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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Cody Wickline. And he was much more memorable than Corey. But Corey is apparently logging in some serious iTunes voting, so the unmemorable guy may be around for some time, I'm afraid.
  2. Hey! Sophie managed to avoid being self-centered this week! Nice improvement!
  3. Not really. Vocals were . . . okay, but as said above, he just was too serious, not relaxed at all.
  4. I think this is how it should turn out. Blake seems to like Corey, but I think he'll dump him if he doesn't chart high enough on iTunes. ETA: He's apparently charting well, though. Damn.
  5. Oh, and if anyone knows the iTunes count, I'd love to see it as it goes along. As far as I know, Blake's the only one who keeps an eye on it and makes his decisions based on that (as shown by him advancing Jessie Pitts over James David Carter last season, since she was charting much better than he was, despite him having a stronger voice).
  6. As I watch: Team Pharrell Caitlin: Just gorgeous. Just a beautiful, clear, unforced tone. She sounded so comfortable, relaxed, and natural. If she doesn't get the vote, she might get Pharrell's save. Lowell: Oh, Lowell. I love you so much. But that was not a good choice. You're a crooner, so stick with the crooning! "Jealous" was not the right choice for you. If you're not voted in, Pharrell's not saving you, I don't think. That wasn't worthy of the top twelve. Not at all. Mia: She kept it nice and simple with only two guitars in the background. This really allowed her voice to shine through in such a cutting way that I was moved the whole time. She'll get the viewer vote, I think. Koryn: Excellent vocals, but the song could've been more exciting. Might have to rely on Pharrell's save. Sawyer: Flawless, as usual. A terrific song choice for him. I quite think that he'll get the viewer's vote, because the pimp slot went to him. He'll be the freshest in the viewers' minds. So I don't think Pharrell will have to save him. Team Blake Sarah: Amazing performance, not that I expected anything different out of her. The music got louder than she was at one point, but I don't think it hurt her too much. Probably getting America's vote. Won't have to worry. Hannah: Flawless vocals, and a decent song choice, but I think it could've been a touch more exciting than it was. Might get the viewer vote, but I think she'll have to rely on Blake's save. Corey: I'm not a country buff. But even if I were, I'd still have fallen asleep listening to his performance. But the dead grandfather story will help him, so he might pull in the viewer votes. If not, it's interesting to wonder whether or not Blake will save him over any of the women on his team. Brooke: I love "Love Me Like You Do." I really do. And I dare say that she did a good job with it. Better than Ellie? Hard to say. But I think she definitely beat (which was montaged). I agree with Pharrell, though, that she should've made it more her own. Might have to rely on Blake's save.Meghan: Probably the best or second-best on Blake's team tonight. Vocals were damn near flawless, the song was engaging, and even the audience seemed to love her a lot. She might not even need Blake's save. If she does, though, then I think she's got it. Predictions: Oh, damn. This is just so tough, because Pharrell and Blake both have such strong teams this season. But I think . . . Sawyer and Mia will get voted through by America. The last spot is up for grabs, but I think it'll go to either Caitlin or Koryn. Love Lowell, but that wasn't worthy of making it through, despite what the coaches all said. On Blake's team, I think Sarah's a lock for that viewer vote. Either Meghan or Corey will get the other vote-in. If Corey gets it, then I think Blake saves Meghan and drops Brooke and Hannah. If Meghan gets it, then I think Blake saves either Hannah or Corey. Brooke is screwed, either way, if she doesn't get the vote-in. Very good episode. Let's see if Adam and Christina's teams bring it tomorrow!
  7. Anyone know the order the teams are performing? Like, which two in this episode, and which two in tomorrow's?
  8. Their days are fourteen to sixteen hours long without much time to sleep (since most of the downtime is dedicated to interviews and confessionals). That would explain her looking sleepy, if she was.
  9. I'm fine with Dante and Lulu remaining one of the few faithful couples on this show, actually. Someone's gotta be true to someone up in here!
  10. Watching "Maltese Cross" on my DVR last night, I wondered what that whole exchange with the "old school" cop was about and why Ross wanted Wheeler to "play young" with him. Also, I don't get why he wasn't so enthused himself about having to have Logan and Wheeler go and question him in the first place.
  11. This . . . explains so much. . . .
  12. Leg eight, so they have, at most, three more legs in which it is valid.
  13. Where is the voting going on? And who are the ones available from Worlds Apart?
  14. That really was awesome, because . . . so true. :)
  15. And with their superior numbers, they should've split them, too. Not that I'm not upset, of course, since Jenn is still around due to their absentmindedness. But still, it was something they should've done just in case.
  16. I'm with you on that. Plus, I think Hayley's shrillness now stemmed from Blair's early treatment of her. If he'd treated her more like an equal early on, then I have no doubt that she wouldn't be acting the way she currently is. So yes, Hayley has gotten annoying, and I am over her. Like, greatly so. But Blair started this whole thing, so I can't give him much sympathy. It's amazing so many people are.
  17. My cousin calls me "cuzzie." So I don't find that terribly "dreaded." And even then, only Hope says it to Jennifer. I've never heard Jennifer say it to Hope.
  18. Well, no need to worry about that with Bergen & Kurt. They were eliminated while they were still sending teams to Elimination Station. The next team eliminated will be the last team sent there. The three teams after that will run decoy legs ahead of the other teams.
  19. No, that was Bergen. I'm actually gladder of him being gone than I am Kurt being gone.
  20. Actually, I think either the show did, or Bergen & Kurt chose to do that on their own, in which case it is disgraceful.
  21. I do not. We're better off with them gone. And yes, I do, too.
  22. Guess I'm offensive, then, because I did, too. *Shrugs*
  23. Oh! Something else to add! I find it absolutely delicious that after the casting director saw fit to cast two gay teams (men's teams), but no lesbian teams (women's teams) this season, both gay teams went out back-to-back and before the race was even halfway over! Harley & Jonathan left in ninth place, and now, Bergen & Kurt in eighth! Ha! Serves the show right!
  24. Answering that would rehash old arguments that are frankly better left buried, so I plead the Fifth there.
  25. Ugh. Welcome to the First-to-Worst Club, gentlemen. Other than that, not much to say about quitters. Yes, Bergen, Kurt quit. But you did nothing to stop him from quitting and instead relented and quit with him. The fact that Phil had to come out and eliminate you two speaks volumes about how badly you raced this leg. You should've kept with it just like Mike & Rochelle did, not quit the whole race, quitters. In the end, you guys were so incompetent, you didn't even reach the Detour or the Roadblock! Like someone else said in the episode thread, I'd have been pissed if this were an NEL and you two weren't eliminated. Good riddance. Not just to Bergen, but to Kurt, as well.
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