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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. And 107 more times between the first half of the season and the second half...
  2. Old West would be interesting, but the one thing we know is that it is going to be present-day, right?
  3. I inferred that the films Elsa was worried about were sex-related, although I thought in her back-story films weren't mentioned until the maiming, but the problem was that I had to infer because of clunky writing. The head honcho generally mentions films, and David Burka's character chimes in that he is mad because she said she lost her legs in an accident with a train ---what the what?!?
  4. I don't get why the maiming film would have killed her career (sex-tape, sure). Wouldn't the general public feel sorry for her/rally behind her after hearing what happened to her? It's not as if she would look like she was enjoying it.
  5. After watching Rachel and Kurt hanging out in the choir room all day, I'm struck by how I never realized there are no choir classes in that room. Neither of them are teachers, "coaches" or "sponsors" would be the accurate term as neither actually teach any classes (fingerprinting and a background check would be the minimum needed to do what they do if the school wanted to hire them). Will was always teaching in a regular room during the day. Is there no choir teacher at all? How were they putting on a musical way back without any of these kids knowing about it? Is there a second, aptly-named choir room with an actual choir teacher? I think Sue was right to use that space for something meaningful :)
  6. So I don't think we are getting any payoff from Dandy's psychiatrist. I had thought for a while that was going to be an important reveal.
  7. I was thrown off by Santana adamantly telling Brittany they had to do the mash-up just exactly as assigned to really help the Glee club. The hell?
  8. I was so disappointed that Marjorie, in the end, was all in Chester's head. I'm a bit tired of regular, yet crazy, people. I want the supernatural/fictional edge. Leave the serial killers to American Crime Story. +1 to all comments about Maggie's non-fullfilled redemption and Desiree's reaction! It seems as if Ethel was the only one who knew about Elsa's legs. No matter how much she took care of them, the "freaks" didn't consider her truly one of them-and that's a big deal. (It probably didn't help that she was always pretty patronizing, even in her proclamations of love for them). I've watched everything except Coven, and this is the third time the penultimate episode has real felt like (and maybe should be) the finale.
  9. The postal code isn't enough, though. You'd also have to mask your IP origin to use the official itv site.
  10. As a viewer outside of Chicago, I understand getting a moderator (for a fake debate) that is know nationally to the actual audience. I also believe that using actual call letters, etc. may require more effort than it is worth for avoiding liability, copyright, or whatever issues would come from representing a real organization in fiction. My hometown has been laughably portrayed before, but the viewing audience is much bigger than just us locals.
  11. Yeah, but it wouldn't count for last year's taxes as referenced in the original post :) I was a little sad when they showed Dandy learning all the info from the PI. I liked thinking that somehow Dandy was also able to hear the doll. Speaking of the PI, the show he went to where he saw Chester's act was pretty full. How are they still getting that size of an audience outside a small town where one of their performers was just arrested for murdering a bunch of the local housewives?
  12. I've seen it listed as AHS: Freak Show on the nominations.
  13. Not only that, but this is the second time Murphy has had NPH making out/having sex with a gay, female actress. Jane Lynch on Glee, first. I remember thinking he and Jane looked like they had a lot of fun with their scenes. I do need to add that it was Hedwig and the Angry Inch, not Cabaret (that is still Alan Cumming) that NPH was in. I did get a chance to see it, and it was fan-fucking-tastic! I did think, "his poor skin" as he was putting make-up on here, after all those months in Hedwig's.
  14. I just figured whatever genes caused Pepper's condition was dormant in her sister, but showed up in the baby.
  15. Cary did offer all he had when trying to raise bail. Didn't they, eventually, get all of the money for the bail from the dry cleaner/friend of Bishop? If so, then everyone else would have kept what they had pledged, hence his bank account. (I may be remembering this wrong.)
  16. Happened by a Pie Face this August in NY near lunch time. I thought it was really yummy, myself!
  17. Sandman, thank you for "Mr. Professor Pothead Derpface" and "Det. Spamfilter."
  18. I would hate for Kate to be on WU only because it would lessen her appearances in other sketches! (Plus, I'd miss her Russian lady on WU.)
  19. Oh, yeah! What an odd thing for her to hold (as a figure). A small, blue book would make more sense:)
  20. I thought bananas were Nine's thing?
  21. I think it was interesting that Maggie said to Desiree that Stanley had Ma Petite killed. I think Dell will get what's coming to him. Are we really supposed to believe that Elsa somehow gets a TV show? That's the biggest shock of this season.
  22. Don't worry, everyone. Someone eventually let Huell out of that room! (TMZ link, sorry)
  23. Have we heard Will do the, "...News Night on ACN, so stick around," sign-off before commercial before?
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