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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. I squeed at the mention of The Princess Bride. I actually didn't see it till the late '90s, during my freshman year of high school, but I recognized the references, nonetheless! I loved finding out that Adam was a fan of it! And Dave Kim and Dana helping out with his movie was a hoot! The entire fencing plot made me laugh, actually! Murray and Adam have great father/son plots together, with Pops added in for good measure! Beverly as a regular yenta was hilarious, and for once, she actually had a good plan to fix the mess she caused! I loved Erica finding out she was sort of a yenta, too, at the end. And Barry being made somewhat miserable with the lap-running was a laugh, as well. Also, great to see Mr. Mellor again, though I'm confused as to how he's the coach of all three kids. Doesn't Adam go to a different school from Barry and Erica?
  2. I agree that Blake would've been a far better coach for her. But that's Deanna's own fault. She's very clearly a country girl, yet for some inexplicable reason, she chose Adam, apparently to her detriment. That's her own fault.
  3. Ah, so a bad song choice we really can blame on the coach. Shame on Adam, then, since it looks like it cost him another member.
  4. Of course Ramsay gives the skating reward to the men and the linen/laundry punishment to the women. Way to stick with stereotypes, Gordon. I always root for the women over the men, so to see two of the latter go while the former mostly dominated, save for one flub each from Christine and Alison, made my day!:) My only regret over Bret's ouster is that with how ill-tempered and sexist he's been, he didn't get a humiliating elimination instead. But I'll take a medical withdrawal. I, too, thought that the men would get a free pass with Bret's ouster . . . until Ramsay added to the nominations. Then, I knew one of them was going home. I'd rather Josh have gone, but Adam has still needed to pay for leaving that plastic in the food a few weeks ago, so he's no loss. I think Josh or Nick is gone next from their team, though. I don't know why everyone thinks that La Tasha got a free ride to HK13's finale. Jennifer and Sade gave her very good competition. And a certain someone (whom I don't respect) would say Bryant did, too, but I really think he was just a goat Ramsay picked to make her win easier.
  5. Next week is a bottom four, so four names will be called as safe, while the remaining four fight it out through a sing-off. I expect Sawyer to make it through, no matter what, as well as Meghan. Koryn might, as well, with a great song choice, and I think Kimberly or India will take the last spot. If Corey's in the bottom group, I think, sadly, his 45,000-plus Twitter followers will save him. Only one who could beat him is Joshua, and even I'm skeptical about that.
  6. Ward knows about Fitz's brain damage. Fitz told him and ripped him a new one over it when he accidentally found him locked in the basement earlier this season. He even tried to kill Ward by turning off the oxygen in his cell after Ward tried to make the excuse of having given Fitz and Simmons their best chance at survival.
  7. *Throws plenty of tomatoes* Why not? Because if you think about it on a larger scale, that'd be like betraying the SHIELD agents he killed at the Fridge. Them, and their families who lost them. It'd be like betraying the innocents he's since killed since being on the run, as well as their own loved ones. It'd be a betrayal of the innocents who died on Talbot's base, too.
  8. Eh, you never know. Fitz may have just settled for strangling him instead. ;)
  9. @APSimpson: PLEASE STOP HOPING FOR WARD TO RETURN TO THE TEAM FULL-TIME! This episode showed that it's not gonna happen. Deathlok got taken in large part because of him tonight, and he pretty much told Kara (I think pretty honestly, too) that he was just using Coulson to gain their own endgame and had no intention of being erased, despite agreeing to it. Add in the promo calling him their "greatest enemy," and I think he's gonna be off the team pretty much indefinitely. I will say it does seem like he's honestly moving on with Kara, though. He does seem to still have his feelings for Skye, but it's pretty clear he knows she doesn't feel the same way about him. As for the rest, Simmons shouldn't get mad at May at all. She was right that Bobbi, Mack, and the rest of the "real SHIELD" would've found out about the box eventually. I like that May seems more open to trying to combine forces with the two SHIELDs. Seems Coulson is willing to, as well. Lincoln should've just stayed out of this. Deathlok was taken in part because of Ward, but he still could've gotten out if it hadn't been for him stepping in when he shouldn't have. That really was the worst, wasn't it? I cheered when Fitz tried to jump him and wish that Coulson and Hunter hadn't stopped him.
