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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. Didn't see a whole season thread and didn't want to start one for just one question. Hope y'all don't mind! We started watching and gave up after about 3 episodes, I think. Heard it got much better. Where should we pick it back up? (We did see Winter Soldier, if that effects your opinions.) Very sorry if this has been discussed, but I skimmed to avoid spoilers. Thanks in advance.
  2. It may suck, but I have also sat through all of Studio 60, Mr. Sunshine and Go On (the latter being pretty good, actually) and will attempt anything with an alum from The State.
  3. Man, Jack didn't even get the first, "damnit!" When Jack forced the guy to open the door where Chloe was and yelled, "what did you do to her?" I wanted him to reply, "she did the eyeliner herself. It wasn't me, promise!" Can someone find a way to get Aaron to London? Please.
  4. I don't believe her, just to note, but that April Fool's tweet was 2013, I believe.
  5. I thought the girl was going to say she had decided to get a job in the library, but that was so much better!
  6. This really got the tone of GI-Joe. I enjoyed that, and Dan Harmon hitting on Annie in jail. Wasn't sure of the significance of the cartoon note from Pierce on Jeff's desk. These people sure have a lot of psychotic breaks. I'm not sure how I feel about it as an episode of Community, though.
  7. Oh, god, the cow! I look forward to hate-watching season 2 and not being subject to that thing being sliced in half at the top of each episode. (Please!)
  8. That's one thing I'm still pondering. Evil B-I-L says to Tom while he's shaving for the wedding, something like, "be sure not to fall in love with her again," but it was in such a tone I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or giving him a serious warning. Please be the former!
  9. For a moment, I was thinking the paint color was going to somehow mean something about Tom, which was why Dembe was asking. (I know that's silly.) I love my brother-in-law, but wouldn't it be awesome if you didn't, and got to beat the crap out of him and blow his cover?! We also laughed at Wiggy's standing in the doorway to the bathroom when Red knocked, and again after she let him in. She was totally giving off a, "I told Dad, and you are soooooo busted," look. It was funny, but sadly it was because it was so poorly acted, so I'm conflicted.
  10. How is that number Mandy found even valid? Lily probably wouldn't want to be found by Joe, since she tried to kidnap/kill him and all. I would assume they dropped all their old cellphones back when they went in to hiding. The classified thing is Joe's old trick, not hers. Ehh, whatever... I had to laugh when faux doctor was mowed down with a machine gun, there was pause, and then Weston checks her pulse. Poor Iceman.
  11. As if I couldn't love Spader anymore, then he gushes over Bob Ross.
  12. I'm currently using the 1-page tool to save all the recaps. New series starts May 5, and is a shorter "event."
  13. The year 24 went off the air, I got a cool, green canvas messenger bag from my husband with a note that read, "I don't need this anymore. --Jack" I hope I don't have to give it back. Shannon L. there should be a faint, red pencil in the bottom right of your post. Click that to edit.
  14. I would have had a smidgeon of resect restored if they had gone ahead and titled this one "Nude Erections." Ah, well...
  15. OK, practicing the new quote stuff. I only picked the first sentence, but it copied the whole thing. What did I do wrong? But, yes, she did lick the knife... I'd like to add "Kill Claire" to that list this season.
  16. You know, I had totally forgotten that what initially drew me to this "show" was the EAP slant. And then they used it so poorly, and even started to abandon it during the first season, I kind of didn't notice it was completely gone. Snookums, you have now made me laugh out loud twice, in two different places, with: Man, I envied that racoon's hair!
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