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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. Led by kikismom Jericho, my summer home Thank god for Netflix Kid from Scream returns Major Dad has major grudge Morgan always knows
  2. Finally got to the Pilot! Stray thoughts: -How is there a world-wide disaster? Fake TV President wasn't black or even a female. -I wish you were in Denver, nasty teenage girl in the 5 and 10. -Sorry your fiancee had to die, obvious-former-flame, but how will there be a love triangle if you're not single? -Listen to Lennie James, you hicks! -Were there any other black people in that town? -Damn, I'm too close to Denver. I'm gone :( Good start, though. Wish I could keep going right away, but real life awaits. Is Sean Bean who you are thinking of?
  3. Hah, too late. Him being grumpy with Olivia Coleman is too good to miss!
  4. A smiling Tennant gets you a lot of leeway with me :)
  5. Jinx! This will be my first season watching weekly (we caught-up last summer). Yet another show where I went back and read threads from the old site as we went. Dealing with zombies is a cake-walk compared to some of the fans there!
  6. I pray for those who mod GOT. Tis not for the faint of heart (and I don't even post there, I only read)! Re: Jericho I am eager to find out why the nuts!
  7. HalcyonDays should probably warn poor SilverStorm. We're a handful :) You must also drink something clear (gin, vodka, Sprite...).
  8. I did one for a different show in the New Show Forum. It was up in just a few days. I would nominate someone who has seen the show to maybe start it as you need to start with multiple threads with their titles ready to go. Does Skeet Ulrich not age? Holy crap.
  9. Should we add Morgan? They need someone to be in charge of changing the population on the "Welcome to ASZ" sign. That could be a busy job!
  10. I agree guard tower duty is much needed, but the ASZhats didn't seem to think so. Abraham ended up being a great addition as well, but both were in hindsight. What was ASZ's rationale for adding so many non-essential people? Soylent green?
  11. Here was the toast-type thing I gave at my wedding reception: "I saw you in the classroom today. As the sun came from behind the clouds, a burst of brilliant light caught your hair, it was haloed in front of me. You turned, your eyes flashed fire into my soul, I immediately read the words of Dostoyevsky and Karl Marx, and in the words of Albert Schweitzer, 'I fancy you.'" No lie.
  12. Cause and effect. Hallelujah! He did have a limp...
  13. I tell everyone to watch Silicon Valley all the way to the end of Season 1 even if they aren't quite into it. The whole season is only a few hours long and totally worth it to get to the joke in the finale. My god, I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe! Very much agree that TJ Miller was an acquired taste. Every time I hear the word "chutney," I think of Eddie Izzard. "Bees make honey?! We’ve known this since we were kids, so we take it absolutely for granted, but bees are insects, furry body, yellow and black stripy, hairy leggy, big eyes. Medium size wings, you know- they’re buzzy things, you know, and they make honey?! Which is in your morning, on your breakfast-y toastie, in a jar, kind of- how do they do that? I mean, do earwigs make chutney? Do spiders make gravy?"
  14. "You will soon come into great fortune" in bed, as FPP dies in the process. Yep, still works!
  15. To be fair, I use cilantro in just one thing. My internet is acting screwy but I found quite a few on youtube, including "Horse Heir." They seem to be full episodes, though :) I'm totally up for Jericho watch. We could get a schedule together and get the word out in other threads. I'm about to be down to GOT, Silicon Valley, and few bad shows I'm watching only as a completionist.
  16. I kind of want there to still be more nefarious aspects of ASZ, but I feel with how they have resolved the Deanna/Rick situation, and with Unfair Wolves soon to be huffing and puffing, there isn't. That's a cool idea (kikismom's spec theory), though. I don't know how interesting the show can be if they were to just stay in ASZ, so that theory at least offers a possibility other than having it burn to the ground, as FPP dies in the process. I can't seem them leaving for any other reason, except maybe a sea of zombies they cannot defeat.
  17. I remember Keen Eddie. I just don't remember if I liked it or not... I am still in the first season of Better Off Ted. On one hand, I'm sorry I missed it, but on the other I'm glad I didn't have to live through it being canceled.
  18. I agree. It would be one thing if they had assigned CDB to tasks that helped with more food, such as farming. As shown, they added mouths to feed but did not increase production or gathering of food. Only one or two people seemed to fill a need ASZ had before Aaron found them. Rick and Michonne's jobs seemed to be for the purpose of placation of CDB. Carol is helping cook food, there were others doing this before. Sasha created a job for herself in the guard tower. No one (rightfully) seems to be going to any service at FPP's make-shift church. Abraham is just one more person added to the wall job. One that they didn't seem to be in a rush about anyway. Darryl was added to Aaron's team, but only because Eric was hurt (which he wouldn't have been if they hadn't gone out). Carl and Noah (r.i.p.) were just extra mouths to feed due to age and injury. Maggie is playing civil servant. Eugene seems to be a bit of a technical advisor. Tara and Glen go on runs to replace the previous group that got eaten due to Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dumber. All those extra people for what appears to be 3 positions that needed filling when Aaron set off.
  19. Yeah, TWoP. I really love it here, but being able to go back and read the commentary from the days after a show first aired is such a treat. You'd play Sybill for me? Awww, how sweet! There's not even a Jericho thread? Now it sounds like challenge :)
  20. I may not like Deanna, but I think she is smart enough to see Rick has been mostly right. I expect the now-in-earnest assimilation to go smoothly, or be mostly complete by the time we get back to ASZ, and FPP dies in the process.
  21. Jericho sounds good, I may have to check it out. So, I am one of the migrants from the other spot that closed last year. Every time I pick-up a new show (It's Better Off Ted, right now), I would go back and read through the old threads as I watched. Last summer it was The Walking Dead and few months ago I went through Psych and was able to still get the old threads through the wayback machine (archive.org). Last night I went to read about Ted and, aaaaaaggggggghhhhh, you can't get to the forums anymore (retroactive blocking from the original site--robots.txt). I'm personally saddened to not have that resource as I watch older shows, but now I'm a bit pissed all over again because of the general loss of all that commentary and insight.
  22. Not trying to be insensitive, but did it look like to anyone else that Sasheer's left forearm had scars that maybe spelled something in the "Call Your Grandma" skit?
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