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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. I believe I heard on a recent Nerdist podcast that Hardwick was going to do a Talking Dead after the finale of Fear the Walking Depp (tm Episode thread for the pilot).
  2. What's eating Gilbert Grape? Well, I guess not Cal. So, correct me if I'm wrong, but when then family first came to see Nick in the hospital he was saying he just tried to make the light and it was just an accident and was giving Travis the cold you're-not-my-real-Dad shoulder. Mom goes to work and Travis stays. The next time we see the hospital Nick is waking-up from a nightmare and not only is he now telling Travis most everything in a non-pissy way, Travis seems to already know Nick saw something bad. The cops were already gone and hadn't told the Mom about Nick's previous rambling, the staff were clear at the start that they weren't giving the parents any info, so how did Travis know this and why was he suddenly a confidant? I was pretty sure that art school boyfriend was dunzo after the marker tattoo. She's got a week or so to stare longingly at it as she remembers him and prepare for a dramatic scene when it is washed off in some rain storm they have to be out in or when she has to wash zombie guts off her arm, thereby signifying a break from her old life.
  3. We are strong, No one can tell us we're wrong. Searching our hearts for so lo-oong. Both of us knowing... (sorry)
  4. "Just let your soooooooooouuuuuuuuuuul gloooooooooo!" OK, just had to get that out of my system.
  5. The security guard/cop actually reminds me of Chris O'Dowd, so it was almost like a faux IT Crowd reunion for me.
  6. Favorite line from the article: "Everyone needs a cheeky Norman Reedus." Amen. ...pation.
  7. Is this the first time we've seen an actual physical version of Freddie's work? Wasn't it only ever shown in blog form before? It's interesting, if so, because it seems like they are dialing back the technical savvy of the show, so maybe it won't seem as out-of-place if Dolarhyde still has a similar job to the books. It makes sense for him, since he seems to prefer older film, etc., but I'm still curious how the families get connected to his work.
  8. Alana: I do like a good finger-wagging. Hannibal: How is Margot?
  9. The Law and Order: SVU where a young-Noah's dad is arrested for trying to get Noah a black-market kidney for a transplant was just on. The dad is trying to get Stabler to take him by the hospital one last time to see Noah on the way to prison, and explains that he told a worried Noah that when he dies "it's peaceful, just like going to sleep." Whoops, not quite.
  10. After binging, I must say that when I found I was out of milk today, all I could think was "this is all on you, Luther." Man, people sure love to blame him for everything.
  11. Here's a summary of info learned at the Comic Con joint panel with Scream Queens. It is mostly info on who is "bad" and who may, or may not, live to the finale.
  12. I watched this and the GOT panel. This one is miles better, and man, is this an attractive cast when they get to shower!
  13. Didn't she also get shot in the chest/shoulder area a week or two ago, show time? And then also almost freeze to death after crashing in an ambulance a few days ago?
  14. I was waiting for that sleeping kid in class to lift his zombie-head up at any moment!
  15. That's the one that stood out to me as a mis-direct, as well. Either way, this season seems intense! I shiver with antici...
  16. Link Looking better, if I do say so myself. Oops, just saw the other post. Delete unless it would be better for it to have it's own thread. These longer trailers always seem much more spoilery to me.
  17. Holy crap, where do we discuss the trailer from Comic Con? Then, holy crap once more after you think it's over.
  18. I have a question about a character who is not (yet, maybe) on the show, but shows up in spec a lot:
  19. Sigh. They sure are asking us to assume a lot. On top of not seeing any such damage, it always seemed most of the dome landed in pastures, forests and other uninhabited areas. Very little of it was ever shown to be near houses.
  20. Apparently, even the people that are writing it don't even know what's going on.
  21. There is no amount of oxytocin and alien magic that could make these people a "functioning" anything. Evil anthropologists have a working laptop, but still need lanterns? Where did the laptop and all their files come from? This is biggest effort I have ever seen a show go through to create a couple of love-triangles. I appreciate Nori's new hair, though. I was really hoping Big Jim and Julia were going to form an uneasy alliance against Marg outside the town meeting. I could have gotten behind that. I don't know how/if the show aligns with the book anymore, but don't trust anyone named Christine in a King story. Julia is marking distance in paces now. OK, show. Why are there tent villages now? Everyone else had a house a day or two ago. What did I forget? That dog has the most expressive face. Best actor on the show, by far. I'm calling two references to Marie from BB this episode. The purple minerals and the spoon collection hanging on the wall of Andrea's house.
  22. I will hence forth make to my life's mission to find a way to give someone the nickname of, "A1 Sauce McScissorston von Keyboard, the Fortieth" somewhere on this site. Two things: 1. I agree it might be good to have a way to at least easily cross-reference this thread/list over at FTWD (god, I hate the title and the acronym), with hefty spoiler warnings, of course, and 2. Cletus, you have A-1 sauce by your computer?
  23. OK, I'm gonna need some clarification on this thread title, please.
  24. Yay to hearing the "nut" story. So everyone was basically telling CBS to go to hell? Ha! and also, odd way to ask for renewal... Of course Texas is still a hold-out. Oh, Major Dad, there was no way you were going to survive a 3rd brush with death. :( After his line about protecting Gray, as the elected Mayor, at all costs, I'm sure glad that anvil didn't drop. I loved the juxtaposition of Jake getting Gray to safety so there'a leader left tomorrow, by ordering everyone around against Gray's wishes. And then no one argues with him. If I didn't want to punch Gray in the face constantly, I'd kind of feel bad for him as he's never actually been Mayor for maybe more than 5 minutes. Wow, Stanley's good at forging anvils himself. Going to propose, happy. Whew, close call (for now). What a way to end a season. Damn.
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