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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. By saving money staying in that nasty motel? I really wanted a ton of people to get infected only to then have the CDC discover something really mundane, like aspirin, cured it. You know, Day of the Triffids or War of the Worlds style.
  2. I don't get why they have made some of the characters sooo physically similar to the original. Mainly Crazy-Trailer Lady and Vince. That is only done intentionally and reeks of copying as opposed to re-imagining, or whatever they are saying about this version. I understand BBC America isn't totally mainstream, but plenty of people know and watch it. In this day of streaming and Hulu and Netflix, I just don't get the rationale of this re-make that's so similar to the just barely one-year old original.
  3. Yeah, I'm not scared of clowns, but I feel for any Good Wife fan who is. There was something Pennywise about him.
  4. I fully expect that Rick is not lying and this, too, will come to pass before the season is done.
  5. Could someone remind me what happened to Morgan when we last saw him? I can't remember and am scared to search because of running into spoilers. Fantastic opener! My only small nit is that Glenn almost bought it, twice, only to be saved by random interruptions. I wished I'd at least seen Rick start to do something before Casey at the Bat was stopped mid-swing.
  6. Someone in the episode thread mentioned they would watch for the clues. Ha! Maybe if you start in episode 9.
  7. Dear SNL, all you did with that crappy NFL line-up was remind of the infinitely better Key & Peele versions. Between that and showing the '75 Richard Pryor earlier in the evening, it is very apparent how much is lacking. Is that young Update kid related to Jon Cryer? Because, damn, he reminds me of 80's Cryer.
  8. I am sad about what they (the writers) did to Phil. I remember him and Dodee comforting each other when they went below ground in the cement factory before the bombs hit. He was awesome then. You remember. A little less than two weeks ago...
  9. Never heard it. Totally stealing it.
  10. I just re-watched part of the premiere (ugh), and when Rebecca and Big Jim meet up in the diner after the town nap, Big Jim says, "My wife always said you were her best student, now I know why." No way she needed him to tell her about Pauline's death or even that she started to go crazy. Everyone would have known that much.
  11. I'm confused. Didn't Rebecca know Big Jim's wife/was a student of hers? Didn't we learn that when she was introduced (you know, before she was evil)? That's all I could think of when Big Jim was telling Rebecca all about his wife. Wouldn't she already know most of that? The "acting" and "dialogue" between Barbie and Five-head in the kitchen was beyond awful! So the Teens are looking at 1988 yearbook, see Barbie coming, and decide telling him is a really bad idea. Then they head to the Bloody Locker of Wi-Fi, and as Barbie says he's going to find something to try and pry it open they decide to tell him everything. Huh?
  12. For a moment, I actually thought that was what the Russian was going to say once Chloe was out of ear shot. I don't get how leaving Jack in enemy custody is a series end if the current plan is there really is to be no more. Jack on the run is much better.
  13. Aww, shucks :) I sure hope we have more reason to us this thread down the road. Sad that Christopher Evan Welch didn't get a nom.
  14. Spoilers! From TVGuide: "I hear the show is planning to cast the major recurring role of Kitty Winter, a character from the Holmes canon who on the show is a protégé of Sherlock's from London. Word is that Holmes will once again take Kitty under his wing in a partnership very similar to the one he established with Watson before taking the job at MI6. But it's not all bad news for Lucy Liu: The actress will direct an episode this season!"
  15. Spoilers! A new female to join the cast, and likely Red's team. From TVGuide: "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, right? Red Reddington will learn that the hard way when a ruthless female Mossad agent who's been hunting him for some time finally tracks him down. But even though Red will once again get the best of his enemy, I hear it's not all bad news for her. After all, there is a vacant slot on Red's team..."
  16. In honor of the "Best Comedy" Emmy nod, here's a place to discuss awards and nominations. First TechCrunch, then the world!
  17. I'm very happy, but tell me about this Lily Tomlin show...
  18. So, I guess we're dropping: the pink stars (which rose instead of fell), that the Dumb spoke directly to people (such as the 4 Hands of the Moron-apocalypse), that it told them specifically to kill Big Jim, that they are special in some way, that Julia is somehow King of the Monarchs, that Joe has drastically aged in a few hours (heh), that Joe and FiveHead make things happen when they make-out. What else will be dropped? I wish the Dumb would just turn the power back on (with magic, or nanites, or whatever), so it can stop being so annoying as viewers to see that writers don't remember it's off and has been for two weeks!
  19. With a shortened season, I don't think we'll have time for an Evil Vice President. Which is sad because I love those :) I'm thinking Jack "Die Hards" Terror!Son (causes him to fall down a building) before the drones are destroyed, so Terror!Mom 2.0 still needs them. I was curious why Terror!Daughter got an end-of-episode status block as the time ran out. Aren't we done with her? Edgar deserved a silent clock, Heller does not.
  20. Just saw the first ad. Wow, I was not expecting it to be almost exactly the same. Almost every quick flash was recognizable, and some of the scenes even looked as if they were shot the exact same way. It's...baffling. Why would I watch anything other than the last episode at this point? Such an odd choice.
  21. Wasn't Armen Way featured somehow last season? I really remember that name.
  22. Aaron is not alone! They got together and lived happily ever after, damnit!
  23. My poor DVR is holding onto 4 hours of SYTYCD from 2010 because I cannot delete Alex Freakin' Wong/tWitch and Mad World. Ruby Blue is also on heavy youtube rotation in our house. Not a routine, but Billy Bell's Vegas solo is still a favorite (just ignore all the shots of Adam...)
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