see Carolyn and Tyler splitting up), and they'll be solid.
  4. I'm surprised Bow didn't do the (unofficially named) Run of Shame. Junior's fantasy/scenario at the end? That was just creepy on all levels imaginable.
  5. While I don't like Mike AT ALL, I don't think he's comparable to Lex. I definitely think that if he loses, he'll take it well enough, especially compared to Lex. Though yeah, at the same time, he does act like he expects to run the show the whole way through, and he does feel like the others are going to hand him the win. But I don't think he'll be overly upset if he doesn't get it. Again, still don't like him much, though.
  6. I'm totally glad she figured out she might be in trouble and played that idol. Glad she's still around, too! And yes, getting stung, but continuing on with the challenge earns her my props, as well! I just hope she, Hali, Joe, and Shirin can finagle something next week. I mean, who wants a F7 of Mike, Dan, Rodney, Sierra (though I like her), Tyler, Carolyn, and Will? Seriously?
  7. I just love that he keeps getting foiled! :)
  8. We'll see in the upcoming weeks, but I didn't find it "interesting" at all. Just footage that just happened to be used. Nothing major.
  9. It was probably due to Carolyn's bond with Kelly. When Carolyn wanted to follow Kelly back to the Blue Collars, Tyler kind of followed Carolyn by default. Kelly's what bound them to the Blue Collars, I believe. With Kelly gone, though, it'll be interesting to see if Tyler and Carolyn stay with the Blue Collars or at least try to put out feelers for the No Collars and Shirin. I can't see Hali, Joe, Jenn, or even Shirin trusting either one of them again, though.
  10. . . . I think it was just an editing coincidence.
  11. Will . . . you totally suck. Good job in securing yourself a place at the bottom of the No Collars if you jump back to them. I can't believe I defended you a few weeks ago. Now I see you really are one who can't be trusted. Feel free to get voted out any time now.
  12. Hey, Mike! Hey, Dan! Hey, Rodney! You're gonna get what you want! You've got this vote in the palm of your hands! . . . Oops! APRIL FOOL'S, BOYS! :D Great move, Jenn! Wow! What a Tribal Council! And what an episode!
  13. I thought the same thing! How on Earth did he get one?! Pretty much only really cared for Luke and Manny's storyline, and a bit for Alex's. Loved that Jay thought that she would be the most capable of keeping the family together when she gets older. Oh, and Cam and Lily with the fur coats. And Jay's awkward hug with Phil, assuming that was his odd way of hugging another guy without looking like he was actually hugging him. Everything else . . . "meh" to "bleh." Didn't care for Claire leaving Mitchell hanging.
  14. SHIELD vs. SHIELD? I'm there! Definitely a great episode! Loved May vs. Bobbi, loved Mack protecting Fitz, loved Fitz and Simmons's moment, and even loved Hunter showing up with Coulson at the end. Also loved the flashback scenes. And of course, no Ward! That was the bonus!
  15. Oh, Wally signed on with DAYS now? When did that happen?
  16. Yet another week where the women really only falter due to one or two people, but still get thrown out. Meanwhile, the men fuck up left and right and are still allowed to finish service? I really don't get Ramsay sometimes. I don't get how Christine avoided the chopping block when she was the one who got the women kicked out in the first place. Sarah screwed up one time, but got it together. She shouldn't have been up there. At least Monique's finally gone. She was seriously deluded as to how strong she was as a chef.
  17. And whose team were they on when they were stolen? Not Adam's. So yeah. Still going with pretty bad here.
  18. Unless Alex shot and killed your puppy, I don't see what was bad about her.
  19. So? I don't see how it does. His team was montaged to holy hell throughout this season. Even the show thinks they're the weakest. And if you paid attention to his final confessional last night, even Adam knows they are.
  20. Wait, that happened? I hope they're not on bad terms with her.
  21. I don't judge "telling a story." I go by vocals, and Joshua is definitely pretty ordinary compared to Tonya. Actually, save for her, most of Adam's team strikes me as pretty ordinary. I'm not even gonna judge viewer votes until the Lives begin, because many who thought would be received well, weren't, and those not expected to be receive well, have been. No. Fully black.
