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Everything posted by morgankobi

  1. Book Club is the most ridiculous thing in this world unless your selection is a tactical manual. What's the point of boxes full of guns when it appears about 10 people outside of CDB can use them?
  2. Even though I was pretty sure A-A-Ron was following Daryl (aww, Daryl is his rabbit), I knew I was starting to trust him when he took Daryl into the garage to show him the motorcycle. I really though A-A-Ron was about to tell Daryl he was going to need it to get the hell out of dodge when the ASZhats started to show their true colors.
  3. Can we use the previews for next week, including Talking Dead clips, for speculation here? Unrelated to that, I think Aaron will try to help/protect CDB when things go south with the ASZhats, something will happen to Eric, and Aaron will join CDB on their next adventure.
  4. I was a bit surprised about the (small) spoiler Kevin Smith accidentally dropped. (Not the mini-spolier itself, just that it happened.) I've only been watching week by week since the start of 5A, so I haven't seen many Talking Deads--has anyone accidentally dropped a spoiler before?
  5. The ASZhats take guns from all new people upon arrival, and they currently have a ton of guns. How many of them are from people they've taken in but are no longer around?
  6. We may need to pin definitions for CDB and Unfair Wolves at the top of each episode thread :)
  7. Amen. At the bare minimum, Aaron has seen glimpses of at least how bad the "roamers" really are. It's not just crazy people they aren't prepared for, they seem to be ill-prepared for roamers, and they are literally right outside the gate. What is so "long-term" about Deanna's thinking if it doesn't go beyond these walls. For someone so intent on rebuilding government/community, she seems to give no thought to the actual world. Are they just going to hole up and hope someone else figures out the mess outside? As always, I was thinking about the Unfair Wolves and wondering who wrote the message. Noah's community seemed closed, like this one, so I doubt is was passersby. Was it some community member when it was all hitting the fan, or a warning from one of the wolves after they demolished the place? What struck me was that she said he always left it up there and sometimes was a lookout. It seems as if it is supposed to look like someone is always there when there isn't. Is that to keep everyone inline, or to make everyone think they are being looked after (when they really aren't)?
  8. I am bothered by the shot of the 'W' branded walker after the group walked away from it, because in that shot it was upside down and was an 'M.' If I were to brand someone, the best way would be if they were tied down, and I was standing at their head. (lol, Nashville, I just figured out where your profile pic is from!)
  9. That police officer must have married well to have bought an $800,000 home. Found it odd that A-A-Ron said "walkers" when talking to Daryl when they first ran into each other in the woods, instead of his usual "roamers." Daryl, about Buttons (heh): The longer they're out there, the more they become what they really are. Preach. Also, RIP Buttons :( haven't seen anyone alive or dead in weeks, my ass! A fucking cocktail party?!? These people. The ZA is good because people made friends? Lord have mercy, the delusion is strong with this one. And now a pasta maker????? I'm thinking the only people Daryl could recruit are young girls with a penchant for bad boys. They may not notice the window is unlatched, but someone might notice the puddle Sam left on the floor. I really thought Deanna was asking Sasha to listen so she could hear how weak and utterly useless these people are, and then give her a dangerous job protecting them. Hey look, it's Chekov's sword!
  10. I would like to add the term "childminder" into my regular vocabulary. Tom is staying with his Aunt? Is that the same Aunt who has a drug/alcohol problem who wanted Ellie to pay her before giving information about what she saw the night Danny was killed?
  11. I'm right there with you. The Kings are aware Prady looks better, right? It's possible they pull some character assassination out of their rear in the next few weeks (lord I hope not), but it is so odd how bad they are making their main character look.
  12. ...unfortunately you pull a tendon on your very first trip up all the stairs it takes to get to the observation deck and have to live the rest of your life on the 42nd floor. (or...paulvdb pops up out of nowhere and beats you up for taking his/her battery operated tv!) If I were the last person on earth, I would perform my very own one-person show on an actual Broadway stage.
  13. I'm not so much looking for answers from those who have seen beyond their release in the States, I'm more working through what we know (info from season 1) and what others are also wondering (is Jarvis guilty, or will Hardy be blinded by his closeness to the case?). I think we need to be careful even saying things as seemingly innocent as, "that will be answered" when you have a staggered release like this.
  14. Is his wife also a shitty professor of architecture ? ;)
  15. Uh oh. Is that how it's normally listed when we lose someone?
  16. Correct me if I'm wrong (Comcast was spotty, grr), but other than saying "not guilty" in court, Joe hasn't said to anyone that he didn't kill Danny, right? He doesn't want to go to jail for it and is upset that other people have secrets (ok...), but isn't proclaiming innocence to anyone, really. So is the case with Claire the same one that Hardy's ex-wife lost crucial evidence to? Didn't that evidence prove the killer, only it was stolen/lost? If so, there's not much question Hardy knows Jarvis is the real killer.
  17. ahem... And who is suggesting using wolves on people? A POLITICIAN! (I see you, Deanna.) So unfair.
  18. Norman on if the writers made Daryl gay (in the clip above): "If that's the story they gave me, I'd rock that story!" I do love this guy :)
  19. So I think it would be safe to assume that when the scouting party breaks into two groups, they would be even. If four people were lost because they didn't follow the plan, I would then assume they didn't send up a flare when in trouble (there aren't many steps to the plan to break). If the group is split-up into two, it's probably unlikely that the groups are together (hence the need for flares). I would then guess that only one of the groups was attacked and lost four people. If that's true, where are the other two who would have been with Douchey and The Bandit? Or, four people is their normal total number and they have lost two people, twice. (Am I acting paranoid? Did someone say I'm paranoid? Who thinks I'm paranoid?)
  20. That's how I understood it, too. She was basically willing to change her own name for this part!
  21. How has she been going to the bathroom for the past two years exactly? (OK, well not exactly. I don't need that much detail.) It's as if this is a new issue in her world. I think I prefer Phil over Carol because he isn't openly criticizing her or trying to change her, but she is doing that to him. And while a toilet pool is gross on so many levels, it is a sort-of solution to a legitimate problem. Stopping for stop signs, on the other hand, is in no way logical.
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