  10. Not really. Just be hot. That's all he did. But good for you getting everyone you wanted.
  11. Current team rosters/cheat sheets: Team Adam Joshua Davis (saved by Twitter vote) Team Pharrell Koryn Hawthorne (saved by America's vote) Sawyer Fredericks (saved by America's vote) Team Christina India Carney (saved by America's vote) Kimberly Nichole (saved by America's vote) Team Blake Corey Kent White (saved by America's vote) Meghan Linsey (saved by America's vote) Hannah Kirby (saved by America's vote) Well, once Corey was in (damn it! What does @Dots And Stripes see in the human equivalent of watching paint dry?!), I knew Rob would hit the bottom, for sure, since they were both charting low on iTunes. But then, he sang first, and I knew he'd be gone. Joshua was an obvious save. The girls cream their pants over him. Plus, he went last. But I think the bloom is off the rose for him where most fans are concerned. He can't afford another bad performance, or he's facing the bottom again. Deanna was a goner, for sure. That much was clear. I liked her, but I won't miss her. She sounded the best she ever sounded in the Team Adam performance, though. Would've been great to see Adam get completely wiped out, but oh, well. Damn it! Why does Blake's whole team have to still be intact after two weeks? If any team deserved it, it was Christina's! Hannah and Meghan, I'm happy for. Corey doesn't deserve surviving for shit! Loved Reba's song, though. And I love that we're gonna see Usher, Gwen, and CeeLo next week!
  12. Since I don't know the season or episode, I thought I'd ask it here. Which ended with Goren and Eames busting a perp, an older-looking man, who almost dreamily reflected on this young woman or even girl he'd desired or even killed and, after confessing, looked almost emptily out into space while Carver tells his attorney that he'll be ready to make any deals for his client? Which was the final line of the episode?
  13. Most recent update of mine over the iTunes charts standings is up above. I won't be up till the voting closes, so I'm interested in finding out what's happened by then.
  14. Current iTunes chart - http://www.livepopbars.com/lpb1024.php?Region=143441&Albums=0: 3. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Make it Rain" 6. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "Iris" 30. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Home" 48. India Carney - Team Christina - "Run to You" 51. Hannah Kirby - Team Blake - "Shout" 60. Kimberly Nichole - Team Christina - "Something’s Got a Hold on Me" 83. Corey Kent White - Team Blake - "Unwound" 87. Rob Taylor - Team Christina - "A Song for You" 99. Deanna Johnson - Team Adam - "Somebody to Love" 104. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "Hold Back the River" Right now, Koryn still has the lead. Sawyer's in second, meaning both of Pharrell's remaining members will dominate this week and get their votes multiplied by ten. And it seems that despite the raves over Team Christina's performances, it doesn't seem like any of them are charting all that well this week. Meghan's doing well for Blake's time, and Hannah is decent, but Corey is really low. And best of all, it doesn't look good for Adam's team this week.:) I think Joshua might still get enough phone votes to get him to the top eight, but I'm not as optimistic about Deanna. So far, Christina looks to have a member in danger tomorrow, unless the fifty-plus phone votes I sent for Rob help him out. (By some miracle, I'm hoping that he pulls it out and Corey hits the bottom instead.) And if he doesn't have enough phone votes, Joshua will be singing for his life, too, along with Deanna. And this time, I imagine Deanna won't be saved. ETA: Well, I'm less worried about India now that it seems that she has just nosed her way past Hannah into fourth place. Girl is picking up fans!
  15. He is way too inferior to most of the others, and he thus doesn't deserve it. But whatever. If watching paint dry is your thing . . .
  16. I think Blake would absolutely be happy for Pharrell or Christina if he or she won, and he'd be happy to see them win (though I still do think he sees Meghan and possibly Hannah as his own best chances of winning). That's why he keeps it so classy. Given Adam has very little class, it's not hard to see why he's shown so little of it tonight. ETA: Wow! Koryn is winning so far?! KORYN?! That's new!
  17. And that his team remains, by far, the weakest. Still tickled pink by that fact.:)
  18. I watched DWTS instead of this. Could someone PLEASE give me the numbers to each of them, please?
  19. Maybe we'll find out in a Maleficent flashback.
  20. And why she told Ursula to kill Belle to threaten Rumple back in the winter finale. Indeed, it was a fantastic episode! I, too, liked Cruella just being as crazy as she is in the movie! Kills her mother with her new powers, and then the dogs she uses to kill her with, just to make her new coat! Loved the Author owning her in the flashbacks! Yeah, this won't make Emma any darker than killing Cora made Snow. Unless Emma lets herself feel dark about it like Snow did over Cora.
  21. That wasn't Kirsten. That was Rose's youngest daughter, Bridget. A relative I'm surprised to see being forgotten here. I remember not liking her too much, because at least when she and Michael slept together, Michael did express regret in embarrassing Dorothy and Sophia. It always galled me at how little regret Bridget had for embarrassing Rose.
  22. I think Lauren Ambrose was busy during that time. Also, at least the jurywoman did get comeuppance of her own (though we didn't see it). She was getting tried in a separate case at the time of Olivia's own hearing with the grand jury. Some mention of that was cut, for some reason.
  23. Now, just to be sure, James was the guy who was shot during that nighttime massacre last season, and after he was shot, Jake was quietly telling him to let go and die before he finally did, right? I only really started watching around that episode (and even then, I was only having it on in the background while my boyfriend was watching it), so I don't know some names just yet.
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