  22. Eh, I think his team still remains the weakest. I actually don't see how you could put Joshua at the top. Tonya easily beats him. Easily.
  23. Final team rosters/cheat sheets for the Lives: Team Adam Nathan Hermida (defeated Clinton Washington) Deanna Johnson (defeated Blaze Johnson) Tonya Boyd-Cannon (defeated Barry Minniefield) Joshua Davis (defeated Lexi Dávila) Brian Johnson (stolen from Team Blake) Team Pharrell Sawyer Fredericks (defeated Paul Pfau and Anthony Riley**) Mia Z (defeated Paul Pfau and Anthony Riley**) Caitlin Caporale (defeated Hannah Kirby) Lowell Oakley (defeated Jacob Rummell) Koryn Hawthorne (stolen from Team Christina) Team Christina Sonic (defeated Ashley Morgan) Kimberly Nichole (defeated Koryn Hawthorne) India Carney (defeated Joe Tolo) Rob Taylor (defeated Treeva Gibson) Lexi Dávila (stolen from Team Adam) Team Blake Sarah Potenza (defeated Brian Johnson) Meghan Linsey (defeated Travis Ewing) Corey Kent White (defeated Cody Wickline) Brooke Adee (defeated Kelsie May) Hannah Kirby (stolen from Team Pharrell) Names in bold indicate those who have either freshly won and stayed on their teams, or been freshly stolen by another coach. An asterisk indicates that the contestant was montaged. Two asterisks mean that the contestant was defeated by way of withdrawal from the competition. So the matchups: As I thought last week, Barry would be easy fodder, and Tonya would beat anyone she went against. I kinda expected Adam to put the two black contestants left on his team together, but I was more surprised that the strongest was paired with the weakest. But Tonya might've made history. First black woman Adam's ever taken to the Lives, perhaps? (Only watched since season six, so I wouldn't know.) Brooke and Kelsie's Knockout? I kinda knew Brooke had the edge. She blew me away while Kelsie was just okay. I knew Joe was easy fodder on Christina's team as the only remaining person montaged through the Battles, and indeed, I was right. But I kinda knew it was set in stone when I saw that his opponent was India. No way was anyone on the team beating her. For the second half, I was worried for Lowell, because Jacob really did blow him out of the water. But even with that better performance, I think Pharrell knew that Jacob wasn't really ready for the Live Playoffs, while Lowell was, so his locked-in team was just what I had thought it would be. Congrats to Lowell! Glad to have our first crooner ever! Rob vs. Treeva? Well, I liked Treeva, but she was toast as soon as I saw she was facing him. You ask me, Treeva and Joe's best chances were against each other. But I think Christina wanted India and Rob to make it through and paired them with the ones she didn't think had a chance at the Lives. Joshua and Lexi? Well, Adam tends to stick with his bromances, so of course Joshua made it. But glad for Lexi that she was stolen. At the same time, I was enjoying seeing no one on Adam's team worth stealing. Question is now whether Christina stole right or not? I can see her getting cut at the Live Playoffs since the audience might prefer any of the four non-stolen contestants on her team a lot more. Another time, I'll rank everyone based on team. But for now, pretty good episode. Everyone ended up where I thought they would. All of the teams actually shook out the way I predicted. Lexi being stolen was the only surprise, as, like someone else had predicted (who was it? Please come forward!), I thought her steal would come from whomever lost between Kelsie and Brooke. @blueray, I agree that based on just this one performance, Jacob probably should've advanced. But as I said, Pharrell likely knew that he wasn't ready for the big times and Lowell was. Plus, he'd probably already wanted Lowell to make the Lives from the get-go. But as much as I liked Treeva, Rob kicked her ass up and down the street, no questions asked.
  24. I don't think so, either. But it was still quite horrible, and at least they both felt horrible and sick with themselves over what they did. But it seems everyone's already made up their minds about them, so it is what it is.
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